警察穿警服不出示证件:令人捧腹大笑的中译英翻译错误(13p) – 网事多磨 | 分享网络乐趣 生活乐无边

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/16 06:18:27


Horny care

(not sure what it’s for) (老外看不懂这是干嘛的,其实就是美甲,正确翻译应是Manicure)

A time sex thing

( should be “disposable products”, 一次性 together means “disposable” while separately, 一  means “one” and 性 means “sex”)

Fresh crap(这个翻译恶心,crap的意思大家懂吧,就是便便)

(poor fish…)(盲鱼styanax fasciatus mexicanus

Deformed men end place(畸形人?这个问题大了,歧视残疾人)

(should be “designated seat for the disabled”)

Dont’ touch yourself (别摸你自己?令人望文生义)

(should be “ask a shop assistant for help if you want to try it on”, not sure where does this “don’t touch yourself” come from)

Currency recycle system

(nice if it is true…)(要真这样就好了)

Racist Park (这个问题也很大)

shouldbe “ethnic museum” or “ethnic park”. Wonder who should be in there ifsuch a park did exist.)(真不知到假使真有racist park,里面都是些什么人?)

Screw Taiwan (screw这个词口语经常使用,骂人的话。)

(Yeah, scree you! Sounds like something in “Racist Park”)(跟那个民族园错误相当)

To male service(此公非彼公)

(should be “business service”. 公司 together means “company” while 公 alone can mean either “public” or “male”.)

Fuck to burn the crayfish

(should be “spicy stir fired craw-fish”, and the craw-fish is actually much more fortunate than the duck below)(这虾运气可比下面的鸭子好多了)

Fuck the duck until exploded

(shouldbe “spicy stir fired duck”. 干 has multiple ways to pronounce inChinese. Sometimes it means “dry” and other times “do” or“fuck”)(干的意思五花八门)

And two classic ones(还有两个经典的,)

A sign outside a restaurant, apparently they need to find a more stable translation website 一家餐馆门前的牌子,显然他们得找一个更靠谱的翻译网站

And finally…fucking goods(最后,干货)

(should be “dried foods”)


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