
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/11 00:25:26
郭田李下 说:

First of all I need to point out that this isScott Hargis’s post. Like many of you I’ve been admiring the way Scott uses a hand full of strobes to light a room to look like an Architectural Digest shoot and still keep the time to shoot a hole home within a few hours. Like the kitchen above. Scott has adapted the lighting techniques that David over atStrobist.blogspot.com teaches (don’t put strobe on camera, use manual flash, useCactus radio flash triggers, etc) to light interiors. So recently I tried to summarize the lighting explanations that Scott puts on his flickr images into a description of how to approach lighting a room with multiple strobes in a systematic way. I sent it to Scott and he re-wrote it and added a bunch of detail. Here’s Scott’s description:
发表于2010-08-11 16:52:27
郭田李下 说:
1.      Set the ISO to 400 – this gives you much greater latitude with the strobes.
发表于2010-08-11 16:53:17
郭田李下 说:
2.      Set the aperture to f/6.3 as a good starting point. With wide-angle lenses, DOF is not really a problem.
3.      Adjust the shutter speed to expose for the windows. Generally, for a “” window effect, 1/80th or slower will work. To bring in a view completely, dial up to your camera’s maximum sync speed (usually 1/250th) and only then start stopping down the aperture. Once the windows are exposed properly…..
快门速度以正确曝光窗户为准,一般来说,对于” blown-out”窗户(译者注:我不确定blown-out是什么意思),1/80s或者更慢一点点都可以。为了能够拍下全景,把快门调到你相机的最快同步速度(一般是1/250s)然后开始缩小光圈,直到窗户正确曝光为止。
发表于2010-08-11 16:53:29
郭田李下 说:
4.      Add an off-camera light to one side or other of the camera. Bouncing from a wall or the wall/ceiling joint results in a much larger apparent light source, and thus yields softer shadows. However, watch for hot spots! In particular, reflections in windows, mirrors, and glass cabinets are problematic. Hot spots on the ceiling are also common, but can be fairly easily dodged/ burned out if the light can’t be re-positioned.
用一个离机闪光灯放在你相机的一侧,用墙壁或者墙壁与天花板的接缝(顶角线)处反射,以制造一个大的柔光光源。但是要注意高光或亮斑,特别是窗户、镜子、玻璃橱柜和可疑的地方的反射。天花板也是容易出现亮斑的地方,但是非常容易避开和关掉(译者注:我不确定burned out是什么意思),如果灯光不能移动的话。
5.      Flash power settings will be highly variable according to the light level in the room, the size of the room, etc.
6.      Most wall colors are fine for bounced light with no noticeable color cast. However, deep, bold colors will result in a tint to the light that bounces off them. In these situations, an umbrella or reflector is very useful.
发表于2010-08-11 16:54:15
郭田李下 说:
In my opinion, if you’re accustomed to shooting with one on-camera light, the best way to ease into shooting with off-camera lights is to start SMALL. Try a bedroom, turn off your on-camera light and use only the remote one, placed a few feet away and bounced off the wall, to get used to the idea and discover the tricks of “hiding” the light source from the camera. Then, add in the on-camera light with a diffuser for fill.
For more complex rooms, like kitchens and living rooms, start with an ambient-only exposure and then add lights one at a time,chimping every step of the way. Remember that aiming the strobe directly at the subject will result in harsh light and hard-edged, deep shadows. For me, this is the last resort.
发表于2010-08-11 16:54:52
郭田李下 说:
Because flash duration is extremely short (about 1/20,000 of a second), it is not affected by the camera’s shutter speed. For most rooms, it is possible to make the strobes the dominant light source, with only the windows truly lit by the ambient. At this point, control is completely in the photographer’s hands: shutter speed will control the windows/ambient, and aperture will control the strobes. Once I have the lighting evened out, I often fine-tune a shot by adjusting my aperture to move the histogram up or down as desired.
When I walk into a room, I’m looking at the surfaces and dividing them into two camps: surfaces the camera will see, and those it won’t see. The ones that aren’t going to be visible are all candidates for bounced lights. Then it’s just a matter of taking a few seconds to plan out the lighting. It’s amazing how quickly you can gain an intuition for this. Also, many rooms (like bedrooms) are pretty standard – the same setup will work again and again with minor changes.
发表于2010-08-11 16:55:26
郭田李下 说:
A note about gear: To learn about ways to remotely trigger strobes, the Strobist blog and Flicker site are invaluable. Nikon CLS and Canon IR are problematic for shooting interiors as the signals will not travel reliably around corners and into distant rooms where we often put our lights. With regard to “hiding” lights in a room, a light stand with a small footprint is very helpful. I use the Slik SVD-20, which can remain upright and stable with a footprint less than 4″ across. Most of the time, my lights are about 24″ off the floor. I also keep a strobe in my hip pocket with the little “foot” attached so it can stand upright on its own. This light is incredibly useful for tucking into small places, on top of mantles, bookshelves, etc.
装备:闪卓博识是一个绝佳的学习离机闪光的好去处。尼康的CLS和佳能的IR系统有时候在角落里或者大房间内都不太好使。关于在房间内“隐藏”闪光灯,有footprint(译者注:我不知道footprint是什么意思,可能是脚架?)的灯架会非常实用,我用的是Slik SVD-20型,非常笔直并且有小于4”的footprint。大多数时间,我会把闪光灯升到离地24”的高度(约0.61m)。我还会在裤子的屁股兜里面装一个闪光灯及附赠的小支座,这样我就可以把他们装在一起并且放在壁炉或者书架等一些小地方。
There you have it. The complete Scott Hargis lighting approach. Thanks Scott for being willing to share all the details with us!
发表于2010-08-11 16:55:35
Carlos Liu 说:
发表于2010-08-11 17:26:18
异国咖啡 说:
好文! 感谢辛苦翻译!
发表于2010-08-11 18:00:46
壹灯 说:
A note about gear 中的应沒有"footprin"是指沒有小支撑杆的小灯架

发表于2010-08-11 18:28:02
  andrewstrauss  说:
发表于2010-08-11 20:27:42
祥子宝宝  说:
都是高手 谢谢
发表于2010-08-11 21:26:45
当厨子是我的梦想 说:
发表于2010-08-11 21:37:57
郭田李下 说:
壹灯 说:
A note about gear 中的应沒有"footprin"是指沒有小支撑杆的小灯架

第三点的footprint,壹灯贴的图没有显示出来,我想有可能不能外链或者不翻墙看不到,我就把壹灯提到的Manfrotto 012搜了下,贴一张上来给大家看。

发表于2010-08-11 21:39:40
社.员 说:
楼主辛苦 这样的文章 翻译得越多越好 谢谢
发表于2010-08-11 21:57:29
三锅 说:
发表于2010-08-12 00:17:51
yoo-oo 说:
发表于2010-08-12 00:54:57
石门老黑 说:
2、3步骤的调整是不是说:一般用广角镜头,f6.3的光圈就能保证有足够景深了。1/80及以下的速度会导致窗户部分过曝,所以一般他会用相机最高同步速度,如1/250s来拍,主要是通过调整光圈来使得窗户曝光合适。因此,他的曝光组合是iso400 1/250 我理解他的调整步骤是:先调整光圈到6.3,再调整速度到1/250,然后再缩小光圈使窗户曝光合适,最后再加上闪光灯并调整输出量。因此我认为他很可能一般拍摄的时候室外都很明亮。
发表于2010-08-12 08:45:09
nsquirrel 说:
发表于2010-08-12 09:24:00
护法 说:
终于等到这样的好文章了~~期待更多的好东西,给大家: 分享!
发表于2010-08-17 10:48:29
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