蔡秋凤闽南语全部歌词:美记者:目睹中国撤侨 羡慕又不安

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/19 07:45:08

美记者:目睹中国撤侨 羡慕又不安


  美国微软全国广播公司3月3日报道,原题:中国组织从利比亚快速撤侨 2004年海啸肆虐印度洋时,美国派遣第七舰队帮助撤侨。中国派出的是货船。如今,为将工人撤出陷入危机的利比亚,美国派出的一艘轮渡包船小得可怜,根本经受不住地中海巨浪的冲击。而中国在为期一周的撤侨行动中,租用巨型游轮、派出20架民航包机和4架军用飞机,将3万多名本国公民安全撤离。










China organizes hasty retreat from Libya
Dmitry Solovyov / NBC News

A crowd of Chinese evacuees from Libya line up at the Malta International Airport to fly back to China Thursday.
By Martin Fletcher, NBC News Correspondent

VALLETTA, Malta – How things have changed. When the 2004 tsunami hit the Indian Ocean, America sent the Seventh Fleet of the U.S. Navy to help evacuees. China sent a cargo ship.

Now to evacuate American workers from the crisis in Libya, America sent a chartered ferry too small to ride the rough seas of the Mediterranean.

China chartered a giant ocean cruise ship, 20 civilian aircraft, four military aircraft and moved 35,860 of its citizens out of danger in Libya as of Wednesday, within a week of starting the process, according to the Chinese foreign minister.


I’m thinking of the comparison as I wait for my plane in Malta, one of the evacuation hubs. Lined up in complete silence and total order are hundreds of Chinese workers wearing red caps, obeying ladies holding up red and yellow Chinese flags like any tour group at the Vatican. They follow instructions, wait in long lines, and shuffle forward when told. On command, a long single file strides through the concourse like an unstoppable column of ants. I am reminded of the 1927 German movie Metropolis.

What a difference. Not one is wearing headphones or playing with a telephone or digital device. They are all slim and fit, no sign of impending obesity. Their bags are bound with cellophane. Some are still in their orange work suits and carrying orange hardhats. They were working in Libya’s oil, rail, construction and telecommunications industries.

Dmitry Solovyov / NBC News

Chinese evacuees from Libya line up at the Malta International Airport Thursday.
China’s government chartered a fleet of planes to carry them to Shanghai. Quietly, effectively, without fuss, China is evacuating all its workers to safety. It is the silent contract between state and worker: You work abroad, we’ll look after you.

China’s People’s Daily boasted that it was the “largest and most complicated overseas evacuation ever conducted by the Chinese government.” And China’s foreign minister gave credit for the speedy and efficient evacuation to “China's peaceful foreign policy, which makes China a popular country in the community of nations.”

There are an estimated 50,000 Chinese workers in Nigeria, 35,000 in Sudan, 40,000 in Zambia, 30,000 in Angola, 20,000 in Algeria and thousands more dotted around the African continent. They are the face of Chinese industry, investment, diplomacy and eventually, power.

But what strikes me is the efficiency and order and calm. Nobody was arguing with the airline staff, objecting to orders, struggling with too many bags and bulky packages. Rather just a line of calm, single men with small cases, waiting patiently to be told what to do and where to go.

It occurred to me, is this the future?

China has invested heavily in Africa while the West turned elsewhere, and Chinese companies are spreading rapidly and silently through Latin America, too. Their insatiable appetite for coal, copper, bauxite, oil, iron ore and almost every other mineral is leading them on an economic conquest like no other. Their workers lead the rush, and their government spreads its wings to protect them, wherever they are.

As 200 men lined up in a silent single file that snaked through duty-free, with nobody eyeing all the luxuries on display, waiting for a man with a Chinese flag to raise his arm and tell them to move, I didn’t know whether to be filled with admiration or trepidation.

I did think, we better keep them on our side.


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观点如此 与西方主流思维 怪异?

爱护国民 是每一个西方国家的优良传统。例如: 在许多年以前, 当中国内乱的时刻,甚至日本政府就是派遣 大批“关东军” 进入中国满洲国, 进行“驻华的日本侨民”保护。 

回复 | 引用 回帖人:红双喜    影响力指数:0红双喜 已收获 2415 次点击,0 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 8:50:17    跟帖回复: 第 3 楼这次政府还是非常有腔调的!回复 | 引用 回帖人:丘之貉    影响力指数:0丘之貉 已收获 0 次点击,0 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 8:54:50    跟帖回复: 第 4 楼一个大国崛起时,留下的每个脚印回复 | 引用 回帖人:没用的流氓    影响力指数:0没用的流氓 已收获 3045 次点击,0 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 9:46:42    跟帖回复: 第 5 楼这次政府还是非常有腔调的!回复 | 引用 回帖人:血宠月    影响力指数:0血宠月 已收获 0 次点击,0 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 9:47:25    跟帖回复: 第 6 楼piaoguo回复 | 引用 回帖人:bigdogtony    影响力指数:0bigdogtony 已收获 32080 次点击,2 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 10:17:47    跟帖回复: 第 7 楼值得肯定!还要再接再厉!不要让当年印尼的事件重演。回复 | 引用 回帖人:黑狐狸11    影响力指数:0黑狐狸11 已收获 381 次点击,0 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 11:07:20    跟帖回复: 第 8 楼保护好国外的,也保护好国内的,明处暗处都要让人活得有尊严。回复 | 引用 回帖人:姚传本    影响力指数:14姚传本 已收获 1128969 次点击,33 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 11:25:04    跟帖回复: 第 9 楼    好,处理得果断!回复 | 引用 回帖人:怒海蛟龙    影响力指数:0怒海蛟龙 已收获 0 次点击,0 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 11:40:03    跟帖回复: 第 10 楼没来就是一个国家分内的事情还有什么好吹嘘的,什么美记者估计是新华社鸡者吧
回复 | 引用 回帖人:东山蟊贼    影响力指数:0东山蟊贼 已收获 0 次点击,0 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 12:37:16    跟帖回复: 第 11 楼在建筑工地、电信、油田工作的中国人都是中国企业派驻利比亚的企业职工,是有组织有纪律的、经过考察挑选的“企业精英”,老外不懂,你懂的。呵呵。回复 | 引用 回帖人:吾是上海宁    影响力指数:0吾是上海宁 已收获 378 次点击,0 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 13:40:55    跟帖回复: 第 12 楼美国佬没法理解的~!回复 | 引用 回帖人:K.U.O    影响力指数:0K.U.O 已收获 0 次点击,0 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 16:13:38    跟帖回复: 第 13 楼第一眼把标题看成了“美记者:目睹中国撒娇 羡慕又不安”,于是好奇地点进来了....回复 | 引用 回帖人:神马学校    影响力指数:0神马学校 已收获 0 次点击,0 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 16:23:14    跟帖回复: 第 14 楼最真实的原因是
tv造谣不伶俐回复 | 引用 回帖人:神马学校    影响力指数:0神马学校 已收获 0 次点击,0 个追随者')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="#" h=":;"> | | 发短消息 | 只看此人 | 2011/3/9 16:23:48    跟帖回复: 第 15 楼最真实的原因是
tv造谣不灵了回复 | 引用 发布新帖5561 次点击,15 个回复  1 2