血液净化的护理ppt:灾难揭示日本国民性:最好的和最坏的 Woes bring out the best and worst of a nation

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/15 13:17:01
2011年03月18日 15:40 PM

灾难揭示日本国民性:最好的和最坏的Woes bring out the best and worst of a nation

英国《金融时报》 王明 东京报道 评论[8条] 中文 

The earthquake and tsunami that battered north-eastern Japan last week have put on display some of the nation’s worst features – and some of its finest.


On the negative side, the natural disaster has brutally exposed the failings of a nuclear power industry that many Japanese have for decades viewed with distrust.


In doing so, it points at the high cost of the technological hubris and faith in construction as a solution to any social or economic problem that was a powerful strand in policymaking even before late prime minister Kakuei Tanaka in the 1970s set government the goal of “remodelling the Japanese archipelago”.

日本人在技术上过于自大,对建筑过分自信,并把它们当做解决一切社会或经济问题的办法。这种强大的观念一直主宰着日本的政策制定,甚至在上世纪70年代已故首相田中角荣(Kakuei Tanaka)为日本政府设定“日本列岛改造”目标之前就已开始盛行。此次灾难则暴露了这种观念的高昂代价。

The escalating crisis at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has made a mockery of Tokyo Electric Power’s claims – backed with expensive propaganda including museums aimed at children – that it can safely operate reactors on these seismically active islands.

受损的福岛第一核电站(Fukushima Daiichi)的危机逐渐升级,是对东京电力公司(Tepco)的一种嘲讽——该公司自称能够在日本地震活跃的岛屿上安全运营核反应堆。该公司一直用高价的宣传手段来支持这些言论,甚至修建了面向儿童的博物馆。

Last Friday’s powerful earthquake and the huge tsunami it unleashed were undoubtedly a formidable double-whammy. But even a magnitude 9 quake hardly lies beyond the boundary of the “Largest Conceivable Earthquake” that Tepco claims its plants are designed to withstand.


And while it will take time to establish all the links that make up the chain of disaster engulfing the Fukushima plant, it is hard not to think that Tepco’s chronic problems with safety and disclosure could be factors in the current crisis.


Naoto Kan, the prime minister, was reduced to demanding that Tepco executives tell him “what the hell is going on” after the company waited an hour before informing him of an explosion at the plant.

日本首相菅直人(Naoto Kan)被迫质问东京电力高管:“到底发生了什么”。该公司等了一个小时才通知他核电站发生了爆炸。

The delay suggests that Tepco’s engineers may have continued to suffer from a tendency to “avoid reporting problems to the national government” – a failing the company itself was forced to acknowledge in 2002 after being found to have falsified safety reports over the previous 20 years.


The crisis may end up taking a further toll on the tattered reputation of Japanese politicians. It is they, after all, who have failed to protect the public’s interest in a safe nuclear industry. And while the Democratic party-led government’s short time in office means it can hardly be blamed for creating the crisis, Mr Kan has hardly emerged as the kind of leader able to comfort and calm the nation at such a time.


Yet anyone who has spent time among survivors would surely agree this disaster has also shown this nation at its best. Though the government response has inevitably been inadequate in some areas, relief efforts have been orderly and generally effective. And those much-maligned politicians have at least managed to pause the feuding behind ruling parties and opposition groups that had threatened to derail next year’s government budget.


Meanwhile, all along the north-eastern coast, people who have lost loved ones and homes have responded with uncomplaining restraint and self-discipline. It is a measure of the high standards of social order Japanese set themselves that residents of the battered port of Ofunato recoil with dismay at rumours that four people have been arrested for stealing from ruined homes. “I thought this was a good town,” says one resident.


Even among the rubble it is possible to hear neighbours greet each other and visitors with polite humour. Asked how victims can still laugh at a time like this, Masato Miura, a fisheries co-operative chief from a village in coastal Kamaishi, draws chuckles from his friends by answering: “We’re Japanese samurai!”

即使在废墟中,人们仍可能听到邻居们以良好的情绪,礼貌地问候彼此和来访者。在被问到灾民在这种时候怎么还能笑得出来时,沿海城市釜石一个村庄的渔场合作社主管三浦正人(Masato Miura)回答道:“我们是日本武士!”这一回答引来他的朋友们的一阵笑声。

“We laugh with our faces and we cry with our hearts,” Mr Miura says. “I can’t think of the future. All I can do is deal with this moment.”


Such ability to set aside grief and loss to tackle the challenges at hand will stand disaster victims in good stead for the long and difficult recovery to come. But when the crippled reactors are cooled and the tsunami debris cleared, the nation should set itself the task of creating nuclear utilities that can be trusted and a government capable of regulating them properly. Only then will the stoic survivors have the leaders and institutions they deserve.
