
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/26 22:52:24
          超准:2012年水瓶座的运势指南                                                                            网网网络-范琳琳





这一年,你将会赢在起点,你会在专业的领域开始一个新的循环周期。事实上,土星方面将会对你的星座有很大的影响,会让你的行动更加自由, 特别是没有了时间的限制。今年你的目标将会更加地明确,你的雄心壮志将会更加清晰,你甚至可以设立更加远大的理想和目标,这会有助于离成功更进一步。所有涉及到管理方面的授权都会受到法律的认可,官方的认可更加有利于你的工作条件。尽量避免使你墨守成规的计划,不要相信任何不合法的话语。某些人会乘机设法取得你的信任与支持,进行一些令人怀疑而又有选择性的项目。他们会满腹狐疑地盯着你的工作环境,试图取而带你。


这一年,将会是水瓶座热情奔放的一年。事实上,在成长的道路上你会遇到越来越多的诱惑以及需求,你一直在寻找能够看透你内心和能够让你突破自我的伴侣。你有想过是什么会让爱情越滚越保鲜吗?没错,答案就是与他人一同分享,分享会让你的爱情显得更加顺畅,这是感情上的基础还是冲动呢?这就像是幸福从来不会独自到来,特别是由于水星方面的贡献,你就会懂得如何友好地处理你与另一半之间的非常难以解决的问题,而且不会带来不良的后果。今年的头三个月,你的外交手腕已经达到了最佳的状态,这就是与你的伴侣协商的最佳时刻,或者考虑如何征服先前的困难险阻。尽管征服外部的力量会显得与实际有些不符,但是那会让你毫无畏惧地向正确的方向前进。如果你目前还没有结婚,你将会偶遇杰出的知识分子,正是会让你心仪的对象。你的休闲时间将会奉献给艺术创作,人际交流等等, 如果你想要与另一半继续发展下去就不要总是把自己伪装得严严实实,多一些彼此间的交流将会是最好的机会!对于那些已婚的水瓶座的人来说,面对这么多的讨论将会提高你与他人间的关系,会对你的爱情方面有很好的影响。






Horoscope 2012 Aquarius

January 21 - February 20

Horoscope: GENERAL

The Sun, Uranus and Neptune in aspect with your sign come to soften your bonds a vaster comprehension, which will be facilitated in a reciprocal way. You collect the fruits of your efforts of last year, you will not have much occasion to isolate this year to you, but you will be able to transform your chances of new meetings thanks to your sociability, on fertile occasions for future, in all the fields. The life reduces of weights resulting from the past, and in spite of the fact that you will have for that to confront you with it; you can precisely exceed that to evolve peacefully to future. This combat is healthy, continue it.


You are at the beginning; a new cycle in the professional field, this year. Indeed, the effects Saturn in aspect to your sign allow you even more freedom action, without time constraints, particularly. You aim your ambitions with more clearness, and you will be able to set up considerable projections, this year. All that relates to administrative authorizations, conformity with the law, official recognition is facilitated to you. Avoid the plans which leave you legality, do not give faith to anything which words. Certain people will be tried to obtain your support for doubtful or utopian projects.


Passion will be your war-horse, this year. Indeed, you will test a growing need for seduction, you are in search of recognition and you will have in heart to cause dashes at the others. What will make snowball and involve your share, more spontaneousness, of naturalness, rushes of affections and basic emotional impulses? And like happiness never arrive alone, especially thanks to Mercury contribution; you will have the knack to completely expose the most difficult points with your partner, without negative consequences. Your diplomacy is on its best level, this is the moment to seek grounds of agreement with your partner, or to consider a conquest a priori difficult… External resistances will seem less compact to you than practice, and that gives you audacity to advance in the right direction. If you are unmarried in this moment, you will make outstanding knowledge. The leisure's you carry out straight to it, as all that touches with arts, creations, etc… You do not camouflage in your cocoon if you wish to give each other the best chances of meeting! For those who are in couple, it is to be envisaged many discussions, and opportunities to improve the wheels of your relation by this skew.


Your good resolutions start to find grounds of applications positive, this year. In spite of inevitable daily worries, you will have satisfaction to see coming to you from the old projects very often, made finally possible. Do not reject them by spite, your waiting deserves well that you end! Some of your knowledge acquired a long ago start to fully find their direction in your eyes, from the situations which you will live this year; it will be good to meditate over, that will enable you to put in perspective, to centre you on you even on good bases.


Your metabolism will be seen reinforced more prudence, paradoxically with your needs; excess in other fields. Indeed, you will proportion your energy with accuracy, spending you only when that is really necessary. To brew wind is worth you nothing, and will know it to you by instinct, more highly than practice. The Jupiter impulses continue their effects in the direction of a stable and durable moral energy. Nevertheless, you will have more closely to supervise your dental and osseous health, which tends to being more vulnerable to certain deficiencies in olio elements. Your digestive system as for him is less receptive with the spiced meets, and less vulnerable to the stress than practice. It would be positive to make soft gymnastics in order to soften your ligaments, made stretching's.
