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中国何来“轴心时代”?(上)时间:08-10-20 11:45:15 来源: 网友投稿 作者: 佚名 点击数:


【摘 要 题】历史理论(唐宋史研究网站)

【英文摘要】Jaspers separated the human history into four fundamental phases,which consist of the Pre-history time,the Archaian civilization time,the Axial age and the science and technology time.During the third phase,about BC500,there independently or contemporarily created four axial civilizations,China, India,Palestine and Greece.Just as some scholars pointed out that this theory is permeated with antiwestern center thought,but we also must notice that during the whole human history that has been separated by Jaspers,Chinese civilization entirely spanned four phases,but the civilization of Egypt and Mesopotamia disappeared during the second phase,and the ancient Greek civilization barely began at the third phase.The trend of doubting ancient history thought which arising in early 20th century cut away and rebated half of Chinese history,the Axial Age theory resumed the validity of the various scholars in later Zhou Dynasty,and went on disregarding the government and official scholars of the San Dai Dynasty,but the government and official scholars of San Dai Dynasty just is the headstream of the various scholars in later Zhou Dynasty even of the whole Chinese ci,vilization.

【关 键 词】雅斯贝斯/轴心时代/学术源流/疑古派/王官学/诸子学

Karl Theodor Jaspers/Axial Age/the fountainhead of learning/the trend of doubting ancient history thought/the government and official scholars/the various scholars

“轴心时代”(Axial Age)理论是由德国存在主义哲学家雅斯贝斯(Jaspers,Karl Theodor 1883—1969)所提出,主要体现在他的《历史的起源与目标》(原著为德文,标题为Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte,1949年初版,1953年由Michael Bullock英译,题为The Origin and Goal of History,由美国耶鲁大学出版社和英国Routledge and Keegan Patll公司出版)和《哲学概论》(德文标题Einführung in die Philosophie:Zwlf Radiovort,1950年初版,1954年由Ralph Manheim英译,题为Way to Wisdom:An Introduction to Philosophy,仍由美国耶鲁大学出版社出版)两部著作中。其中,有关轴心时代的部分为《哲学概论》的第九章,题为《人的历史》,标题下作者有一个脚注:“本章的某些段落摘自我的专著《历史的起源与目的》,并且未加任何改动。”①



雅斯贝斯是第二次世界大战期间产生的学者,“轴心时代”理论提出的1949年,在中国是一个特殊的年份。该理论介绍到中国,始于80年代,在中国也是一个特殊的转折时期。他的两部著作,《历史的起源与目标》在前,《哲学概论》在后,但是介绍到中国,却是《人的历史》在前,《历史的起源与目标》在后。《人的历史》在1961—1964年间,由田汝康翻译,收入田汝康、金重远选编的《现代西方史学流派文选》,1982年由上海人民出版社出版。中译稿注明译自Way to Wisdom,但没有注明此书的英译副标题亦即德文原版的主题,只称该书的中译名称为《智慧之路》。译者当时的视角是将雅斯贝斯作为存在主义以及主观唯心主义历史观的代表人物来评判的,其对“轴心时代”的称述是,“自从公元前800—前200年起直至现在,人类历史的发展始终在一个死胡同里9 7 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 8 : 编辑:cct5000wei