
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/22 20:03:48

Tony Pear: China will cause big troubles to the rest of this world. US should strengen relationship with China's neighbour countries such as The Phillipins, Vietnam, Laos, Myanma... Erase the communist regime in North Korea... Try to help weak countries to face any threats from China.

1楼Tony Pear:中国给整个世界其他国家带来了大麻烦。美国应该加强其和中国邻国的关系,例如菲律宾,越南,老挝,缅甸……


原创翻译:http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Katherine

Knaur :Welcome to the forum, Tony. Tell us about yourself.


Israeliman:Do not forget that in bible prophecy, it says that China and some Asian countries will march west toward Jerusalem and cross the northern border of Israel where the water separates to dry up so that a land mass of Chinese ( Muslim and Soviet ) troops will fight Israel in the last days. I am not surprised the Chinese wants to fight us, Americans. I believe the U.S.A. will be on Israel's side. ( hope so ... )

3楼Israeliman:别忘了圣经里面预言过,中国和一些亚洲国家会通过耶路撒冷进军西方,他们穿过以色列的北部边境,那里的海水会分开并干涸,然后中国人(穆斯林和苏维埃分子)会在最后几天和以色列开战。对于中国想和我们开战我一点也不惊讶,美国人们。我相信美国会站在以色列这边的。(希望如此……)(译者注:此段圣经预言参见《以赛亚书》 49:12 “看哪,这些从远方来,为些从北方从西方来,这些从秦国来。”以及《马太福音》 8:11 “我又告诉你们,从东从西,将有许多人来,在天国里与亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各一同坐席。”)

Tony Pear:Hi guys, about me? like you, i dislike China.

[ 转自铁血社区 http://bbs.tiexue.net/ ]

4楼Tony Pear回复2楼Knaur:大家好,关于我?和你们一样,我不喜欢中国。

odie072:Welcome to the forum Tony. It isn't that we dislike China, as I'm sure some of the people in the country don't agree with the oppression of their Govt. That is where we are at, we(most of us) disagree with the way their govt oppresses their people.

Most newcomers here, go to the introduction forum and say Hi, and possibly a little non-security info, no names, address, email addy's.



Paparock:I am not disturbed by that alone as back in the late 60s, 70s, & 80s I along with those I served with trained to kill anyone we were sent in combat against no matter what their nationality. I have met some very fine Chinese including some very good anti-Communist fighters. I even dated a Chinese girl during my 20s. Judge people by the character of their hearts and not just the color of their skin or their nationality of origin. That way you won't miss some valuable allies. Trusting no one completely until they prove they are worthy of your trust is only prudent. The trust but verify rule is best here. It is sort of like during Vietnam it was good to rig bunkers manned by regional forces with surprises’ unknown to them just in case they were needed or if the position was overrun by enemy forces. One never wanted your own weapons used against you.

I was one that had a devious mind always thinking what if? My trainers rewarded me for my “healthy paranoia” since being prepared for the unexpected increases one’s life expectancy. Plus I liked thinking up new, different, and innovative booby traps that could catch even those experienced in disarming techniques.

Even before I joined the U.S. Army and was still in High School I had studied enough military manuals I was designing compounds for remote bush outposts with special welcoming gifts for unwelcome visitors. Reading every Russia and Chinese Tactical manual translated into English I could get my hands on through the military members of my family was light reading but then I scared a lot of people at an early age not being the typical teenager!

It all comes down to how seriously you take yourself, your job, and life. You also have to find out how to turn it off or it will consume you however. You have to have down time but you can never be totally off or you become an easy target. That little radar is just on auto pilot just below the surface so a sound, smell, movement or anything can trigger your survival instinct because instinct level is where you train things to become. No one is bullet proof and we all have an expiration date; we just don’t know when it is. We don’t have as much control over how we will die as how we choose to live. I suggest choosing wisely so your life makes a difference if not for you for someone else. No matter how much you hide or how many precautions you take death will find you sooner or later. All we can do is live life so when the time comes we have truly lived; don’t wait for tomorrow for tomorrow may not come.





cute_assassin:Tony, that would be completely wrong for me to say that I dislike china. It is a country of ancient civilization with a lot more to offer the world than what it already has. Gunpowder, paper, compass, navy all was introduced by ancient china.

What I dislike is it's present day regime not because of it's stand of human rights or anything rather it's aggressive policies towards the other nations.

It is continually supporting oppressive regimes across the globe... What they do to their own countrymen is one thing but extending those practices to other countries which harm it's own citizens as well as try to bring harm to my country is to me an act of aggression by china towards my country.

China's state policies of hiding the truth from it's own people and only showing one side of the story -the bright side- has led to growth of ultra nationalism amongst the population. I am all for being patriotic and having love for ow Ur country but blind love, a feeling formed without acknowledging our own mistakes and trying to prevent them is disastrous.

Could china have achieved what it has today had it been a country of free people and whether it would've better that way or are the people better off today is something we probably would never know.

As of now I think it is safe to say that we do not trust china's regime but that does not translate to us disliking china or it's people.

What all this has led to is hatred amongst Chinese against US yet they still want to move there... Something I still can not understand.

P.S @ Paparock, do you think we start a new thread where you can share your pranks from childhood with us!!?? We might not be that young, but why give a miss to a chance for pulling up a great prank and getting a few laughs!?

7楼cute_assassin回复4楼Tony Pear:托尼,你说我不喜欢中国那就大错特错了。这是以个拥有古老文明的国家,它曾对这个世界做出巨大的贡献,黑火药,纸,罗盘还有商船队,这些都来自古老的中国。






Ps: Paparock,你觉得我们再开个新帖让你分享一下你童年时的故事给我们听怎么样? 我们也许不再年轻了,但为什么要错过这么一个相谈而欢的机会呢?

Knaur:I meant in general, where are you from, what are your interests, are you a supporter of Zionism etc.

I do not dislike China, only the policies and propagandist ways of their government, and of socialist governments all over the world. In fact, as a people, I like the Chinese very much in general, they are hard working, patriotic, family oriented and respect their traditional values.

8楼Knaur回复4楼Tony Pear:我的意思是,你从哪来的?你的兴趣是什么?你支持犹太复国主义吗?等等

