魔兽世界7.0神器附魔:盛夏清洗电脑 杜绝死机现象

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 10:02:21
盛夏清洗电脑 杜绝死机现象2011-08-29 10:53:14           电脑故障现象:电脑启动运行五分钟时间便莫名其妙死机,鼠标和键盘被锁死。热启动不起任何作用,关闭电源再次启动恢复正常,过一段时间又重复死机。死机故障分析:怀疑是电脑病毒在作怪,笔者把安装在电脑上的KV2005病毒库升级,然后查杀病毒,进程还没有完成时又出现死机现象,重复几次还是如此。让电脑在“安全模式”下运行,运行尽可能少的程序,重新杀毒,故障依旧;打开机箱拿出硬盘,作为另外一台电脑的从盘,再次杀毒,确实有几个病毒,又换另外一种杀毒软件重复杀毒,保证电脑硬盘的“干净”;重新安装回原来的电脑,故障依旧;无意之中,  发现CPU散热风扇不转,急忙关机,用手一摸非常烫手,可能是散热风扇引起故障。等主机冷却以后,换一个新的CPU散热风扇,电脑打开以后,一切正常。果然是CPU风扇,现在想起来,还真有点后怕,假如再继续试验下去,有可能把CPU烧掉。编辑提醒:夏天到了,为了电脑能安全度夏,有必要对电脑进行一次“大扫除”,清扫主板、CPU风扇、电源风扇、显卡风扇上的灰尘,使电脑能干干净净,清清爽爽的稳定运行。假如电脑出现死机、频繁重新启动等现象,要考虑是不是CPU风扇、电源风扇、显卡风扇的问题。 :::Computer failure phenomenon: the computer will start running five minutes inexplicable crashes, the mouse and keyboard are locked. Hot start has no effect, turn off the power to start again back to normal over a period of time and repeated crashes. Crash failure analysis: suspected virus in trouble, I put the installation on your computer KV2005 virus database updates, and then killing the virus, not yet completed the process time and crash phenomenon, repeated several times or so. Let the computer in "safe mode" to run, run as little as possible of the program, re-anti-virus, the fault still; open the case to come up hard, as another computer from the disk, again anti-virus, does have a few viruses, but also for the other repeat an antivirus software antivirus, computer hard drives to ensure a "clean"; reinstall back to the original computer, the fault still; inadvertently found that the CPU fan does not turn, and hurried off, touched very hot, may be cooling fan cause failure. After cooling and other hosts, for a new CPU cooling fan, turn on the computer later, everything is normal. Sure enough, the CPU fan, now think of it, really a bit scared, if we continue to go on trial, it is possible to burn CPU. www..com Edit reminder: summer, to the computer safe summer, it is necessary to conduct a computer "cleaning", cleaning the motherboard, CPU fan, power supply fan, the dust on the graphics card fan, the computer will clean, refreshing cool and stable operation. If the computer crashes, frequent restarts and so, to consider whether or not the CPU fan, power supply fan, graphics card fan problem.