
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/06 10:04:06
 为什么人们把"真理"称为"赤裸的真理"呢? 原来背后还有一个寓言故事。


Naked Truth -赤裸的真理

The fable (寓言) says that Truth and Falsehood went swimming; Falsehood came first out of the water, and dressed herself in Truth's garments. (衣服) Truth, unwilling to take those of Falsehood, went naked.

呵呵,"真理"和"虚假"肯定是去了 nude beach(裸泳沙滩)游泳,真前卫!

A nude model -裸体模特

A nude picture-裸照

nude scenes in a film-电影里的裸露镜头

a nude:a painting, statue etc of someone not wearing clothes -人体画;裸体雕像

The naked eye-肉眼

提起"赤裸的真理",很自然想到钱钟书先生(Mr. Money Bell Book:) 的《围城》(Fortress Besieged)的鲍小姐(Ms. Abalone :).

钱钟书写道,"因为真理是赤裸的,又因鲍小姐未完全暴露,也称为"局部真理" (partial truth)。 鲍小姐没有把赤裸进行到底喔。 不过我个人认为(Personally, I think), "partial truth" 比 "whole truth" 更加引人遐想。"

"Partial truth" leaves more room for imagination.

在文学史上把赤裸进行得最彻底的应该是安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen)童话
The Emperor's New Suit中臭美的皇帝,他光着身子全城跑,我都替他尴尬(embarrassed).

他光着身子- He's in the nude/He's in his birthday suit. 为什穿着birthday suit是没有穿衣服的意思呢,那是因为我们是光着身子诞生的。

"She's topless"不是她没有头的意思,而是她指她上身裸露,衣服穿得不多。

Top可以是“上衣”的意思。 I like your top. – 我喜欢你的上衣。


Decent: wearing enough clothes so that you do not show too much of your body - used humorously.

Shawshank Redemption(my favorite movie)里面的男主角在监狱里看一部电影,电影里一个男人闯进一个女人的化妆间时问了一句话,"Are you decent?" 全场哗声一片。


传说(Legend has it that),13世纪英国有一位伯爵夫人为了说服丈夫减免苛捐杂税答应她的丈夫光着身子骑马在全城走一圈,全城的人必须关上门窗不准偷看.偏偏有一个好色的汤姆从窗户里偷看,结果给打瞎了。自从那以后(From then on),人们就把有偷窥癖好的男人称为 Peeping Tom. 叫Tom的男生快的改名喔!


英国大诗人济慈(John Keats)的《咏希腊瓮》(Ode on a Grecian Urn)有一句关于truth的话:
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,--that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."

记下来可以显示自己有文化喔! ^__^


in truth: in fact: 事实上

to tell (you) the truth: to be frank/frankly/honestly/to be honest -老实说

当你要强调自己说的是真话时可以说 "God's (honest) truth" - the absolute truth.
e.g. God's truth, I didn't do that.

如果你是昧着良心说话,最好不要用God’s honest truth这个短语。

Do not take God’s name in vain.

美国是一个基督教国家,美元上都印着 "In God we trust."

在法庭上作证的证人(witness)在作证前通常把手放在圣经(the Bible)上,发誓自己的证词是真话。
-- "I swear by Almighty God that the evidence that I give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."