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If you eat contaminated food, you are at significant risk for food poisoning.如果你吃了受污染的食物,你是在重大食物中毒的风险。 According to the Mayo Clinic, bacteria, parasites and toxins are the most common cause of food poisoning, and the resulting sickness can last for up to 10 days.根据梅奥诊所,细菌,寄生虫和毒素食物中毒的最常见的原因,并由此产生的疾病可以持续长达10天。 You can develop food poisoning from any food; however, some dishes carry a higher risk than others.您可以开发任何食物食物中毒;然而,一些菜肴进行比别人更高的风险。 It is important to understand what foods you should avoid and which require special handling procedures.重要的是要明白,你应该避免哪些食物和需要特殊处理程序。

  1. Spoiled Foods偶食品

    • Spoiled foods are one of the main causes of food poisoning.偶的食物是食物中毒的主要原因之一。 Never eat leftovers and foods that smell funny, are discolored or have grown mold.从来不吃剩菜和食物味道滑稽,变色或增长的模具。 It is essential to check expiration dates and discard foods once they have expired.它是必不可少的检查期限和放弃,一旦他们有过期食品。 Freeze foods that you do not plan to eat, as frozen foods can last from one month to a year.冷冻食品,你不打算吃,因为冷冻食品可以从1个月的最后一年。 Always refrigerate leftovers immediately to avoid spoilage.总是立即把剩余的食物放进雪柜,避免变质。

    Raw Foods生的食物

    • Eggs and poultry should always be cooked thoroughly to avoid the risk of salmonella poison.鸡蛋和家禽始终应彻底煮熟,避免沙门氏菌毒的风险。 According to kidshealth.org, E. coli is present in cattle, and it has been found in beef and vegetables grown in manure.据kidshealth.org,大肠杆菌是目前牛,并已在农家肥种植的蔬菜和牛肉中发现。 Never eat undercooked beef, and always wash vegetables in fresh water before consuming.从来不吃未煮熟的牛肉,并经常洗蔬菜食用前在淡水中。


    • According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), shellfish that has been completely cooked has been linked to foodborne illness.据马里兰大学医学中心(UMMC),已经完全煮熟的贝类大学已与食源性疾病。 UMMC advises that fish that have eaten toxic plankton and algae are common sources of food poisoning. UMMC表示,已经吃了有毒的浮游生物和藻类是食物中毒的常见来源的鱼。 Furthermore, the puffer fish has poisoned flesh and should only be consumed in restaurants licensed to serve the dish.此外,河豚鱼中毒肉,只应在授权给服务菜的餐馆食用。

    Packaged Food包装食品

    • Food that has been incorrectly packaged is a source of botulism.被错误地包装的食品是肉毒中毒的来源。 Foodsafety.gov advises that the nerve-affecting toxin causes serious illness. Foodsafety.gov表示,影响神经毒素导致严重的疾病。 Infants have become ill after eating honey and canned fruits and vegetables containing the toxin.婴幼儿生病后吃了含有毒素的蜂蜜和水果罐头和蔬菜。 In addition, adults have gotten sick from bottled oils and foods left warm for extended periods.此外,成年人都得到了生病离开了长时间的热烈的瓶装油和食品。 According to foodsafety.gov, botulism causes lethargy, double vision and slurred speech.据foodsafety.gov,肉毒杆菌中毒会导致嗜睡,复视,口齿不清。 If you or someone you know show any sign of the toxin, seek medical attention immediately.如果你或你认识的人表现出任何毒素的迹象,立即就医。


    • It is essential that you know what symptoms foodborne illnesses cause.重要的是,你知道什么症状食源性疾病的原因。 According to the Mayo Clinic, regular symptoms include nausea, diarrhea and cramping.根据梅奥诊所,经常症状包括恶心,腹泻和抽筋。 You may also experience flu-like symptoms such as fatigue and fever.您可能还会遇到类似流感的症状,如疲劳和发烧。 The Mayo Clinic suggests that symptoms usually improve within 48 hours with plenty of rest and drinking fluids such as ginger ale and water.梅奥诊所的建议,症状通常在48小时内改善大量的休息和饮用的液体,如干姜水。


    • If you are pregnant or elderly, or if your child shows any signs of food poisoning, consult your physician immediately.如果你是孕妇或老人,或如果您的孩子表现出任何食物中毒的迹象,立即向医生咨询。 According to the Mayo Clinic, the symptoms of foodborne illnesses cause dehydration that can be fatal if you are elderly or have pre-existing conditions.根据梅奥诊所,食源性疾病的症状,造成脱水,可能是致命的的,如果你是老人或有预先存在的条件。 You can also reach the Poison Control Center toll free at (800) 222-1222.您也可以达到中毒控制中心免费电话(800)222-1222。

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