
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/19 16:30:09



 WILLIAMSBURG, Virginia — New measurements find that the maximum length of a duck’s penis depends on the company he keeps. And in this case, it’s his fellow males who make the difference.


A drake’s penis substantially wastes away at the end of one breeding season and then regrows as the next season begins. Among lesser scaup and ruddy ducks, the regrowth varies in length or timing depending on whether males have to compete with a bunch of other guys, said Patricia Brennan of Yale University.

  通常,随着繁殖期渐入尾声,公鸭的阴茎会大大萎缩,直到下一次繁殖期来临时,才会重新长回原先的长度。据耶鲁大学研究者派翠西亚·布瑞南(Patricia Brennan)介绍,小潜鸭及棕硬尾鸭阴茎重新发育的程度与时间,受其是否须与其他雄性竞争影响。

Her new measurements offer the first evidence in vertebrates that social circumstances influence penis growth, she reported July 29 at the annual meeting of the Animal Behavior Society.

  今年7月29日,布瑞南在动物行为学会(Animal Behavior Society)年会上公布了此项研究的数据。她的这项新研究结果,首度为研究脊椎动物阴茎长度的社会环境影响提供了证据。

In many bird species, males don’t grow specialized organs to deliver sperm. Ducks typically do, their penises sometimes reaching considerable lengths (9.8 inches for a ruddy duck, more than half its body length). That extra length may give a male a competitive advantage in delivering sperm when females have multiple mates. Brennan’s past research has documented strong sexual conflict in ducks, with males forcing copulation and females employing strategies such as corkscrew-shaped vaginas, developed over the course of duck evolution, that apparently thwart male control of reproduction.


To see whether competition among males influences penis growth, Brennan housed some of her drakes in groups of seven to eight males with just five or six females. Other males lived with just one female.


Among the scaup, males competing in groups grew penises 15 percent longer, and sometimes up to 25 percent longer, than drakes with no mating rivals, Brennan reported.


The corkscrew-shaped penis of a ruddy duck, with a 2-centimeter (0.8-inch) bar for scale.


The scaup species doesn’t show many signs of conflict between males and females, though, she said. Scaup drakes, for example, rarely force themselves on a resistant female. In contrast, ruddy duck relations seem rife with conflict, with males often forcing themselves on females in chaotic mating scenes.


Among ruddies, penis length did not differ overall between males in competitive crowds and those in lucky privacy. What did differ was timing.


In the competitive groups, a few big males grew prodigious organs as if dominating the group. Other males grew more moderate penises, which started wasting away weeks earlier than those of dominant males or males with no competition.


Thus, Brennan said, male ducks are “prudent.” In a crowd, a ho-hum male apparently doesn’t bother sustaining a big investment in tissue that’s not going to pay off.


The results shed light on how ducks became so well-endowed compared with other birds, Brennan said. “It’s really likely that having a longer penis evolved in male-male competition.” Guy-versus-guy battles then could have started playing a role in battles between the sexes.


“Elegant,” says evolutionary ecologist Maydianne Andrade of the University of Toronto Scarborough, who has studied sexually cannibalistic spiders. The experiment shows that ducks “are essentially engineering their own phallus in response to social challenges.” Now she’d like to know more about just how this duck physiology works and whether any other species respond to sexual competition the same way.

  多伦多大学士嘉堡校区(University of Toronto Scarborough)演化生态学者梅蒂安娜·昂德耶(Maydianne Andrade)评价此项研究“简明扼要”。她认为这项研究说明鸭子“通过从本质上改造雄性生殖器的手段,应对社会挑战。”昂德耶本人曾就蜘蛛因性别因素影响而食用同类的现象做过研究。她表示,接下来,她希望了解鸭子的这种生理机能具体如何运作,以及是否还有其他物种也以同样的方式应对性别竞争。

See Also:

Female Ducks’ Twisty Tracts Defend Against Screwy Males 
Duck Genitalia Tells an Evolutionary Tale 
Penis Jousting and 7 Other Great Animal Mating Rituals 
Frogs Leap Farther When Competing at County Fair 
Pigeon Flocks Let the Best Bird Lead 
Feathered Dinosaurs Molted Like Birds 


·为防雄鸭硬上弓,雌鸭性器螺旋绷(Female Ducks’ Twisty Tracts Defend Against Screwy Males)

·鸭子性器官娓娓道出进化史传说(Duck Genitalia Tells an Evolutionary Tale)

·赛“枪”大会,及另外七种神奇的动物交配仪式(Penis Jousting and 7 Other Great Animal Mating Rituals)

·乡村人蛙友谊赛,青蛙跳得比人远(Frogs Leap Farther When Competing at County Fair)

·鸽群总以佼佼者领队飞行(Pigeon Flocks Let the Best Bird Lead)

·恐龙长羽毛,像鸟一样换毛(Feathered Dinosaurs Molted Like Birds)

Image: 1) Flickr/milesizz. 2) Patricia Brennan.

(图片来源:1、Flickr/milesizz;2、Patricia Brennan)