螺纹钢期货行情分析:学好英语,争聘全球最好工作 - 小O老师的日志 — 专业的在线词典和学习者共享家园 海词家...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/02 02:01:35


热度 10已有 519 次阅读 2011-3-7 15:04 |个人分类:文海拾贝|关键词:学好英语 website people color

Huge global interest in "the best job in the world" -- earning good money for lazing on a paradise island -- has crashed the Australian website where it is advertised, according to officials.

"We've been inundated, with around 300,000 people visiting the site yesterday," said a spokeswoman for the Queensland state government, which is offering the six-month post of "island caretaker".

The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars (about 100,000 US dollars) and includes free airfares from the successful candidate's home country to tropical Hamilton Island on the famed Great Barrier Reef.

In return, the winner will be expected to have as much fun as he or she can -- soaking up the sun, swimming, snorkelling, sailing -- and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.

The successful candidate -- who will stay rent-free in a multi-million-dollar three-bedroom beach home -- must be over 18, a "fantastic and charismatic" communicator, and able to speak and write English.

The campaign is a key element in a drive to promote the northeastern Australian state's 18 billion dollar a year tourism industry during the tough global economic climate, officials say.

And they are at pains to stress that it is "a real job".

The successful applicant will "also have to talk to media from time to time about what they're doing so they can't be too shy and they'll have to love the sea, the sun, the outdoors," said acting state Premier Paul Lucas.

"The fact that they will be paid to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel and generally live the Queensland lifestyle makes this undoubtedly the best job in the world."

Given the enormous response, the economic downturn has also played a part in turning the advertisement into a dream for hundreds of thousands of people facing a daily media dose of doom, gloom and job losses.

"We've had visitors (to the website) from as far and wide as Mongolia and Vatican City" since the job was first widely publicised on Tuesday, McNaughton said.

The freezing northern hemisphere winter may also be a prodding some into action.

More than 350 applications had been submitted before the website crashed -- from Britain, the United States, Croatia, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Canada, Netherlands and Portugal among other countries.

"The applicants so far have ranged from a Swiss horsewoman to a sun-seeking teenager from England to 'Richard' from the UK who can be seen swimming with the fish in his application," she said.

Candidates are required to create a video application in English of up to one minute explaining why they are uniquely qualified for the job.

One applicant had submitted his application via email in six different languages and some candidates had reportedly visited the Australian Embassy in Washington with applications in hand, McNaughton said.




条件呢:年满十八,能说会道,能读会写英语。‘must be over 18, a "fantastic and charismatic" communicator, and able to speak and write English’




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