薇奥兰特.普拉西多裸:浅谈英语短语Subject to的含义和译法_天宇杂志网

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/06 08:05:52
摘 要:由于英语和汉语属于不同的语系,其构词法有着巨大的区别,导致词汇的意思各不相同,甚至大相径庭。有些英语词汇看似简单,但在不同的语境下有着不同的语义。这给英语学习者正确理解、把握和运用英语词汇带来了不小的困难。英语短语subject to就是这样一个例子。本文拟对该短语的语义、用法和译法作简要介绍,以期给读者一定的启发。
关键词:英语短语;subject to;含义;译法
Abstract: Since English and Chinese are not in a same phylum, its word formation is quite different from each other leading to quite different meanings and even being widely divergent. Some of the English words look quite simple, but they have different meanings under different contexts. This brings a certain difficult to English learners. The phrase subject to is exactly such a kind of word. This article intends to study the meaning, usage and its translated version of Chinese for readers’ referemce.
Keywords: English phrase; subject to; meaning; translated version of Chinese作者简介:黄强,1967年生,四川理工学院外文系副教授。主要传授商务英语方向课程。
Harley Greenberg, 美国籍教师,在本文写作过程中提供了帮助。【中图分类号】H315 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-7069(2009)-11-0000-02由于英语和汉语属于不同的语系,其构词法有着巨大的区别,导致词汇的意思各不相同,甚至大相径庭。有些英语词汇看似简单,但在不同的语境下有着不同的语义。这给英语学习者正确理解、把握和运用英语词汇带来了不小的困难。英语短语subject to就是这样一个例子。
首先将subject 和to 单独理解,subject的主要和常用意思是:
1. As a noun, a person owing loyalty to a certain state or royal ruler: a subject of the United Kingdom.
2. As a noun, something being considered, as in a conversation: Don’t change the subject; answer the question.
3. As a noun, a branch of knowledge studied, as in a system of education: she’s taking 3 subjects in her examinations.
4. As a noun, a cause: his strange cloth was a subject for amusement.
5. As a noun, the main area of interest treated in a work, esp. written: a book on the subject of love.
6. As an adjective, governed by some one else; not independent: a subject race.
7. As a verb, to cause to be controlled or ruled: These people have been subjected by another tribe.
当subject 和to连用,构成短语subject to,其意思发生了很大变化,尤其是和它的名词形式。因而Subject to是英语中一个很常见、很重要但很难把握的短语。特别是在商务合同、法律和税收等中出现的频率很高,不少人由于没有真正了解它的用法,而不能正确理解、翻译和使用它。下面谈谈subject to的用法:
一、 作形容词用
1. 基本含义是“应服从……的……”、“受制于……”。英语解释:owing obedience to, 示例:
All the foreigner friends are subject to the law of our country.
2. 基本含义是“有……倾向”、“易受……”。英语解释为:prone to, vulnerable to。
Wenchuan and Qingchuan counties in Sichuan province are subject to earthquakes as they are located on Longmenshan Earthquake Zone.
A weak man is subject to cold.
Rates of Exchange is often subject to fluctuation.
3. 基本含义“按照……”,“须经……”英语解释:conditional upon。示例:
Your payment is subject to following alteration:20% discount for the total value.
二、作副词用,意思是“在……条件下”,“依照……”;英语解释:conditionally upon。示例:
This contract can only be signed subject to the President’s consent.
Subject to 作副词,作条件状语。
1. 基本意思是“使服从于……”,“使隶属于……”。英语解释:bring or get a country, nation, person etc. under control. 示例:
Ancient Rome subjected most of Europe to her rule.
2. 基本意思是“使遭受”、“使经历”。英语解释:cause to undergo or experience;expose。示例:
③We must subject all the applications to careful scrutiny.
总之,subject to可作形容词、副词、动词词组来使用,to 是介词,sub-在英语中有较强的“在……下面”,“附属”,“次于”的意思,明白这些,我们就很容易掌握并运用它了。
四.有关含subject to疑难句子的理解。
1. If someone or something is subject to something, especially something bad, it is possible or likely that they will be affected by it.
2. If something is subject to something such as approval, it depends on that thing happening before it can happen
e.g. The package of plan is subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
3. If you are subject to a rule, law, tax,penalty etc, you must obey the rule or pay an amount of money.
4. Room rates are subject to 10% service charge with one breakfast per room per night。
本句话是酒店英语中常见可不好理解的。Be subjected to 在这里理解为“附加收取”。
5. This documentary credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 Revision) International Chamber of Commerce (publication No. 500).
译文:本跟单信用证受国际商会《跟单信用证统一惯例》(1993 年修订本) 约束(出版编号:500)。
本句话中的subject to 在跟单信用证证中意为“受…… 约束, 受…… 管制”。此条款在国际付款中是最常见的、模板化的条款。商务英语学习者必须对类似的条款进行收集、整理以提高工作效率。
6. Further project terms, procedures, and conditions are subject to contract negotiation and shall be agreed prior to award of order.
这是一份报价书里的句子。由于报价书篇幅所限,报价方只对重要的条款如供货范围、价格、交货时间、付款条款等作了说明,而将别的项目用本句子约定。这里subject to 理解为“按照……”。
从上述有关subject 和subject to的实际例句中,可以看到subject to和subject的形容词和动词有较大的关系,而和它的名词联系不大。Subject to 在不同的语境下有着不同的意思。英语学习者在学习过程中应当仔细斟酌,以免产生歧义。
[1] Paul Proctor. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English [M], Longman Publishing Group, 1978
[2] 常玉田. 国际商务英语翻译 [M],中国商务出版社,北京,2007
[3] 冯祥春. 外贸英语函电一本通 [M],对外经济贸易出版社,北京,2003
 浅谈英语短语Subject to的含义和译法
(四川理工学院外语学院 四川 自贡 643000)
摘 要:由于英语和汉语属于不同的语系,其构词法有着巨大的区别,导致词汇的意思各不相同,甚至大相径庭。有些英语词汇看似简单,但在不同的语境下有着不同的语义。这给英语学习者正确理解、把握和运用英语词汇带来了不小的困难。英语短语subject to就是这样一个例子。本文拟对该短语的语义、用法和译法作简要介绍,以期给读者一定的启发。
关键词:英语短语;subject to;含义;译法
Abstract: Since English and Chinese are not in a same phylum, its word formation is quite different from each other leading to quite different meanings and even being widely divergent. Some of the English words look quite simple, but they have different meanings under different contexts. This brings a certain difficult to English learners. The phrase subject to is exactly such a kind of word. This article intends to study the meaning, usage and its translated version of Chinese for readers’ referemce.
Keywords: English phrase; subject to; meaning; translated version of Chinese作者简介:黄强,1967年生,四川理工学院外文系副教授。主要传授商务英语方向课程。
Harley Greenberg, 美国籍教师,在本文写作过程中提供了帮助。【中图分类号】H315 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-7069(2009)-11-0000-02由于英语和汉语属于不同的语系,其构词法有着巨大的区别,导致词汇的意思各不相同,甚至大相径庭。有些英语词汇看似简单,但在不同的语境下有着不同的语义。这给英语学习者正确理解、把握和运用英语词汇带来了不小的困难。英语短语subject to就是这样一个例子。
首先将subject 和to 单独理解,subject的主要和常用意思是:
1. As a noun, a person owing loyalty to a certain state or royal ruler: a subject of the United Kingdom.
2. As a noun, something being considered, as in a conversation: Don’t change the subject; answer the question.
3. As a noun, a branch of knowledge studied, as in a system of education: she’s taking 3 subjects in her examinations.
4. As a noun, a cause: his strange cloth was a subject for amusement.
5. As a noun, the main area of interest treated in a work, esp. written: a book on the subject of love.
6. As an adjective, governed by some one else; not independent: a subject race.
7. As a verb, to cause to be controlled or ruled: These people have been subjected by another tribe.
当subject 和to连用,构成短语subject to,其意思发生了很大变化,尤其是和它的名词形式。因而Subject to是英语中一个很常见、很重要但很难把握的短语。特别是在商务合同、法律和税收等中出现的频率很高,不少人由于没有真正了解它的用法,而不能正确理解、翻译和使用它。下面谈谈subject to的用法:
一、 作形容词用
1. 基本含义是“应服从……的……”、“受制于……”。英语解释:owing obedience to, 示例:
All the foreigner friends are subject to the law of our country.
2. 基本含义是“有……倾向”、“易受……”。英语解释为:prone to, vulnerable to。
Wenchuan and Qingchuan counties in Sichuan province are subject to earthquakes as they are located on Longmenshan Earthquake Zone.
A weak man is subject to cold.
Rates of Exchange is often subject to fluctuation.
3. 基本含义“按照……”,“须经……”英语解释:conditional upon。示例:
Your payment is subject to following alteration:20% discount for the total value.
二、作副词用,意思是“在……条件下”,“依照……”;英语解释:conditionally upon。示例:
This contract can only be signed subject to the President’s consent.
Subject to 作副词,作条件状语。
1. 基本意思是“使服从于……”,“使隶属于……”。英语解释:bring or get a country, nation, person etc. under control. 示例:
Ancient Rome subjected most of Europe to her rule.
2. 基本意思是“使遭受”、“使经历”。英语解释:cause to undergo or experience;expose。示例:
③We must subject all the applications to careful scrutiny.
总之,subject to可作形容词、副词、动词词组来使用,to 是介词,sub-在英语中有较强的“在……下面”,“附属”,“次于”的意思,明白这些,我们就很容易掌握并运用它了。
四.有关含subject to疑难句子的理解。
1. If someone or something is subject to something, especially something bad, it is possible or likely that they will be affected by it.
2. If something is subject to something such as approval, it depends on that thing happening before it can happen
e.g. The package of plan is subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
3. If you are subject to a rule, law, tax,penalty etc, you must obey the rule or pay an amount of money.
4. Room rates are subject to 10% service charge with one breakfast per room per night。
本句话是酒店英语中常见可不好理解的。Be subjected to 在这里理解为“附加收取”。
5. This documentary credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 Revision) International Chamber of Commerce (publication No. 500).
译文:本跟单信用证受国际商会《跟单信用证统一惯例》(1993 年修订本) 约束(出版编号:500)。
本句话中的subject to 在跟单信用证证中意为“受…… 约束, 受…… 管制”。此条款在国际付款中是最常见的、模板化的条款。商务英语学习者必须对类似的条款进行收集、整理以提高工作效率。
6. Further project terms, procedures, and conditions are subject to contract negotiation and shall be agreed prior to award of order.
这是一份报价书里的句子。由于报价书篇幅所限,报价方只对重要的条款如供货范围、价格、交货时间、付款条款等作了说明,而将别的项目用本句子约定。这里subject to 理解为“按照……”。
从上述有关subject 和subject to的实际例句中,可以看到subject to和subject的形容词和动词有较大的关系,而和它的名词联系不大。Subject to 在不同的语境下有着不同的意思。英语学习者在学习过程中应当仔细斟酌,以免产生歧义。
[1] Paul Proctor. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English [M], Longman Publishing Group, 1978
[2] 常玉田. 国际商务英语翻译 [M],中国商务出版社,北京,2007
[3] 冯祥春. 外贸英语函电一本通 [M],对外经济贸易出版社,北京,2003本文转帖于:天宇杂志网(http://www.zazhijie.com)原文网址:http://www.zazhijie.com/html/paper/yingyu/wy/2010/0331/835.html