请注意鳄鱼:sql server2005 存储数据库表名、字段名、描述的数据库表和sql语句

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 20:58:55
    A.name AS table_name,
    B.name AS column_name,
    C.value AS column_description
FROM sys.tables A
INNER JOIN sys.columns B
    ON B.object_id = A.object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.extended_properties C
    ON C.major_id = B.object_id
        AND C.minor_id = B.column_id
WHERE A.name = 'MuMu'--查询表的字段名,字段类型等
SELECT c.name,t.name,c.xprec,c.xscale,c.isnullable
FROM systypes t,syscolumns c
WHERE t.xtype=c.xtype
AND c.id = (SELECT id FROM sysobjects WHERE name='c_bill')
ORDER BY c.colid;--后面这两个没试验,不知道对不对也不知道什么用
select COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name)              
sysindexes i, syscolumns c, sysobjects o                  
where o.id = object_id('[YourTableName]')                 
and o.id = c.id                                           
and o.id = i.id                                           
and (i.status & 0x800) = 0x800                            
and (c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid,  1) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid,  2) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid,  3) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid,  4) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid,  5) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid,  6) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid,  7) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid,  8) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid,  9) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid, 10) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid, 11) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid, 12) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid, 13) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid, 14) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid, 15) or    
     c.name = index_col ('[YourTableName]', i.indid, 16)      
select t1.name,t2.rtableName,t2.name
(select col.name, f.constid as temp
 from syscolumns col,sysforeignkeys f
 where f.fkeyid=col.id
 and f.fkey=col.colid
 and f.constid in
 ( select distinct(id) 
   from sysobjects
   where OBJECT_NAME(parent_obj)='YourTableName'
   and xtype='F'
 ) as t1 ,
(select OBJECT_NAME(f.rkeyid) as rtableName,col.name, f.constid as temp
 from syscolumns col,sysforeignkeys f
 where f.rkeyid=col.id
 and f.rkey=col.colid
 and f.constid in
 ( select distinct(id)
   from sysobjects
   where OBJECT_NAME(parent_obj)='YourTableName'
   and xtype='F'
) as t2
where t1.temp=t2.temp