轩珍堂海参怎么样:英国数千女性参加“荡妇大游行” 真是春色无边啊(高清组图)

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英国数千女性参加“荡妇大游行” 真是春色无边啊(高清组图)

环游世界 2011-05-13 12:35:30 阅读83 评论0   字号: 订阅

    不久前,加拿大警官迈克尔?萨古尼蒂(Michael Sanguinetti)在多伦多奥斯古德法学院进行健康和安全讲座时,建议女学生不要穿得像“荡妇”,以免遭到强奸。尽管萨古蒂尼已经为此道歉,却并没有平息感觉受到冒犯的女性的怒火。

  全球许多女性通过Facebook加入为“荡妇游行”成员,她们涌上美国和加拿大街头表达愤怒。许多女性甚至只穿着内衣裤,皮肤上写着“荡妇”字样。5 月10日,伦敦海德公园和特拉法尔加广场也爆发了“荡妇游行”。据称此次游行有5200多人参加,如果这一数字可信,伦敦的游行将是目前所有“荡妇游行” 中规模最大的。



 Outrage: Global protest group SlutWalk was set up in response to comments from a Canadian police officer suggesting that women should 'avoid dressing like sluts' to protect themselves from rape

 United front: Members of SlutWalk took to the streets of Boston at the weekend to protest against what they call the 'victimisation and blame' of women

 Anger: Protesters say they wish to reclaim the word 'slut', which they say has been too long used as a weapon against women. 'Once you reclaim it, you take the power away from it,' said one

 Blame: SlutWalkers want to end rape blame culture. 'Women are told they should not look a certain way, wear high heels or make up. It diverts attention away from the real cause of the crime - the perpetrator'

 Injustice: SlutWalk protesters say rape victims are still made to feel like perpetrators