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生态延庆Ecology of Yanqing County延庆是北京西北绿色屏障和生态绿洲,也是名副其实的北京后花园。Yanqing is the green screen and ecological oasis in northwest Beijing and the real back yard garden of Beijing.  近些年来,延庆立足首都生态涵养发展区的功能定位,大力实施生态文明发展战略,先后建成了妫河生态走廊、官厅水库库滨带、北山旅游观光带、龙庆峡下游森林走廊,生态建设取得了可喜的成就。截止到2010年,延庆县林木绿化率达到73%,自然保护区面积占县域总面积的28%,全县湿地保护面积达15万亩,超过县域总面积的5%, 二级和好于二级的天气连续多年在全市名列前茅。In recent years, Yanqing, based on the functional position of capital ecological conservation area, greatly implemented the ecological civilization development strategy and built Gui River Ecological Corridor, Buffer Zone of Guanting Reservoir, Beishan Sightseeing Zone, Downstream Forest Corridor of Longqing Gorge. And in the aspect of ecological construction, it made gratifying achievements. By 2010, the rate of woody plant cover reached 73%; the area of natural reserve accounted for 28% of the total area of the whole county; the area of wetland under protection in the whole county reached 150 thousand Mu, accounting for over 15% of the total area of the whole county; the days in which the air quality was at or better than Grade Two came out top for many consecutive years in Beijing.  延庆县在生态环境建设方面屡获殊荣,获得国家生态县、国家卫生县城、全国绿化模范县、国家园林县城、国家绿色能源示范县、 北京市新能源和可再生能源示范区、北京市新能源产业基地、全国控制农村面源污染示范区、ISO14000环境管理体系运行国家示范区、全国生态文明建设试点县等荣誉称号。In the aspect of ecological environment construction, Yanqing won many honors: national ecological county, national healthy county, national model greening county, national landscape county, national model green energy county, Beijing demonstration area of new energy and renewable energy, Beijing new energy industry base, national demonstration area controlling rural non-point source pollution, national demonstration area of operation of ISO14000 management system, national ecological civilization construction pilot county and other honorable titles.  目前,延庆县已初步实现了三产融合、县景合一。延庆,正大踏步地向着国际一流的旅游休闲名区、国际一流的低碳经济社会示范区、国际一流的宜居城市和美丽乡村目标迈进。At present, Yanqing County has preliminarily realized the integration of three industries and the integration of landscape and county. Yanqing is marching towards the objective of becoming an internationally famous first-class tourism and leisure area, an internationally first-class low-carbon economic and social demonstration area, an internationally first-class livable city and beautiful village.  “十二五”时期, 延庆将按照市委的指示和要求, 坚持高端一流标准,全面建设“绿色北京示范区”。During the period of the “12th Five-year Plan”, Yanqing will, adhering to the high-end and first-class standard, comprehensively build itself to be a “green Beijing demonstration area”, according to the instruction and requirements of Beijing Municipal Committee.  延庆,生态宜居,景色迷人,随时欢迎您的到来。Yanqing, with livable ecology and charming sceneries, welcomes your arrival.  莲花山Lotus Mountain 莲花山大景区位于延庆县大庄科乡境内,这里山清水秀、景观多样、植被覆盖率85%,是一个名副其实的“世外桃源”。莲花山森林公园景区为莲花山大景区核心,莲花山主峰海拔1005米,山石呈粉红色,远看似含苞欲放的莲花,故称“莲花山”。 莲花山南面是旺龙潭峡谷,这里两侧山峰争高直指,谷深潭幽,怪石嶙峋。漫步景区,山上碧草丛生,绿树遮天,山谷溪水潺潺,蜿蜒曲折。Lotus Mountain Scenic Spot is in Dazhuangke Town, Yanqing County. With green water and mountains, diversified sceneries and the vegetation cover rate of 85%, it is a real “land of idyllic beauty”. The scenic spot of Lotus Mountain Forest Park takes Lotus Mountain Scenic Spot as the core. The main peak of Lotus Mountain is 1005 meters above the sea level. The stones on the mountain are pink, looking like lotus in bud at a distance, so this mountain is called “Lotus Mountain”. In the south of Lotus Mountain, there is the Wanglong Pool Valley. The peaks at both sides are high and straight; the valley is deep and quiet, with jagged rocks of grotesque shapes. Wandering in the scenic spot, you will see green grasses and green trees on the mountain, murmuring and wandering streams in the valley.

 燕山天池Yansha Heaven Lake燕山天池是“锁在深闺人未识”的一处旅游胜地 ,水面面积490多万平方米的白河堡水库是它的核心区。这里山环水绕,植被丰茂,气候独特,景色迷人。白河堡水库水面海拔600米以上,是北京最高的水库,因地处燕山亦称“燕山天池”。燕山天池在盛夏时平均气温仅20摄氏度,是旅游休闲、消夏避暑的绝佳场所。Yanshan Heaven Lake is a tourism attraction that few people know. The Baihebu Reservoir whose water surface area is over 4.9 million square meters is the core area of Yansha Heaven Lake. This place is surrounded by water and mountains, with rich vegetation, unique climate and charming sceneries. The water surface of Baihebu Reservoir is over 600m above the sea level and it is the highest reservoir in Beijing. Because it is in Yanshan, so it is called “Yanshan Heaven Lake”. In hot summer, the average temperature of Yanshan Heaven Lake is only 20℃ and it is a good place for travel, leisure and avoiding summer heat.

 玉渡山风景区Yudu Mountain Scenic Spot 玉渡山风景区被人誉为“京北九寨”,它景色秀丽、环境清幽,山、石、林、泉、瀑、花、草一应俱全,而那浑如天籁的感觉,又在于清、幽、静、野之中。玉渡山风景区全境面积75平方公里,景点精华部分集中在58平方公里内,分为高峡平湖景区、双松寺景区、二龙山景区等六个景区。玉渡山景区郁郁葱葱,山中溪水四季长流,春夏秋鲜花盛开,鸟语花香,是山水林草绝妙配合的静谷风光。Yudu Mountain Scenic Spot is known as “Jiuzhai in North Beijing”. It has beautiful sceneries and quiet environment, with mountain, stones, forest, spring, waterfall, flower and grasses. The feeling of liking listening to the sound of nature is expressed by the quiet, secluded, tranquil and wild environment. Yudu Mountain Scenic Spot covers a total area of 75km2 and the essences of the scenic spot concentrate in an area of 58km2. It is divided into High Gorge and Plane Lake Scenic Spot, Shuangsong Temple Scenic Spot, Erlong Mountain Scenic Spot. Yudu Mountain Scenic Spot is luxuriantly green and the stream in the mountain flows in all season. In spring, summer and autumn, there are a lot of flowers and it is a quiet valley landscape with the wonderful match of water, mountain, forest and grass.

 海坨山Haituo Mountain海坨山是国家级自然保护区,它位于延庆县与河北赤城县交界处,主峰海拔2241米,为燕山山脉最高峰。每年10月到来年5月,在延庆都可以看到“海坨戴雪”的壮观景象。这里生态环境保存较好,有野生动植物 l00多种,以天然次生油松林保存最好,面积最大。2009年,中国国家地理杂志社等单位共同发起的“寻找十大‘非著名山峰’”活动中,北京“驴友”所钟爱的海坨山榜上有名。Haituo Mountain is a national natural Reserve and it is at the juncture of Yanqing County and Chicheng County of Hebei Province. Its main peak is 2241m above the sea level and it is the highest peak of Yanshan Mountains. Between October and May of the next year, one can see the splendid scene of “Haituo Mountain wearing snow” in Yanqing. The ecological environment here is relatively better preserved. There are over 100 wild plants and animals and the natural secondary Pinus tablaeformis forest is best preserved, with the largest area. In 2009, in the activity of “looking for ‘non-famous peak’” sponsored by company of Chinese National Geography magazine and other units, Haituo Mountain favored by the “travelers” of Beijing was listed.  


松山国家自然保护区Songshan National Reserve 松山国家自然保护区位于延庆西北海坨山南麓,总面积4671公顷,拥有保存最完好的生态系统。松山自然保护区内古松千姿百态,山涧溪水淙淙,谷中山石嶙峋,生物多样性丰富,保存有华北地区唯一的大片珍贵天然油松林和华北地区典型的天然次生阔叶林。据统计,松山记录到的野生维管束植物有713种,野生脊椎动物216种。松山是科研考察教学实习的理想场所,又是旅游度假、避暑疗养的胜地。Songshan National Reserve is at the south foot of Haituo Mountain, northwest of Yanqing County, covering an area of 4671 hectares and it has the best-preserved ecological system. Inside the Songshan National Reserve , there are aged pine trees, gurgling mountain stream and in the valley, the mountain stones are in grotesque shapes and there are rich and diversified livings. It preserves the only large-area precious natural Pinus tabulaeformis forest in North China and the typical natural secondary broad-leaved forest in North China. According to the statistics, in the record of Songshan, there are 713 kinds of wild vascular plants and 216 kinds of wild vertebrates. Songshan is the ideal place for research, investigation, teaching and practice and it is also a resort of travel, spending holiday, avoiding summer heat and recuperation.


龙庆峡Longqing Gorge“水比漓江清,山比三峡险”,这是中外游客对龙庆峡景区奇山秀水的一致评价。乘船游览龙庆峡7公里的水面,仿佛进入一幅巨大的山水画卷。“山如碧玉簪,水如青罗带”,在山环水绕之中,大自然造就的镇山如来、钟山、凤冠岛、东大寨、月亮湾等30余处景观扑面而来,让人大开眼界,叹为观止。龙庆峡夏季是京郊避暑胜地。“The water is clearer than that of Lijiang River and the mountain is more dangerous than that of Three Gorges.” This is the consistent appraisal of Chinese and foreign tourists on the wonderful and beautiful mountain and water of Longqing Gorge Scenic Spot. Visiting on the 7km water of Longqing Gorge by boat is just like entering into a huge landscape scroll. “The mountain is like green jade hairpin and the water is like green silk belt”. Surrounded by the water and mountain, over 30 landscapes appear, such as Mountain-Dominating Buddha, Zhongshan, Fengguan Island, Dongda Village, Moon Bay and so on, which broaden the viewers’ outlook. In summer, Longqing Gorge is a summer resort in Beijing suburb.

 百里山水画廊One-Hundred-Li Landscape Corridor 百里山水画廊位于延庆东北部千家店镇,景区总面积371平方公里,是全国首个覆盖全镇域的国家AAAA级景区。黑白两河宛如飘逸的银色丝带,穿梭在深山幽谷之间,成为百里山水画廊的灵魂。景区内的硅化木国家地质公园包含众多地质人文自然景观,是全国唯一以典型、稀有、珍贵的硅化木(木化石)群为主的国家地质公园。乌龙峡谷的碧水、深潭、曲径、怪石,滴水壶景区的清泉、溶洞、峭崖、飞瀑,各具特色,摇曳多姿。One-Hundred-Li Landscape Corridor is in Qianjiadian Town, northeast of Yanqing County. The total area of the scenic spot is 371km2 and it is the first national Class AAAA scenic spot covering the whole town in China. A white river and a black river, just like flowing silver silk belts, pass through the deep mountains and valleys and they become the soul of the One-Hundred-Li Landscape Corridor. The silicified wood national geopark inside the scenic spot contains many geological, cultural and natural landscapes and it is only national geopark dominated by typical, rare and precious silicified woods (fossil wood). The green water, deep pool, wandering path, grotesque rocks of Wulong Gorge and the clear spring, karst cave, steep cliff and flying waterfall of Dishuihu Scenic Spot are all unique and beautiful.           

  风光旖旎的妫河Beautiful Gui River 妫水河是延庆的母亲河,属永定河水系,干流全长18.5公里,流域面积1000多平方公里,由东向西贯穿于延庆盆地,一路蜿蜒曲折注入官厅水库。妫水河两岸土地肥沃、植被丰茂、景色秀丽,既有青山绿树草滩,又有芦苇香蒲和水中小岛,古朴、幽静、野趣是她突出的特色。沿妫水河修建的妫河森林公园气势恢宏、匠心独具。蓝天白云之下,海坨山倒映其中,湖光山色,美不胜收,让人心旷神怡,流连忘返。Guishui River is the mother river of Yanqing and belongs to the Yongding River system. Its mainstream is 18.5km long in total and its catchment area is over 1000km2. From east to west, it passes through the Yanqing Basin and flows into Guanting Reservoir. Both banks of Guishui River have fertile land, rich vegetation and beautiful scenery. There are green mountains, trees and grasses, and also reeds and bulrushes and isles in the water. Simplicity, quietness and rustic charm are the outstanding features of it. The Guihe Forest Park built along the Guishui River is spectacular and unique. Under the blue sky, Haituo Mountain is reflected in it. It is so beautiful that the tourists don’t want to leave.            野鸭湖Wild Duck Lake野鸭湖国家湿地公园拥有生物多样性和稳定性较高的湿地生态系统,是北京市唯一的湿地鸟类自然保护区。野鸭湖国家湿地公园位于官厅水库延庆辖区水系内,这里水域辽阔、河汊条条、浅滩片片、水草茂盛、鱼虾类丰富,是南北迁徙鸟类的良好栖息地。野鸭湖保护区总面积6873公顷,其中湿地面积3939公顷。野鸭湖的鸟类总数达264种,其中有国家一级保护动物6种(黑鹳、东方白鹳、白头鹤、大鸨、金雕、白尾海雕),每年春秋鸟类迁徙时节,到这里驻足的鸟类超过10万只。The Wild Duck Lake National Wetland Park has a wetland ecological system with a variety of living things and relatively high stability and it is the only wetland bird natural reserve in Beijing. The Wild Duck Lake National Wetland Park is inside the water system of Guanting Reservoir under the jurisdiction of Yanqing County. Here, it has broad water, many river branches and shoals, exuberant water plants and rich fish and prawns and it is a good habitat of migrant birds. The Wild Duck Lake reserve covers a total area of 6873 hectares, including the area of wetland of 3939 hectares. There are 264 kinds of birds in total in the Wild Duck Lake, including the 6 kinds of birds under the national first-grade protection (Ciconia nigra, Ciconia boyciana, Grus monacha, Otis tarda, Aquila chrysaetos and Haliaeetus albicilla). In the migration season of birds in spring and autumn, the number of birds staying here is over 100 thousand.                       宜居城市Livable City延庆县城周边环绕着30多个景点景区。沿县城周围建成了妫河生态休闲走廊、龙庆峡下游森林走廊、官厅水库库滨带、北山生态旅游观光带,构成了总面积近10万亩的壮丽森林景观。县城建成了妫水公园、夏都公园、江水泉公园等9个公园,总面积超过万亩。延庆县城形成了错落有致、疏密结合的城市布局和山水相间、特色鲜明的园林城市风貌。居民出门就可观自然山水,闻鸟语花香。延庆,一个既适合居住生活,又适合旅游休闲的生态城市。Around Yanqing County, there are over 30 scenic spots. Around the county town, the Gui River Ecological Leisure Corridor, Downstream Forest Corridor of Longqing Gorge, Buffer Zone of Guanting Reservoir, Beishan Ecological Sightseeing Zone were built and they form a splendid forest landscape covering a total area of nearly 100 thousand Mu. In the county town, there are 9 parks, including Gui River Park, Xiadu Park, Jiangshuiquan Park, covering an area of over 100 Mu. Yanqing County forms an orderly urban layout combining rarefaction and density and the garden city scene with both mountain and water and distinctive characteristics. The residents here can go outside the see the natural water and mountain, listen to the bird singing and smell the flower fragrance. Yanqing is a ecological city suitable for living and travelling.         美丽乡村Beautiful Rural Area 延庆的乡村,充满了浓郁的田园山水风光,是绿色天然大氧吧,也是现代都市人逃离喧嚣的乐土。 延庆的乡村之美在于它的纯朴与自然,在于它的静谧与恬淡,在于它独特的风土人情,更在于它生产生活和旅游休闲的有机结合。到延庆乡村,不仅可以寻觅自然、宁静、纯朴、惬意的秀美景色,而且可以让身体得到彻底的休憩和放松,让心灵得到真正的净化升华。The rural area of Yanqing is full of dense filed and garden landscape and it is a green and natural oxygen bar. It is also a happy land for the modern urbanites to escape from the noisy city. The beauty of rural area of Yanqing lies in its simplicity and nature, in its quietness and inference feeling to fame, in its unique local customs and more in the organic combination of living, production, travel and leisure. In the rural area of Yanqing, you can not only look for the natural, quiet, simple, comfortable and beautiful scenery, but also can completely relax yourself and really purify and sublimate your soul.