费拉里斯球场:XtraTabControl(DEV中选项卡)分页实现拖拽 效果 - CookBlack ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/19 02:03:08

XtraTabControl(DEV中选项卡)分页实现拖拽 效果

用到的命名空间是:view sourceprint? 1 using DevExpress.XtraTab; 2 using DevExpress.XtraTab.ViewInfo; 用到的变量:view sourceprint? 1 private Rectangle rectDragBoxFromMouseDown; 2 private bool isDragging = false; 3 private Point dragOffset = Point.Empty; 创建所用到的函数:view sourceprint? 01 private void CalcRectDragBox(int x, int y) 02 { 03     // Remember the point where the mouse down occurred. The DragSize indicates 04     // the size that the mouse can move before a drag event should be started. 05     Size dragSize = SystemInformation.DragSize; 06     // Create a rectangle using the DragSize, with the mouse position being 07     // at the center of the rectangle. 08     rectDragBoxFromMouseDown = new Rectangle(new Point((int)x - (dragSize.Width / 2), (int)y - (dragSize.Height / 2)), dragSize); 09 } 10 private int FindIndex(XtraTabPage page) 11 { 12     int i = 0; 13     while (i < xtcMain.TabPages.Count) 14     { 15         if (xtcMain.TabPages[i].Equals(page)) 16         { 17             return i; 18         } 19         i += 1; 20     } 21     return -1; 22 } 在 DragOver 事件中的code:view sourceprint? 01 XtraTabHitInfo hinfo = default(XtraTabHitInfo); 02 XtraTabPage hoverTab = default(XtraTabPage); 03 XtraTabPage dragTab = default(XtraTabPage); 04 XtraTabPage selTab = default(XtraTabPage); 05 XtraTabPage repTab = default(XtraTabPage); 06 // 07 int itemDragIndex = 0; 08 int dropLocationIndex = 0; 09 // 10 // get the tab we are hovering over. 11 hinfo = xtcMain.CalcHitInfo(xtcMain.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y))); 12 // 13 if ((hinfo.Page != null)) 14 { 15     hoverTab = hinfo.Page; 16     //Make sure there is a TabPage being dragged. 17     if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(XtraTabPage))) 18     { 19         e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move; 20         dragTab = (XtraTabPage)e.Data.GetData(typeof(XtraTabPage)); 21         // can't use the TabIndex on the control because it changes 22         // when we move the tab page. 23         itemDragIndex = FindIndex(dragTab); 24         dropLocationIndex = FindIndex(hoverTab); 25         //Don't do anything if we are hovering over ourself. 26         if (itemDragIndex != dropLocationIndex) 27         { 28             selTab = xtcMain.TabPages[itemDragIndex]; 29             repTab = xtcMain.TabPages[dropLocationIndex]; 30             // 31             xtcMain.TabPages.Move(dropLocationIndex, selTab); 32             xtcMain.TabPages.Move(itemDragIndex, repTab); 33             xtcMain.SelectedTabPage = selTab; 34         } 35     } 36 } 37 else 38 { 39     e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None; 40 } 在 MouseDown 事件中的code:view sourceprint? 01 CalcRectDragBox(e.X, e.Y); 02   03   04 // Handle Mouse move only if left button is pressed. 05 if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) 06 { 07     // If the mouse moves outside the rectangle, start the drag. 08     if (!rectDragBoxFromMouseDown.Equals(Rectangle.Empty) & !rectDragBoxFromMouseDown.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) 09     { 10         isDragging = true; 11         dragOffset = new Point(e.X, e.Y); 12         Invalidate(); 13         // Proceed with the drag and drop. 14         DragDropEffects dropEffect = DoDragDrop(xtcMain.SelectedTabPage, DragDropEffects.Move); 15         // Reset the drag box to avoid reentry of drag. 16         CalcRectDragBox(e.X, e.Y); 17         isDragging = false; 18         dragOffset = Point.Empty; 19         Invalidate(); 20     } 21 } 如果你有不同大小的标签,张贴的代码将导致快如闪电的标签之间切换,如果您对重叠的区域的大小不同悬停。 为了防止这种情况,我只是说在dragOver处理一个简单的标志,忽略未来DragOver事件。 在上面的DragOver里面相应的 位置加入这个标志ignoreNextDrag,具体代码如下:view sourceprint? 01 if (itemDragIndex != dropLocationIndex && !ignoreNextDrag) 02 { 03     ignoreNextDrag = true; 04     selTab = tabControlClientModules.TabPages[itemDragIndex]; 05     repTab = tabControlClientModules.TabPages[dropLocationIndex]; 06     // 07     tabControlClientModules.TabPages.Move(dropLocationIndex, selTab); 08     tabControlClientModules.TabPages.Move(itemDragIndex, repTab); 09     tabControlClientModules.SelectedTabPage = selTab; 10 } 11 else 12 { 13     ignoreNextDrag = false; 14   15 } view sourceprint? 1