
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 07:00:16














  我不看重30分钟内是否能完成VSM,更看重思路是否清晰,以及基本的概念如TAKT TIME是否正确。其实只要有实际用过价值流图析几次的都应该能画出来的。但很多人包括曾经是某些大公司的资深经理都栽倒在这简单的考题上。在之前的博客里曾经提到一个GM的精益经理不敢做这道题的故事。也许她只是来试试水而已。




  曾经有人说我是他见过最TOUGH的面试官,其实我只是按照我的思路去追问细节而已,就如5W一样。但我却发现北美某些从事LEAN SIX SIGMA的人都是只懂个大概就开始胡吹,更多的人是对工具还比较了解,但缺乏对LSS的深刻认识。






  总结起来这种内外结合的招聘策略是正确的,但有些外部人员的自身学习和适应能力还是差了点,特别是由于银行流程的复杂性和服务时效性要求很高,导致LEARNING CURVE特别长。加上集团的文化倾向比较保守,难以革新,所以最后还是有人离去了。






  Centralized Bank’s mailing room process


  A bank centralizes all mailing requirements through their headquarters mailing center.Communication is managed by the company LAN network.


  All branches send their electronic requests three times a day to the main data center, with a daily total of 10,000 units. The data center processes all document requests, and sends outputs to a centralized printing room. The printing room prints and with automated equipment inserts correspondence in envelops and releases mail to the delivery officer. The delivery officer transports mail three times a day as follows:

  at 8:00am total quantity of 2000 envelops

  at 10:00am total quantity of 3000 envelops

  and, at 12:00pm total quantity of 5000 envelops


  All mail is processed through the following three steps:


  Step 1) Manual Sorting of mail by type (regular or priority), cycle time of 2.5 sec per envelope with no set up required.  1 full time operator.


  Step2) Postage, a semi-automated process, set up of 10 sec per mail type, with a cycle time equal to 0.6 sec per envelope.  1 full time operator.


  Step 3) Final Sorting by region/branch, no set up required, cycle time is 3 sec per item. 1 full time operator.


  At the time a management team walked the process, they found the following status:


  680 envelops were in WIP at manual sorting, 720 envelops in WIP at final sorting and 0 WIP at postage.


  Following the walk the management team would like to know the total LT, the total processing time for an envelope, the value added ratio, and recommendations for immediate improvement.


  The Central data center sends release schedules to each processing station in the mailing room.

  A typical day is 8 hours long 8:00 am - 4:30pm; mail pick up is at 6:00pm daily.


  Some branches send delivery schedules and special requests to the mailing room, and to the delivery officer.


  Assumption: all processes behave as planned with 0% error.