风云2背景音乐:China's wealth divides extending to the edge

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/06/13 07:06:17

China's wealth divides extending to the edge

(Nanfang Daily)

14:34, September 16, 2011

Edited and Translated by Ma Xi, People's Daily Online

The Beijing International City Development Institute has recently released China’s first Social Stability Risk Assessment Index System Report, depicting a bleak picture of rising wealth polarization and social acrimony.

Various elements of social instability are hiding behind the rapid growth of Chinese economy, Lian Yuming, president of the Beijing International City Development Institute, said at the International City Forum 2011 held in Beijing on Sept. 15. 

Because of the incubation period and uncertainty of these risks, crises could be massively spread and magnified if risks are not contained now, he warned.
Lian said that the gap between the rich and the impoverished was widening, and the gini coefficient exceeded 0.5, seriously challenging social tolerance; Second, social contradictions were increasingly emerging; Third, public security problems were severe, protests by the disgruntled people were on the rise; Forth, the social mentality of resenting the rich, officials and the authorities could result in social crises; Fifth, unconventional security hazards were becoming main threats of the society.

To maintain a stable and sustainable economic growth, the risk assessment of social stability should be listed at the government's top priority, he said.

The legality, rationality and feasibility of policies and social reform programs must be carefully assessed, so that they won't exacerbate crises. 


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