
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/20 00:44:21

恶搞 parody joke

浮云 fleeting cloud

房奴 mortgage slave

秒杀 seckill

法人 legal person

地王 top bidder

蜗居 snail dwelling; snail house

雷人 shocking; weird; wacky

给力 gelivable; thrilling; cool

山寨 copycat; Shanzhai; knock-off

桌游 board role-playing games

裸婚 simplistic marriage; bare-handed marriage

伪娘 drag queen

蚁族 city ants; antizen

零帕族 stress-free type; stress-proof type

考碗族 gold-rice-bowl seeker

代排族 hired queuer

隐婚族 pseudo-singles

富二代 the second-generation rich; silver-spoon kids

橡皮人 the jaded (indifferent to the world)

脑残体(火星文) leetspeak

潜规则 unspoken rule

地沟油 hogwash oil; recycled cooking oil

农家乐 rural inn; farm stay; agritainment

点钞费 (coin-)counting fee

国民性 national character

被就业 to be said/be declared/be alleged to have found jobs

打酱油 See no evil, hear no evil; none of my business; I am just passing by; no comment

转型跳槽 career shifting

两餐半人 meal skipper

换草运动 swap date

胶囊公寓 capsule apartment

游街示众 shame parade; public shaming

高雅艺术 high art

酒后代驾 designated driver; DD

阶梯计价 differential pricing; tiered pricing

小产权房 house/apartment with limited/incomplete property rights

教育公平 equal access to education

人文交流 cultural and people-to-people exchange

忧患意识 adversity consciousness

社会底层 low social strata

第一桶金 first pot of gold

民心工程 projects in the public interest; pro-people projects

错时上下班 staggered office hours

住房空置率 (housing) vacancy rate

新生代农民工 new generation of migrant workers

火车票实名制 real name ticket booking system

团购/团购优惠券 group-buying; team-buying/groupon; group coupon

笑点、泪点、痛点 bursting point

大型实景歌舞演出 real-scene musical extravaganza; musical extravaganza on the site

法人代表/法定代表人 legal representative

反三俗(低俗、庸俗和媚俗)fight against three forms of vulgarity

量化货币(定量宽松货币政策)quantitative easing monetary policy

三网融合(电讯、电话、互联三网)three network convergence; TCI convergence