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2297 26 +++++++++++++让雷诺的采访视频~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~访谈节目《... [精品] [置顶]  60.63.35.* 4-20  找寻_梦想
4597 63 杀手Leon——手写本剧本 [精品] [置顶]  60.63.35.* 01:13  zhengsy515
40 4 说句实话 这部影片确实够烂  117.11.61.* 19:40  117.11.61.*
2525 170 【这个杀手不太冷】插曲下载(共26首) [精品]  VinesSin 18:40  VinesSin
600 9 电影里的那盆花有什么寓意呢》  60.167.219.* 17:11  121.230.202.*
17443 410 说句实话吧,这样的电影算不上什么好电影  218.6.28.* 16:43  124.72.79.*
5 0 这个杀手不太冷实在纽约拍摄的吗????  124.64.107.* 14:06  124.64.107.*
72 1 不应叫杀手里昂应该叫杀笔里昂  117.11.70.* 12:57  单纯海
897 71 留下你的年龄,看看吧里的年龄分布  ku565926 12:30  219.139.72.*
2430 30 片中在餐厅女孩为什么大笑呀?  222.131.27.* 11:21  tangyz2393
1219 44 这部片子不好找,大家说说怎么发现这片子的  franky福兰奇 11:19  tangyz2393
4871 95 你最喜欢片中的哪句台词?  潜行的吸血怪 11:17  莫梓琰
400 5 《这个杀手不太冷》无法接受leon死去的结局。  bu是因为你ミ 11:16  tangyz2393
16 0 这部电影在我心里是至高无上的!  124.234.40.* 02:16  124.234.40.*
1212 10 电影中十大最让人心碎男人  很少反复 4-24  柳叶花花
28 0 我从WOW吧转来的,太搞了。。  莫梓琰 4-24  莫梓琰
25 2 开始没看懂,现在我决定从新看一遍~  ┗━━曹操 4-24  莫梓琰
547 7 (友情贴)●○●○天使爱美丽--奥黛丽·塔图  臻— 4-24  U米西
99 4 喜欢杀手不太冷的喜欢海上钢琴师吗  桑尼国王 4-24  牛奶当水喝
11010 84 “这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 [精品]  80.195.208.* 4-23  222.162.249.*
6998 89 leon为什么拒绝马蒂尔达??  222.129.228.* 4-23  找寻_梦想
939 9 我画的Mathielda [精品]  wings1320 4-23  找寻_梦想
1716 56 说实话,这部电影,我觉的不好看,个人而言,真的不好看  222.72.150.* 4-22  117.11.49.*
2077 30 谁能跟我解释一下为什么杀手都爱喝牛奶妮??  F3的学生 4-21  60.211.177.*
12958 111 <这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 [精品]  绿茶飘香 4-21  124.128.31.*
60 0 杀手里昂完整版有人看过吗?  蘑菇小蓓 4-21  蘑菇小蓓
1924 12 推荐一部和《这个杀手不太冷》媲美的电影  zhangrui2004 4-21  116.235.187.*
53 0 这电影够经典。  猪宝砚 4-20  猪宝砚
59 0 片子让我明白,爱情与年龄没关系  58.212.7.* 4-20  58.212.7.*
388 4 影片85分钟那里 问个问题  218.202.4.* 4-20  找寻_梦想
326 7 感觉这是我看的最有艺术的电影了!!  218.8.98.* 4-20  117.40.91.*
5702 21 这个杀手不太冷--感受 [精品]  220.167.34.* 4-19  找寻_梦想
657 6 看到快最后我极其后悔看了这部片子  123.10.136.* 4-19  找寻_梦想
19223 306 除了LEON,还有什么影片让大家流泪了?  61.165.99.* 4-19  211.138.5.*
1074 13 我被女主角萌倒了…怎么办…女主角真实名字叫什么…  龙仙歌鬼 4-19  找寻_梦想
6607 42 玛帝尔达在最后是不是自杀了!你们有没有注意她的最后一句话  211.157.76.* 4-19  找寻_梦想
376 5 君生我未生 我生君已老  caroline_123 4-19  找寻_梦想
6439 48 杀手的童话 [精品]  hsqj 4-19  218.56.175.*
513 7 这个杀手不太冷 最经典的地方——你认为呢  csudcy2000 4-19  找寻_梦想
3830 86 大家说说中国演员谁去演 LEON 还过得去  死于ZZ日 4-19  找寻_梦想
1371 23 谁知道那个女孩为什么一直戴项圈?  58.33.252.* 4-19  找寻_梦想
44624 525 大家看到那个情节时就哭了? [精品]  61.211.221.* 4-19  晚凇
431 7 里昂喝的是中国三鹿牛奶~~  60.170.9.* 4-19  晚凇
26 3 这个杀手不太冷 喜欢的大家都留个Q吧  我就是张涵 4-19  找寻_梦想
18563 178 大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 [精品]  w蒙面人dd 4-19  heher1967
1119 16 为什么这部电影不是奥斯卡?  222.189.68.* 4-19  ○粉豆○
1281 12 终于说出口的Baby i love u' [精品]  舞川拉面嘿咻 4-19  222.125.2.*
229 15 貌似冷血/很冷漠的人都不用谈恋爱-,-?  shujiny4 4-19  bangkailiu
1477 17 LEON —这个杀手不太冷(原创影评—精华之集大成者)  61.48.104.* 4-19  莫梓琰
2006 36 没有枪 怎样最简单的致人于死地  everybsb 4-19  桑尼国王
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1 终于说出口的Baby i love u' 
 我也不知道怎么了…  一遍遍地听着Sting低吟"that's not the shape of my love…"一次次地想起Leon紧握的戒指,然后一次次不争气地哭了起来又不得不躲起来收拾自己的无助…  会有人懂麽?为了一句baby i love u ,为了最后倒塌的那枚阳光,然后不可遏止地崩溃,最后听见庸俗的老男人告诉m也告诉自己:"he has gone"..               怎么那么傻呢?高兴不懂表达,喜欢不去诠释.无论怎么掩饰,却还是让我们瞥见你爱的炽热:冲动地追赶,不假思缩地挥拳以及你们紧紧抱在一起时,世界又恢复了暖色调…         如果不是料到以后再也见不到这个让自己重获新生的小女孩,你根本就不会说出baby i love u吧.即使对方如何执着地向你证明她爱你,你也只是倚着墙剧烈地喘气.          不去惧怕子弹进入身体,不去担忧会否被认出通辑的脸,因为那些都不是我爱的形状!     于是你自以为这样做就是为爱着的这个女孩做了点事,于是你离开了,留下了涕肆横流,不住骂你傻的一些人.           带着还未落地的根. 
 作者:舞川拉面嘿咻    2008-4-29 23:50   回复此发言   
2 回复:终于说出口的Babyiloveu' 
 作者:211.138.147.*   2008-4-30 06:08   回复此发言   
3 回复:终于说出口的Baby i love u' 
 作者:襋    2008-4-30 20:46   回复此发言   
4 回复:终于说出口的Babyiloveu' 
 作者:211.138.147.*   2008-4-30 22:32   回复此发言   
5 回复:终于说出口的Baby i love u' 
 哦,是拉环啊- - 
 作者:襋    2008-5-1 14:12   回复此发言   
6 回复:终于说出口的Baby i love u' 
 作者:121.41.51.*   2008-5-1 14:18   回复此发言   
7 回复:终于说出口的Baby i love u' 
 作者:60.10.19.*   2008-5-8 16:23   回复此发言   
8 回复:终于说出口的Baby i love u' 
 作者:GLMM    2008-5-8 21:23   回复此发言   
9 回复:终于说出口的Baby i love u' 
 说得好真诚。  鼓掌! 
 作者:莫梓琰    2009-1-20 12:42   回复此发言   
10 回复:终于说出口的Baby i love u' 
 LZ你写的很好 很有感觉  其实
 . 早点说出口.. 
 作者:永爱马婷达    2009-1-21 21:03   回复此发言   
11 回复:终于说出口的Baby i love u' 
 作者:mumu1109    2009-1-23 12:15   回复此发言   
12 回复:终于说出口的Baby i love u' 
 作者:bangkailiu    2009-4-19 17:47   回复此发言   
13 回复:终于说出口的Baby i love u' 
 作者:222.125.2.*   2009-4-19 18:03   回复此发言   
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1 大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
因为托尼也属于一地头蛇,他需要随时掌握托尼的情况   鄙人看20遍后的感想  
 作者:w蒙面人dd    2006-1-18 13:35   回复此发言   
2 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:爱じ咋地咋地    2006-1-19 17:45   回复此发言   
3 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 应该是的!!!!!!!!!!!!! 每个人都有自己的无奈 为什么那个扫毒组的人可以那么拽!!!!!
 作者:222.95.23.*   2006-1-19 23:22   回复此发言   
4 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:w蒙面人dd    2006-1-19 23:30   回复此发言   
5 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:61.48.102.*   2006-1-20 21:24   回复此发言   
7 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:传说中的大旯    2006-1-22 12:21   回复此发言   
8 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:Xrat    2006-1-25 15:11   回复此发言   
9 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:60.7.36.*   2006-1-25 15:20   回复此发言   
10 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:Xrat    2006-1-26 09:55   回复此发言   
11 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:Xrat    2006-1-26 09:55   回复此发言   
12 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:w蒙面人dd    2006-1-26 21:50   回复此发言   
13 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:柚子青    2006-1-26 22:59   回复此发言   
14 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:221.15.73.*   2006-1-27 12:59   回复此发言   
15 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:w蒙面人dd    2006-1-27 13:55   回复此发言   
16 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:w蒙面人dd    2006-1-27 13:56   回复此发言   
17 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:柚子青    2006-1-27 16:22   回复此发言   
18 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:w蒙面人dd    2006-1-27 22:22   回复此发言   
19 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:柚子青    2006-1-28 12:55   回复此发言   
20 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:w蒙面人dd    2006-1-30 13:36   回复此发言   
21 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:218.83.202.*   2006-1-31 01:25   回复此发言   
22 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:柚子青    2006-1-31 20:40   回复此发言   
23 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:w蒙面人dd    2006-2-1 13:15   回复此发言   
24 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:柚子青    2006-2-1 13:40   回复此发言   
25 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
恩 听起来蛮有道理的
 作者:60.176.240.*   2006-2-3 19:57   回复此发言   
26 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:关洛    2006-2-4 22:50   回复此发言   
27 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:61.191.20.*   2006-2-10 13:18   回复此发言   
28 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:w蒙面人dd    2006-2-12 11:18   回复此发言   
29 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:221.196.41.*   2006-2-17 14:29   回复此发言   
30 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 那个老头是明显怕金森综合症患者。。。。应该没有什么精力和斯坦打交道吧。。。。 表面上比较可能是托尼透露的
 作者:Zorod    2006-2-22 10:06   回复此发言   
31 回复:大家来讨论,是谁透露了里昂的住所 
 作者:bailamos    2006-2-22 21:39   回复此发言   
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 百度贴吧 > 这个杀手不太冷吧 > 浏览贴子 吧主:莫梓琰 牛奶当水喝 w蒙面人dd 
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开间小店,月入800000! 危机变商机,想不赚都难!
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1 大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 每次,我都是在看到当Leon要Mathilda从那里逃走时,Mathilda坚决不肯。好危机的关头,两个人短短的生死诀别了。 每次看到那里我就忍不住哭了。 
 作者:61.211.221.*   2006-4-1 15:25   回复此发言   
2 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:boa叶子    2006-4-14 21:07   回复此发言   
3 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:61.180.148.*   2006-4-17 11:07   回复此发言   
4 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:218.23.196.*   2006-4-17 14:00   回复此发言   
5 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:218.104.238.*   2006-4-17 17:56   回复此发言   
6 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:61.185.19.*   2006-4-18 03:46   回复此发言   
7 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 片尾曲叫,shape of my heart. 
 作者:Demon_z    2006-4-18 20:01   回复此发言   
8 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:222.244.69.*   2006-4-18 23:37   回复此发言   
9 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:bolevard    2006-4-19 21:33   回复此发言   
10 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 为 Mathilda 讲述过去的女友那段. 
 作者:萧清风    2006-4-20 06:08   回复此发言   
11 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:61.51.35.*   2006-4-22 22:58   回复此发言   
12 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:222.182.110.*   2006-4-23 23:17   回复此发言   
14 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:220.234.27.*   2006-5-3 09:25   回复此发言   
15 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:我说美好与破碎    2006-5-3 17:10   回复此发言   
16 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
在WB 哭很丢人的啊 
 作者:218.22.113.*   2006-5-3 20:06   回复此发言   
17 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:61.48.168.*   2006-5-4 21:49   回复此发言   
18 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
明明是有心理准备的,但还是哭了... 11楼的,怎么看也不会笑到最后吧。
 作者:218.79.248.*   2006-5-4 23:37   回复此发言   
19 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:218.65.45.*   2006-5-10 19:46   回复此发言   
20 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:KyoSohma    2006-5-12 18:57   回复此发言   
21 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:61.149.114.*   2006-5-13 02:12   回复此发言   
22 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:61.149.114.*   2006-5-13 02:12   回复此发言   
23 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:331073090    2006-5-13 17:35   回复此发言   
24 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:luffycindy    2006-5-17 20:20   回复此发言   
25 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 小女孩对里昂说:"I love you,Lion."后,扣动手枪扳机时,眼睛有点湿润 
 作者:218.7.43.*   2006-5-20 12:58   回复此发言   
26 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
甚至有冲动去叫他快跑.!! 看到Mathilda把花种在草地上的时候又哭了.!! 
 作者:59.46.47.*   2006-5-20 15:32   回复此发言   
27 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:寻诺    2006-5-20 18:12   回复此发言   
28 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:219.149.12.*   2006-5-26 21:28   回复此发言   
29 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:Avirl    2006-6-23 18:06   回复此发言   
30 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 作者:爱莱昂    2006-6-23 22:02   回复此发言   
31 回复:大家看到那个情节时就哭了? 
 在通向光明和幸福的路口莱昂被史丹从后面开枪射中 镜头随着他的视野倒下 我就不行了 
 作者:zhouzhou13    2006-6-26 12:02   回复此发言   
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1 杀手的童话 
   “生活这么苦,还是只有童年的生活才会如此?”十二岁的马缔达有一双过早成熟并略沧桑的眼,她用茫然的神情问莱昂。“人生就是如此。”莱昂的眼睛被墨镜隔着,洞察不出一丝一毫的感情,莱昂是从意大利来到纽约的职业杀手,他的工作就是替雇主杀人,一个舔血刀尖的社会边缘人。不过,作为一名职业化杀手,他的行规,“no women nokids”,终日穿着暗色系的衣裤,络腮胡,与世隔绝的墨镜,透露出冷漠与拒绝的信息。杀手,顾名思义,他的生活必然浸透在浓烈的硝烟和血腥之中,所以莱昂会给马缔达一个更加绝望的回答。绝望的坦然,没有分毫无奈。他似乎已然习惯于把牛奶当白开水喝,把盆栽当成朋友爱,坐着睡觉的生活。他一定是一个不相信童话的男人。然而,当全家被杀的马缔达敲门向他求救时,他经过几秒的犹豫后,打开了房门,于是问题也来了。他既没有资格做马缔达的情人,也没有资格做她的老爸----他能教给这个小花朵的只有如何玩枪,随着剧情的发展,你会发现,原来他比马缔达更象个孩子,他腼腆而单纯,冷酷而可爱,他保护她,只是因为他是个男人,有种。如果说最令人心旷神怡的是酷味十足的男人,那么一个浓浓的酷味中掺杂着些许柔情的男人则会令人怦然心动。因此杀手莱昂一举成为存世的经典角色,你可以拒绝一个杀手,当你无法不爱莱昂。他编织了一部最纯洁的童话,英勇而又凄美。   “我喜欢这风暴前的宁静,就象贝多芬。人只有要死时,才会重视生命,我不爱杀一个不关心生命的人。”警官史旦在片中的形象无疑是深度偏执狂,狂燥症患者,有患狂犬病的野狗所有特征。他不允许别人违背自己的意思,嗜血成性,歇斯底里,灵魂深处有蔑视和毁灭一切的倾向。作为一名警官,他不但不能作到恪尽职守,反而和他的搭档们联合起来,杀人,犯毒,几乎无恶不作,与片中的职业杀手莱昂对于马缔达发自内心的爱护,甚至不惜牺牲自己的生命让马缔达好好活下去,形成了鲜明的对比。杀手不冷,杀手有情。警官却是一个杀人如麻,可以为了一件西装而对一个快死的人连开四枪。这种颠覆性的错位,是对社会的嘲讽,是对美国现存的社会问题根源的追问,控诉。   “我要快乐,睡在床上,有自己的根,我爱你。”这是莱昂与马缔达分开前说的最后一句话。他是一个单纯的人,也许原因恰恰因为他是一个职业杀手,很少与人接触,也不懂得什么是快乐,每次杀人之后不,他都一定会洗澡,当清凉的水喷洒脸颊,再淋至全身,我觉得他当时的表情是虔诚的,象是个犯了错的教徒正在忏悔,请求上帝的原谅。影片运用积累式蒙太奇,多次出现莱昂洗澡的场面,给人留下深刻的印象。他还是一个可爱的人,他的绿色盆栽是他沉默的朋友。他每天清晨起来,第一件事,便是将它放在窗口,阳光可以照进来的地方。他对马缔达说过,他自己就象这植物,是没有根的。纽约是世界各国形形色色的人的聚居地。富人,穷人,白人,黑人,好人,边缘人,坏人,龙蛇混杂,对于每个人来说,纽约不是家,它只是暂时寄居的旅馆,所有人在此都是匆匆过客,象浮萍一样无根的漂荡,落寞地生活。这也是导演吕克.贝松将背景地点安排在纽约的原因。直到马缔达的出现,这个出自于问题家庭的问题少女,她固执、任性、狡猾、早熟,却又不失可爱之处。她会为莱昂买两夸脱鲜奶,会和他一起训练,会和他玩放松脑筋的游戏,会对他说,莱昂,我爱你。12岁小女孩的爱,象甘泉,那么清醇,毫无杂质;象是阳光,那么温暖、眩人。莱昂原来麻木的神经松弛了,他会笑了,有时甚至是细心而又温柔的。从此,他相信童话。一个杀手,命中注定,不能有爱,有了爱就是有了弱点。所以,杀手的童话结局必然是悲怆的。莱昂为了守护生命中的这缕阳光,付出了他的生命。在处理他中弹的场景时,导演采用了慢动作,消音的方法,看见的是眉心慢慢扩大的血斑,直至倒地,他的脚步从未迟疑过,一直向着光明的出口迈进;他想脱离这黑暗的世界,即使这种想法只是一个苍白的奢望。他的死,换来了马缔达的生,所以他的死也是一种价值的体现。   值得一提的是,影片除了丝丝入扣的切入,演员让.雷诺、娜塔丽.波特曼准确到位的演绎,在一些影视技巧的运用上也颇有心得。影片的开头处,运用了一个横移,镜头中全是绿色的树叶,接着拍摄,以显示出一片绿色树林的广阔空间,从局部展示整体,镜头再一个横拉,从全景变成远景,可以远阚隔水相望的纽约。随着镜头的快摇,我们又如身临其境一般来到了繁忙的纽约都市,快摇产生了节奏强烈的感觉,眼前来往穿梭的人群、车辆一闪而过,模糊不清,给人一种拥挤、错乱之感。它似乎告诉人们,在这个城市的快节奏生活中,人与人之间是疏离、冷漠的,一切都仿佛过眼云烟般的流逝、虚浮、不安、不切实际。影片的结尾处和开头有呼应的作用,而舒缓的口琴的斜奏曲,更是营造了一种宁静、凄迷的氛围。   马缔达将象征莱昂的盆栽中在了一棵大树下,口中念念有词:“莱昂我们在这儿很安全”之后,镜头切换为俯拍,随着拍摄机的上升,女孩和植物越变越小,再次运用横拉,观众可以透过茂密的树林的顶端,眺望到另一端的纽约,此时整个纽约正笼罩在一碧如洗的蓝天和灿烂的阳光之下。由繁华走出,步入宁静,随后致远的一种感受。这一切似乎在告诉我们,当一切都过去之后,我们还是会站在起点处,唯一有所不同的,便是记忆中多了一份牵绊,人生中多了一种经历。影片刚开始的枪战情节中,给观众以身临其境的感觉。片中用光也很有其独到之处,莱昂出现的场面,多以暗色为主调,面部多用四分之三侧逆光以显示人物复杂的生分和凝重、冷峻的心理。 
 作者:hsqj    2005-3-9 13:18   回复此发言   
2 回复:杀手的童话 
 作者:219.136.61.*   2005-3-11 19:39   回复此发言   
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 作者:221.226.201.*   2005-3-29 18:58   回复此发言   
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 作者:到处游荡    2005-4-23 18:43   回复此发言   
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 作者:221.214.222.*   2005-6-10 19:48   回复此发言   
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 作者:终级战车    2005-6-11 22:54   回复此发言   
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 作者:60.18.130.*   2005-10-23 13:27   回复此发言   
8 回复:杀手的童话 
 ding !~~~~~~~ 
 作者:58.44.129.*   2006-1-24 03:10   回复此发言   
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 作者:82.35.170.*   2006-8-4 20:14   回复此发言   
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 作者:82.35.170.*   2006-8-15 23:02   回复此发言   
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 作者:最嗳GC    2006-8-16 13:19   回复此发言   
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 作者:雷诺的mathilda    2006-11-9 19:12   回复此发言   
13 回复:杀手的童话 
 8错8错 确实8错~
 作者:218.65.45.*   2007-1-9 11:17   回复此发言   
14 回复:杀手的童话 
 作者:218.58.72.*   2007-1-10 14:07   回复此发言   
15 回复:杀手的童话 
 作者:pumpkin27    2007-1-10 21:55   回复此发言   
16 回复:杀手的童话 
 作者:说不好不说    2007-1-11 10:43   回复此发言   
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 作者:懂得浪漫的鱼    2007-4-22 22:40   回复此发言   
18 回复:杀手的童话 
 作者:懂得浪漫的鱼    2007-4-29 23:42   回复此发言   
19 回复:杀手的童话 
 作者:58.17.23.*   2007-5-2 13:16   回复此发言   
20 回复:杀手的童话 
 不过写的很不错了 顶一下先。。 
 作者:58.17.23.*   2007-5-2 13:17   回复此发言   
21 回复:杀手的童话 
 ding a 
 作者:叶秋x    2007-5-2 19:09   回复此发言   
22 回复:杀手的童话 
 作者:爱味    2007-5-7 00:34   回复此发言   
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 作者:0℃空白    2007-5-8 01:24   回复此发言   
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 作者:florajeff    2007-5-14 19:36   回复此发言   
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 作者:219.131.85.*   2007-5-18 22:13   回复此发言   
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 作者:背弃理想‖    2007-6-4 12:08   回复此发言   
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 作者:zjx198453    2007-6-7 21:26   回复此发言   
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 作者:222.75.161.*   2007-6-9 17:02   回复此发言   
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 作者:222.244.197.*   2007-6-10 10:49   回复此发言   
30 回复:杀手的童话 
 共鸣 顶 
 作者:60.28.238.*   2007-6-10 15:02   回复此发言   
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1 这个杀手不太冷--感受 
  很久了,脑海中总是不断浮现出玛婷达和里昂的影子。结局让人心痛,过程让人心酸。我最开始在想,为什么结局不能完美一点呢 ?但细想一下,既然主角是一个小女孩和一个中年男人,那么从开始就注定着是一个悲剧。他们之间的感情究竟是怎样的呢?没人能说的清楚。爱情?应该有吧?友情?亲情?甚似友情亲情。也许是多种感情的揉和吧!
  故事最后里昂让玛婷达逃走的那一幕,里昂说的那一句 I love you ,也许是真正的爱的表白。他知道自己和可能会死(我们知道当时他身上装满了手雷,为的就是。。。。)。任何语言在死亡面前都是苍白的,惟有这一句才是最让人感动的。这里我觉得是全剧基调的一个转折。如果里昂没说这句话就死了,我们到结束还是不明白他们的关系。正是有了这一句,里昂的死才让我们心痛。
  很多朋友说他们之间没有爱情,说我爱情片看多了。有一个误区那就是一个 十五岁左右的女孩子和一个四十岁左右的男人(片中没介绍他们的年龄,我从他们的外貌推测的)之间不可能发生爱情。我几乎不看爱情片,这完全是我的感觉。玛婷达,心智早已超过她的同龄人,甚至相当于一个成年人,虽然她的身体还没怎么成熟。里昂呢?一个十九岁就失去了自己心爱的女友,结束了恋爱的人,他的恋爱经历也就停止在十九岁。二十多年后同样一个敢爱敢恨的女孩偶然闯进了他二十多年来孤独的生活,难道不会让他感觉仿佛回到了二十多年前吗?难道就不会对她产生很多人都认为不可能会产生的爱情吗?
  我是一个没有经历过爱情的人,也不是弗洛伊德的崇拜者,我只是用我的心去感受了这部佳作。not watch but FEEL! TO FEEL the Movie ,TO FEEL the LOVE,TO FEEL the LIFE!!
  很想和朋友们一起分享!QQ 475156342。真诚的可以加!!!
 作者:220.167.34.*   2007-4-24 17:15   回复此发言   
2 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 mathilda的心理一点都不成熟,她喜欢装性感,喜欢装酷,她觉得自己遇到了生命中最爱的男人就不顾一切地追求,想把自己表现的 成熟 ,不懂装懂正是半大不大的孩子最典型的性格。 最后那句i love u 偶倒觉得很平常了,可能东西方文化还是有差异,毕竟西方人嘴里说一句i love u比东方人简单多了。这并不是说,西方人对感情很随便,而是这句话是他们比较常用的一种表达爱的方式,一种习惯,但是对东方人来说就不是。 看杂贺大叔对神乐说 我爱你 我能肯定他是爱上她了,但是看leon对mathilda说就觉得不够典型。 人的观点都不一样,其实退一步说,感情是什么种类终究不是最重要的,重要的是够真诚。但是不管你的主观意愿如何,leon对mathilda这种客观存在的感情,都永远应该被值得尊重而不是侮辱和亵渎。 
 作者:213.132.140.*   2007-7-2 07:24   回复此发言   
3 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 more than love! 
 作者:220.187.152.*   2007-7-18 12:48   回复此发言   
4 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:弦外音18    2007-7-18 13:37   回复此发言   
5 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 2楼的`你要记得 知道或者预知自己可能要死的人不可能说废话.. LEON说的这句 I LOVE YOU 我相信观众应该知道它的分量...  mathilda 心智再怎么成熟但毕竟年龄是12 13岁 装酷这样的事情又有什么??没什么矛盾的 就是20多岁的人有的还是这样 但不代表正经做事的时候还是以小孩心理去做....不是吗?? 2楼理解能力与我有别. 
 作者:125.77.88.*   2007-9-12 03:17   回复此发言   
6 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:121.62.170.*   2007-12-2 10:21   回复此发言   
7 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:125.120.247.*   2007-12-8 17:05   回复此发言   
8 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:痴痕    2007-12-12 09:39   回复此发言   
9 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:221.239.197.*   2007-12-13 23:05   回复此发言   
10 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 坚强 爱 .爱是那么刻骨铭心. 
 作者:218.20.14.*   2007-12-14 02:24   回复此发言   
11 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 我也说说看完的感受,关于最后说的什么我爱你之类的话,我觉得那不是关键,毕竟谁都可以随口说出,看他说不如看他任何做,这部片你真看的懂的话,你会在一些细节了解其表示的人物的真实心理,这也是这部片的功力所在,毕竟奥斯卡不是那么好拿的!!我只说4个细节,1 里昂思考良久起身提枪直指熟睡的玛婷达,那是想解决问题,这时他是把玛婷达看做是累赘的,没什么感情的。 2 他给玛婷达买了条连衣裙很害羞的递给她,还带点老男人的羞涩,这时不用说,他对她已经有些喜欢了吧?? 3 当发现玛婷达独自去警局后单枪匹马救她出来,当看到她没事时两人抱在一起,经典镜头出来了,看到两双鞋的大写镜头了吗??是不是耐人寻味?? 4 最后关头说了I LOVE YOU 之后抓着玛婷达的手迟迟不肯放开,我的心碎了,55555 好片就是一瓶老酒,让人回味不已, 
 作者:125.93.184.*   2008-4-3 08:35   回复此发言   
12 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
让雷诺最后分离时那么深刻的演技,意思就是要表达出他对马婷达的真爱,连这个都没有看出来......哎,没法说了 您再看看吧 
 作者:122.139.106.*   2008-4-3 20:33   回复此发言   
13 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 为什么大家看完片子总爱评三道四的? 有些感受是形容不出来的 
 作者:刘乐姿    2008-6-9 20:27   回复此发言   
14 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:Diablo_Kids    2008-6-11 18:56   回复此发言   
15 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:222.130.74.*   2008-6-17 22:05   回复此发言   
16 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:123.9.14.*   2008-6-18 13:33   回复此发言   
17 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 这是一个发生在纽约大都会里的故事。从意大利来到纽约谋生的莱昂是个孤独的雇佣杀手,他住在一所公寓里,当他以杀手的身份出现时,冷静而神秘,杀人手法令人热血沸腾。但当他卸下杀手面具时,则又回归成为平凡的市井小民,简单到连基本的身份证、银行账号都没有。总之,他是个具有双重身份的人。   12岁的玛蒂尔达住在莱昂的隔壁,她的父亲没有正式工作,是警察的线人。在为警察提供了一次线索后,他贪污了一小包毒品,本以为自己做得天衣无缝,却没想到因此而埋下了祸根。   这天早上,玛蒂尔达去商店买东西。警探斯坦带着手下人来了,斯坦是警界的败类,有些神经质,是个比毒贩子和杀手更可怕的人物。玛蒂尔达的父亲矢口否认自己贪污了毒品,盛怒之下的斯坦命令手下人枪杀了玛蒂尔达的全家,她的爸爸、妈妈、姐姐,甚至连小弟弟也没有被放过,一家人倒在血泊中。   玛蒂尔达买完东西回来了,她所特有的敏感使她觉出了气氛的异常,她聪明地没有走进自己的家,在经过家门口的时候,她震惊地发现家人全死了。于是她敲开了邻居莱昂的门,躲过了杀身之祸。   家人的惨死让玛蒂尔达悲伤不已。无意间,她发现了莱昂的杀手身份,于是她要莱昂收下自己做一个小杀手——“清洁工”。她同莱昂住在了一起,她帮莱昂管家,并教他识字,莱昂则教玛蒂尔达怎样用枪。玛蒂尔达逐渐发现自己爱上了莱昂,而莱昂也对玛蒂尔达产生了一种强烈的保护欲,就这样,两个人的心紧紧地贴在了一起。   一个偶然的机会,玛蒂尔达发现了斯坦的行踪,并贸然报仇,反倒被抓住。幸亏莱昂及时赶到,一阵枪战之后,他救回了玛蒂尔达。为了尽量少惹麻烦,莱昂和玛蒂尔达决定搬家,他们收拾了简单的东西,还抱上了莱昂最喜爱的绿萝。   他们的行踪一直受到警界的注意,斯坦更是下定决心要除掉他们两人以断绝后患。玛蒂尔达又一次落到了恶魔的手里,莱昂全副武装地来到警局,再次救出了她。警局里燃起了熊熊大火,为了不引人注意,莱昂要玛蒂尔达通过通风管道逃生,而自己则从另一楼梯下去。玛蒂尔达要和莱昂守在一起,莱昂最终说服了她,并将他的绿萝托付给了玛蒂尔达。   在浓烟中,莱昂化装成警察,带上了防毒面具。正当他快要走出警局时,却不料被迎面而来的斯坦撞了个正着,敏感的斯坦认出了他,向他射出了子弹,莱昂倒了下去。然而就在最后一刻,他躺在地上,对着洋洋得意的斯坦掀开了自己的衣服,露出了绑在身上的重磅炸弹,最后,在他的“记着玛蒂尔达的问候”声中,炸弹爆炸了……   玛蒂尔达顺着通风口来到了街上,她知道莱昂已经身遭不测,她没有回头,一直向前走去,脸上滴落着两行热泪……   玛蒂尔达最后进了福利院,她一直随身带着莱昂的绿萝,在一片和煦的阳光中,她把绿萝种进了泥土里。   杀手的童话   “生活这么苦,还是只有童年的生活才会如此?”12岁的玛蒂尔达有一双过早成熟并沧桑的眼睛,她用茫然的神情问莱昂。“人生就是如此。”莱昂的眼睛被墨镜遮住,洞察不出一丝一毫的感情。   对于玛蒂尔达,莱昂有发自内心的爱护,甚至不惜牺牲自己的生命让玛蒂尔达好好地活下去。但作为一个杀手,命中注定是不能有感情的,有了爱就是有了弱点,杀手的童话结局必然是悲怆的。   所以莱昂一举成为经典角色,你可以拒绝一个杀手,但你无法不爱莱昂。他编织了一部最纯洁的童话,英勇而又凄美。   在处理他中弹的场景时,导演采用了慢动作和消音的方法,人们看见的是他眉心慢慢扩大的血斑,直至倒地,他的脚步从未迟疑过,一直向着光明的出口迈进。他想脱离黑暗的世界,即使这种想法只是一个苍白的奢望,他也想用自己的死换来玛蒂尔达的生。 
 作者:绝世孤帆    2008-6-18 14:38   回复此发言   
18 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 9L 照你这么说 非要等她张大 产生的感情就是爱情了? 爱情不分年龄 不分身高 是1瞬间产生的感觉 最后生死离别关头 他们深情的对视 那种心碎 SB 都能看出来那是什么 还有莱昂对玛蒂尔达的眼神(他给玛婷达买了条连衣裙害羞的递给她 还带着点男人的羞涩 以及看着她穿出来的一刹那 等等) 我实在不会联想到是亲情 
 作者:小扁家的苍蝇排    2008-11-7 10:48   回复此发言   
19 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:218.1.67.*   2008-11-27 13:12   回复此发言   
20 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:220.175.24.*   2009-2-1 15:08   回复此发言   
21 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:找寻_梦想    2009-4-19 23:51   回复此发言   
22 回复:这个杀手不太冷--感受 
 作者:找寻_梦想    2009-4-19 23:52   回复此发言   
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 <这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词
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1 <这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 He deals the cards as a meditation 
And those he plays never suspect 
He doesn't play for the money he wins 
He doesn't play for respect 
He deals the crads to find the answer 
The sacred geometry of chance 
The hidden loaw of a probable outcome 
The numbers lead a dance  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier 
I know that the clubs are weapons of war 
I know that diamonds mean money for this art 
But that's not the shape of my heart  He may play the jack of diamonds 
He may lay the queen of spades 
He may conceal a king in his hand 
While the memory of it fades  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier 
I know that the clubs are weapons of war 
I know that diamonds mean money for this art 
But that's not the shape of my heart  And if I told you that I loved you 
You'd maybe think there's something wrong 
I'm not a man of too many faces 
The mask I wear is one 
Those who speak know nothing 
And find out to their cost 
Like those who curse their luck in too many places 
And those who fear are lost  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier 
I know that the clubs are weapons of war 
I know that diamonds mean money for this art 
But that's not the shape of my heart  
 作者:绿茶飘香    2004-7-1 03:13   回复此发言   
2 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:220.163.102.*   2004-7-20 10:46   回复此发言   
3 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 shape of my heart 
 作者:220.163.102.*   2004-7-20 10:55   回复此发言   
4 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:MYA    2004-7-20 15:43   回复此发言   
5 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.25.196.*   2004-8-1 12:27   回复此发言   
6 <这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:往事的悲伤    2004-10-4 19:22   回复此发言   
7 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
但是我的红心,我的心它没有形状  他可以打出钻石王子 
他可以隐藏手中那张国王  而那些回忆,逐渐的逐渐的消亡  我知道黑桃代表卫兵的剑 
并非我心的形状  如果我告诉你我爱你 
他们脸上失去了阳光  我知道黑桃代表卫兵的剑 
 作者:寒山美    2004-10-7 15:39   回复此发言   
8 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:211.94.225.*   2004-10-17 21:08   回复此发言   
9 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 sting的这首shape of my heart 是我听过的他唱得最好的一首。也是所有歌曲中最耐听的一首。从上大一时第一次聆听到现在已经四年的时间,仍然被我奉为经典。而影片中的Leon和Matilda,大概很久一段时间不会从我的心中消失。 
 作者:221.196.30.*   2004-10-18 23:47   回复此发言   
10 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 很喜欢的歌sting的这首shape of my heart 《心之形》太好听了,好歌配好电影,吕克贝松经经弓虽!!! 
 作者:61.185.131.*   2004-11-9 15:33   回复此发言   
11 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:210.22.114.*   2004-11-13 23:08   回复此发言   
12 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:61.173.203.*   2004-11-14 12:42   回复此发言   
13 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:221.194.58.*   2004-11-19 23:01   回复此发言   
14 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 We have roots now 
 作者:82.3.32.*   2004-11-21 06:25   回复此发言   
15 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:222.55.103.*   2004-12-4 19:41   回复此发言   
16 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:222.51.134.*   2004-12-26 03:49   回复此发言   
17 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
我真的不愿意再去看这部片子,以为它太伤感了,但是我有忍不住一再的去看,我快要沉浸在里面了!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ 有意者加QQ:158287981 
 作者:218.88.154.*   2004-12-28 21:06   回复此发言   
18 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 That is not the shape of my heart!!!!!!!!!!! 
 作者:61.128.235.*   2004-12-28 21:59   回复此发言   
19 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.73.111.*   2005-1-26 23:37   回复此发言   
20 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 标准翻译与理解如下 “这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲 奥斯卡获奖影片,影评: a killer who wants to be a child meets a child who wants to be a killer; the killer found some precious things that he lost in the past deeply in his heart from that child, and the child found her lover is that killer. 一个想找回童真的杀手遇到了一个想变成杀手的小女孩;那个杀手通过那个小女孩找回了他内心深处消逝已久但极其珍贵的东西(爱心), 那个小女孩找到了她的 爱——那个杀手。 法国人太含蓄了,这部法国片子拍的很细腻,含蓄,艰涩, 歌词更是含蓄艰涩难懂,在此把标准翻译留个大家。 此歌词写得非常精妙,处处用了很多比喻比拟手法,你可以想象到, 他把当杀手比喻成玩纸牌的牌手,为了寻找内心深处的自我,寻找他早已经失去的爱心,他一直在努力寻找着, 寻找那个他早已经遗忘了的,自己的 心的形状。 当杀手杀人比喻成玩纸牌赌博,他天天和 黑桃, 梅花, 方块,打交道,但怎么也找不到那个 “红心" 《心之形》歌词
他把玩纸牌当作一种自我冥想 毫无疑问他是个出色的牌手 他从来不为金钱去玩纸牌,但他总能够赢 他也不是为了赢得尊敬或者荣誉去玩 他只是为了找到一个答案 为了找到那个关于一个庄严而神圣的几何图形的答案 (为了找到 自己的 心 的形状) 那个遵循一个隐藏的运算法则且出现的概率微乎其微的答案 纸牌上的数字跳起了舞,(为了找到这个答案,无休止的数字游戏,但他仍乐此不疲) 我知道黑桃是战士手上的剑, (我知道黑桃是牌手重要棋子) 我知道梅花也是战争的武器, (我知道梅花也是牌手另一张王牌) 我还知道在这纸牌艺术里方块意味着赢得金钱; 但这都不是我的 心 的 形状。。。 他手中握着一张“方块J” 在后面压着一张“黑桃Q” 他最后还藏着一张“老K” 但这些记忆已经渐渐淡去。。。 (重复歌词) 如果我告诉你我爱你 你可能会以为哪里出毛病了 其实我不是一个有多重身份而深藏不露的人 我的面具只有一个 其他那些说话的人他们什么也不知道 而且要想知道就要付出代价 代价就象他们的运气都会在某些时间某些地点受到诅咒 还有那些害怕我的人也会失败 我知道黑桃是战士手上的剑, (我知道黑桃是牌手重要棋子) 我知道梅花是战争的武器, (我知道梅花也是牌手另一张王牌) 我还知道在这纸牌艺术里方块意味着赢得金钱; 但这都不是我 心 的 形状。。。   He deals the cards as a meditation  And those he plays never suspect  He doesn't play for the money he wins  He doesn't play for respect  He deals the crads to find the answer  The sacred geometry of chance  The hidden law of a probable outcome  The numbers lead a dance  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier  I know that the clubs are weapons of war  I know that diamonds mean money for this art  But that's not the shape of my heart 
He may play the jack of diamonds  He may lay the queen of spades  He may conceal a king in his hand  While the memory of it fades  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier  I know that the clubs are weapons of war  I know that diamonds mean money for this art  But that's not the shape of my heart  And if I told you that I loved you  You'd maybe think there's something wrong  I'm not a man of too many faces  The mask I wear is one  Those who speak know nothing  And find out to their cost  Like those who curse their luck in too many places  And those who fear are lost  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier  I know that the clubs are weapons of war  I know that diamonds mean money for this art  But that's not the shape of my heart  歌词中有很多纸牌术语,查大的词典才查得到,我已经看到无数个错误翻译版本了,在此告诉这些术语给你们: spade 纸牌中的 黑桃 club 纸牌中的 梅花 diamond 纸牌中的 方块 heart 纸牌中的 红心 Jack 纸牌中的 J Queen 纸牌中的 Q King 纸牌中的 K 
 作者:80.195.208.*   2005-2-3 22:50   回复此发言   
21 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.58.194.*   2005-2-11 16:20   回复此发言   
22 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.6.112.*   2005-2-12 01:33   回复此发言   
23 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:天天有雪    2005-4-10 09:08   回复此发言   
24 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.2.103.*   2005-4-10 11:50   回复此发言   
25 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:202.103.247.*   2005-4-18 16:02   回复此发言   
26 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:61.191.162.*   2005-5-2 11:44   回复此发言   
27 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.80.182.*   2005-5-7 18:22   回复此发言   
28 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:219.149.79.*   2005-5-8 11:42   回复此发言   
29 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:61.234.149.*   2005-5-20 04:23   回复此发言   
30 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.4.62.*   2005-6-7 12:50   回复此发言   
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2009 Baidu 贴吧协议
 <这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词
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 百度贴吧 > 这个杀手不太冷吧 > 浏览贴子 吧主:莫梓琰 牛奶当水喝 w蒙面人dd 
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小投资日赚3000 白手起家做富豪!
开间小店,月入过万!看投资宝典 想不赚都难!
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31 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.4.62.*   2005-6-7 12:50   回复此发言   
32 感动~~ 
让.雷诺的表演 没得说
难得的好电影 让我随着剧中的人物一起欢笑
随着"里昂"的死亡 一起悲伤```````` 片尾曲 好听的更加没话说 很久以前就听过这首歌
不过今天才知道 是这部电影的片尾曲 
 作者:零度的火    2005-6-17 07:38   回复此发言   
33 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:忽然之间阴天了    2005-6-22 11:16   回复此发言   
34 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:guanhailan    2005-7-1 12:59   回复此发言   
35 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:61.151.10.*   2005-7-1 16:37   回复此发言   
36 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
当利昂离开人世后,她替他把那株植物种在了一片宽阔的草地上  ------------------------------------------------------------ 视角拉远~~~穿过一大片森林~~眺望远方的城市 
ENDING...... 好电影让人有思绪万千的感觉 
 作者:218.94.94.*   2005-7-2 14:20   回复此发言   
37 回复 20:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:222.76.227.*   2005-7-2 22:31   回复此发言   
38 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
我爱你玛蒂娜 。我也爱你,里昂。
 作者:222.37.14.*   2005-7-3 17:26   回复此发言   
39 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:221.0.131.*   2005-7-3 19:37   回复此发言   
40 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.21.72.*   2005-7-10 21:49   回复此发言   
41 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 听说这是一个根据真实的故事改编的 。 
 作者:61.49.25.*   2005-7-13 21:57   回复此发言   
42 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 这样的一颗心,究竟有着怎样的形状 ,才能如铁石般坚强如山林般沉静,又如 火焰般热烈如流水般温柔,叫40岁的杀手 为了12岁女孩的爱情赴汤蹈火,令一双宁 静的眼睛刚刚看见生命喜悦便从容地面对 死亡…… 
 而将那株里昂一样漂泊无根的兰花植 入坚实的大地之后,玛蒂达未来的生活又 将如何?带着过去的故事,谁还会再次打 开她孤独的灵魂,看见那里澄清的湖水, 湛蓝的天空和明亮的阳光……记得影片开 始,玛蒂达问里昂:“人生好辛苦,还是 长大就好了?”里昂简单地回答:“一直 如此。”   12岁的女孩啊,还有那么 长那么长的人生旅途要走。 
 作者:60.55.66.*   2005-7-14 14:09   回复此发言   
43 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:211.161.18.*   2005-7-14 17:31   回复此发言   
44 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.246.217.*   2005-7-14 21:33   回复此发言   
45 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.95.175.*   2005-9-9 22:26   回复此发言   
46 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 我爱这 部部拍子 更爱 娜塔丽亚!!! 
 作者:218.69.97.*   2005-10-6 19:53   回复此发言   
47 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 上面打错了 。。。。这部片子 
 作者:218.69.97.*   2005-10-6 19:54   回复此发言   
48 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 

 作者:222.209.209.*   2005-11-5 19:10   回复此发言   
49 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:220.197.35.*   2005-11-9 10:41   回复此发言   
50 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:222.53.140.*   2005-11-9 14:07   回复此发言   
51 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:218.88.76.*   2005-11-9 23:05   回复此发言   
52 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:219.155.191.*   2005-11-11 10:10   回复此发言   
53 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:61.233.97.*   2005-11-11 12:21   回复此发言   
54 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:空翻的克洛泽    2005-11-13 16:39   回复此发言   
55 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 Let me show you the shape of heatr 
 作者:222.209.2.*   2005-11-19 15:21   回复此发言   
56 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:llixm    2005-11-21 20:11   回复此发言   
57 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 这首歌的中文名 叫(心之形) 
 作者:一碗沙子    2005-12-5 13:58   回复此发言   
58 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:202.196.80.*   2005-12-6 16:25   回复此发言   
59 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:天边灯塔    2005-12-8 13:23   回复此发言   
60 回复:<这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲 歌词 
 作者:小可爱007    2005-12-19 15:22   回复此发言   
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2009 Baidu 贴吧协议
 “这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评
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 百度贴吧 > 这个杀手不太冷吧 > 浏览贴子 吧主:莫梓琰 牛奶当水喝 w蒙面人dd 
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1 “这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 “这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲 奥斯卡获奖影片,影评: a killer who wants to be a child meets a child who wants to be a killer; the killer found some precious things that he lost in the past deeply in his heart from that child, and the child found her lover is that killer. 一个想找回童真的杀手遇到了一个想变成杀手的小女孩;那个杀手通过那个小女孩找回了他内心深处消逝已久但极其珍贵的东西(爱心), 那个小女孩找到了她的 爱——那个杀手。 法国人太含蓄了,这部法国片子拍的很细腻,含蓄,艰涩, 歌词更是含蓄艰涩难懂,在此把标准翻译留个大家。 此歌词写得非常精妙,处处用了很多比喻比拟手法,你可以想象到, 他把当杀手比喻成玩纸牌的牌手,为了寻找内心深处的自我,寻找他早已经失去的爱心,他一直在努力寻找着, 寻找那个他早已经遗忘了的,自己的 心的形状。 当杀手杀人比喻成玩纸牌赌博,他天天和 黑桃, 梅花, 方块,打交道,但怎么也找不到那个 “红心" 《心之形》歌词
他把玩纸牌当作一种自我冥想 毫无疑问他是个出色的牌手 他从来不为金钱去玩纸牌,但他总能够赢 他也不是为了赢得尊敬或者荣誉去玩 他只是为了找到一个答案 为了找到那个关于一个庄严而神圣的几何图形的答案                (为了找到 自己的 心 的形状) 那个遵循一个隐藏的运算法则且出现的概率微乎其微的答案 纸牌上的数字跳起了舞,(为了找到这个答案,无休止的数字游戏,但他仍乐此不疲) 我知道黑桃是战士手上的剑,     (我知道黑桃是牌手重要棋子) 我知道梅花也是战争的武器,     (我知道梅花也是牌手另一张王牌) 我还知道在这纸牌艺术里方块意味着赢得金钱; 但这都不是我的 心 的 形状。。。 他手中握着一张“方块J” 在后面压着一张“黑桃Q” 他最后还藏着一张“老K” 但这些记忆已经渐渐淡去。。。 (重复歌词) 如果我告诉你我爱你 你可能会以为哪里出毛病了 其实我不是一个有多重身份而深藏不露的人 我的面具只有一个 其他那些说话的人他们什么也不知道 而且要想知道就要付出代价 代价就象他们的运气都会在某些时间某些地点受到诅咒 还有那些害怕我的人也会失败 我知道黑桃是战士手上的剑, (我知道黑桃是牌手重要棋子) 我知道梅花是战争的武器,     (我知道梅花也是牌手另一张王牌) 我还知道在这纸牌艺术里方块意味着赢得金钱; 但这都不是我 心 的 形状。。。   He deals the cards as a meditation  And those he plays never suspect  He doesn't play for the money he wins  He doesn't play for respect  He deals the crads to find the answer  The sacred geometry of chance  The hidden law of a probable outcome  The numbers lead a dance  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier  I know that the clubs are weapons of war  I know that diamonds mean money for this art  But that's not the shape of my heart 
He may play the jack of diamonds  He may lay the queen of spades  He may conceal a king in his hand  While the memory of it fades  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier  I know that the clubs are weapons of war  I know that diamonds mean money for this art  But that's not the shape of my heart  And if I told you that I loved you  You'd maybe think there's something wrong  I'm not a man of too many faces  The mask I wear is one  Those who speak know nothing  And find out to their cost  Like those who curse their luck in too many places  And those who fear are lost  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier  I know that the clubs are weapons of war  I know that diamonds mean money for this art  But that's not the shape of my heart    歌词中有很多纸牌术语,查大的词典才查得到,我已经看到无数个错误翻译版本了,在此告诉这些术语给你们: spade    纸牌中的  黑桃 club     纸牌中的  梅花 diamond  纸牌中的  方块 heart    纸牌中的  红心 Jack     纸牌中的   J Queen    纸牌中的   Q King     纸牌中的   K   
 作者:80.195.208.*   2005-2-3 22:48   回复此发言   
2 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:80.195.208.*   2005-2-3 22:56   回复此发言   
3 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:输给一个吻    2005-2-5 14:15   回复此发言   
4 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:凄武者    2005-2-6 18:54   回复此发言   
5 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:MaxPain    2005-2-15 19:20   回复此发言   
6 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:222.74.22.*   2005-2-16 17:27   回复此发言   
7 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:219.235.48.*   2005-2-17 05:20   回复此发言   
8 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:219.136.62.*   2005-2-17 19:46   回复此发言   
9 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:221.0.28.*   2005-2-27 14:03   回复此发言   
10 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:222.212.128.*   2005-2-27 15:16   回复此发言   
11 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:61.49.182.*   2005-3-6 13:26   回复此发言   
12 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:222.94.96.*   2005-3-8 14:59   回复此发言   
13 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:218.56.243.*   2005-3-12 21:27   回复此发言   
14 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:驿站长    2005-3-12 21:56   回复此发言   
15 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 I lowe sting 
 作者:221.209.66.*   2005-3-16 14:47   回复此发言   
16 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:61.52.174.*   2005-3-28 13:09   回复此发言   
17 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:221.193.218.*   2005-3-28 22:28   回复此发言   
18 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
up up 
 作者:202.156.2.*   2005-3-29 01:51   回复此发言   
19 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 Perfect!!!!!!!!Go on!!!!!!!!We all love love!!!!!!!!!!! 
 作者:218.58.71.*   2005-4-17 20:52   回复此发言   
20 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:218.76.22.*   2005-4-29 00:07   回复此发言   
21 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 昨晚我又听这首歌了,失眠啊,悲伤,就像LEON MATELDA诀别时的眼神 
 作者:61.136.151.*   2005-4-29 11:09   回复此发言   
22 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:222.79.38.*   2005-4-29 21:37   回复此发言   
23 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:shyerboy    2005-5-2 11:36   回复此发言   
24 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:61.178.57.*   2005-5-22 04:55   回复此发言   
25 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:61.50.188.*   2005-5-27 15:12   回复此发言   
26 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:218.61.139.*   2005-6-7 09:53   回复此发言   
27 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:61.179.12.*   2005-6-13 23:22   回复此发言   
28 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:益州猛虎    2005-6-28 11:44   回复此发言   
29 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 作者:218.29.38.*   2005-7-1 17:11   回复此发言   
30 回复:“这个杀手不太冷” 片尾曲歌词及中文翻译,与影评 
 这是Sting为电影《杀手莱昂》(又名《这个杀手不太冷》)量身定做的片尾曲,不论是电影还是音乐都堪称经典。下面歌词中的中文翻译乃网上高人所为,bow Artist : Sting 
Title : Shape Of My Heart 心的形状  He deals the cards as a meditation 他出牌前沉思冥想
And those he plays never suspect 对出的每一张牌都很有把握
He doesn't play for the money he wins 他不是为了赢钱而玩牌
He don't play for respect 也不是为了获得尊重 He deals the cards to find the answer 他出牌是为了找寻答案
The sacred geometry of chance 找寻幸运的神圣机率
The hidden law of a probable outcome 在胜利后面隐藏着一种规则
The numbers lead a dance 那些数字在领舞 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑
I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器
I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱
But that's not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状 He may play the jack of diamonds 他可以出方块J
He may lay the queen of spades 他可以出黑桃Q
He may conceal a king in his hand 他可以使小花招藏起K
While the memory of it fades 接着真的忘了自己有K I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑
I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器 I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱
But that's not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状 And if I told you that I loved you 如果我告诉你我爱你
You'd maybe think there's something wrong 你可能会觉得不妥
I'm not a man of too many faces 我不是多面派
The mask I wear is one 我只有一张面具 Well, those who speak know nothin'好吧,那些发言的人其实什么也不知道
And find out to their cost 他们最终会付出代价
Like those who curse their luck in too many places 就像有些人到处说自己不幸
And those who fear are lost还有那些退缩的人,他们都已迷失 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑
I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器
I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱
But that's not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状
That's not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状。。心的形状
That's not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状。。心的形状 
 作者:218.81.117.*   2005-7-5 10:21   回复此发言   
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1 杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
["A Bird In New York"]
  [Intro: streets of New York, Little Italy, "Supreme Macaroni Co."] 
Tony: [lights a cigarette]
Allora, come stai, Leone?
Leon: Bene.
Tony: [stubbing it out] 
Okay, okay.  Let's talk business. 
[pushes a photo towards Leon] 
This fat bastard is trying to move in on Maurizio's business. Now you know, 
Maurizio is a reasonable guy, he just wants ... a little conversation. But this guy, he 
don't wanna hear about it. Maybe he'll listen to you. He comes to town every 
Tuesday. Are you free Tuesday?
Leon: Yeah, I'm free Tuesday. 
[drinks up a glass of milk, takes the photo]    ["Fatman"]
  [Fatman and his bodyguards enter a hotel]
Receptionist: Nice to see you again, Mr. Jones.
  [nobody answers, they move on to an apartment on the 20th floor] 
Fatman: [to one of his men] 
Remember, neatness counts. You got one half hour. 
[sees a woman waiting for him] 
Aah.. one hour.
  [a shadow falls upon the receptionist, Fatman is contacted via walkie-talkie]
Fatman: Yeah, what?
Tonto:  [a gun pointing at his face] 
This' Tonto downstairs. There's a guy who wants to talk to you.
Fatman: What's he look like?
Tonto:  ..Serious. 
Leon:  Tell him I'm coming up.
Tonto: He's coming up.
   [silenced gunshot]
Fatman: Somebody's coming up. Somebody serious.
Bodyguard: [to the walkie-talkie] 
Mickey, open your eyes, we got company.
  [bodyguards check the stairway]
BG Chief: We got company. 
[notices the activated elevator, motions to his men] 
Come on.  
  [take position in front of the elevator, shoot as soon as the door opens]
BG Chief: Stop! Stop men!
  [look at Tonto's lifeless body]
Fatman: Tonto..
BG Chief: Tell the driver to wait for us out back, and hurry up.
[checks the elevator, hears a silenced gunshot coming from the stairway; is pulled 
down by Leon as he bends over the banisters]
Mickey: [checks another stairway after his monitor fails]
Blond Babe: Hey sweety, what's going on?
Fatman: [quickly collecting money from a drawer]
Don't worry baby. It's cool. Take a nap.
  [Mickey gets hung by Leon]
Fatman: [sees Mickey on the monitor]
Oh my god. Those fuckers blocked both of the exits.
[runs through the apartment in panic]
Check the terrace!
  [three remaining bodyguards get shot on the terrace behind the shade]
Fatman: Hey! Yo!
[Leon peers through a hole in the shade; Fatman wildly fires at him with his 
machine gun; runs through the apartment, finds the back door blocked, takes a 
phone and calls the police]
Service: 911 emergency.
Fatman: I need help! Somebody's trying to kill me!
Service: Alright, just stay on the line, I'll just be off for a moment... Sir, I'm gonna connect 
you with an officer.
Fatman: Okay.
[surprised by Leon, who places a knife at his throat]
Officer: Detective Jefferson, may I help you?
Fatman: I'll call you back.
[hangs up]
Hey, relax man. I've got half of Bolivia sitt'n in those suitcases over there. Ha'n even 
been cut yet. Alright, take it, 'ts yours.
Leon: [takes out a piece of paper]
Dial this number.
Fatman: [obeys]
Blond Babe: [frightened, trying to look friendly]
I'll talk to you later sweety, okay?
[leaves the room]
Fatman: Hello?
Maurizio:  [on the phone]
This' Maurizio. Remember me? I see you're back in town?
Fatman: Yeah - No, I mean no. Just for the day.
Maurizio:  Aha. So it's safe to say today's your last day in town and we'll never see your fat
fucking face again.
Fatman: Yeah.. right.
Maurizio:  Let me speak to our mutual friend.
Fatman: He wants to talk to you.
Leon: [takes the phone]
Maurizio:  Make sure he understands, and let him go. 
[hangs up]
  [sirens in the background]
Leon: Do you understand?
Fatman: [nods]
Leon:  So say it.
Fatman: I-I understand.
Leon: Good.
[returns the phone to him, disappears]
Fatman: [paralyzed for a few seconds, relieved]
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:51   回复此发言   
2 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 Leon: [in the subway; getting milk from a shop]
Clerk: Ah, amigo! Two milk as usual, eh?
 ["Ballad For Mathilda"]
 [Leon enters the apartment building]
Mathilda: [puts the cigarette down when she sees Leon coming]
Leon:  [turns around]
Why did you hide the cigarette?
Mathilda:  This building is full of rats. I don't want the old man to find out. Got enough
Leon: [notices a bruise on her face; she slightly bends forward, covering it with her hair]
What happened?
Mathilda: I fell off my bike.
Leon: [leaving]
Mathilda: Hey. Don't tell my dad about the cigarette, okay?
Leon: [stops, then walks on]
 [Stansfield comes out from an apartment, listening to some music; Mathilda throws the cigarette 
 away; Leon shuts the door (6D) behind him]
Father: [upset] 
I don't know how it happened, I mean what's my job? I'm just a holder, I hold the 
stuff just like you give it to me. I don't look at it, I don't touch it, I don't even know 
how to cut it.
Malky: Try to follow me. In June, we gave you the dope, it tests a hundred percent pure. 
Now its July, we pick up the dope, and it tests ninety percent pure. Now somewhere 
between June and July ten percent turned to cut.
Father: I don't know, that's none of my business, I'm just a holder. You give me the stuff, I 
hold the stuff, that's all I know.
Malky: Hey look, you know, I'm trying to help you outta here. But, you know, if you're 
gonna be hard-assed about it, I gotta disturb him. Now let me tell ya: When he's into 
his music, he hates being disturbed.
Father: I'm telling the truth!
Malky: I hope so. Because he's got a talent for sniffing out a lie. It's scary, it's almost like a 
sixth sense. Now you're gonna change your tune, or I gotta bust into his. 
Father: I'm telling you the truth.
Malky: [giving up]
Stan.. Stan, I, I'm sorry, h-he said he didn't cut the dope.
Stansfield: Oh.
[turns around with a sick expression; approaches Mathilda's father, sniffs at him, 
pats his head]
Of course he didn't.
[embraces him]
Just do me a favor. Find out who did, for tomorrow, noon.
[leaves with Malky]
Father: Malky, hey, wait! Hey, I didn't cut your shit! Find out yourself!
[to Mathilda]
What the hell're you doing out here? Get inside and do your homework.
Mathilda: I did it already.
Father: Oh yeah? 
[slaps her face] 
So you can get inside and help your sister clean up the goddamned house! And stop 
smoking cigarettes!
 [Mathilda runs into the apartment, shuts the door] 
 ["Leon The Cleaner"]
 [Leon closes his peep-hole, moves his plant away from the window, closes it; takes off his cap, 
 glasses, coat; takes a shower, sits in front of a glass of milk, irons, cleans the plant, goes to sleep in
 a chair] 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:52   回复此发言   
4 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 Leon:  [comes up the stairs; sees Mathilda's bleeding nose; looks around, reaches her his handkerchief]
Mathilda: Is life always this hard, or just when you're a kid?
Leon: ..Always like this. 
Mathilda: [shortly looks at the bloodstained handkerchief, then turns her eyes back to him]
Leon: Keep it.
[moves on]
Mathilda:  Hey. I'm going grocery shopping. Want some milk? One quart or two? It's two,
Leon: [hesitates, then nods]
Mathilda: [runs down the stairway, smiling again] 
Leon: [in his apartment; takes milk, looks at the clock: 3 to 12]
 [appearing on the corridor: Stansfield's man, Benny, Blood, Veteran, Malky, Stansfield]
 [Stansfield takes drugs in his very special way]
Stansfield: I like these calm little moments before the storm. It reminds me of Beethoven.
Can you hear it? It's like when you put your head to the grass. You can hear it 
growing. You can hear the insects, bzzz...
Leon: [notices sounds coming from outside; observes them through peep-hole]
Stansfield: Do you like Beethoven?
Malky: [nervous] 
Couldn't really say.
Stansfield: [takes his pumpgun] 
I'm gonna play you some.
[shoots at: the door, Sister (missed), Mother]
Malky: Benny, stay here. 
Sister: [running away from Stansfield and his men]
Daddy! Daddy!
Stansfield: [shoots at Sister again, killing her this time]
[devastates the kitchen; approaches Father, who stands trembling in a corner]
Stansfield: We said noon. 
[tapping his wristwatch] 
I've got one minute past.
[snaps his fingers, ending the music]
    You don't like Beethoven. You don't know what you're missing. Overtures like 
that get my.. juices flowing. So powerful. But after his openings, to be honest,
he does tend to get a little fucking boring. That's why I stopped!
Touch the apartment.
 ["Birds Of Storm"]
 [Mathilda buying milk]
 [Stansfield's men searching the apartment]
Stansfield: [pointing at Father]
You are a Mozart-fan. I love him, too. 
[with a singer's voice]
I lo-o-ove Mozart! He was Austrian, you know. 
But for this kind of work, he is a little bit light. So I tend to go for the heavier guys.
Blood: [investigating a record] 
Stansfield's Man: What the fuck are you doing?!
Blood: Man keep your bumbakut mouth shut. 
Stansfield: Check out Brahms, he's good, too.
Blood: What the fuck do you know about music?
Stansfield's Man: Knock it off!
Veteran: Checked the mattress?
Blood: [still looking at the record] 
 [Veteran starts cutting it up; Father shoots Stansfield's Man, grazes Stansfield; Brother 
 leaves his hiding-place under the bed and runs; Blood wildly shoots around]
Blood: Wow.
 [Father throws away the pumpgun, tries to flee, but gets shot by Stansfield]
Stansfield: [stands up, discovers a hole in his suit] 
Oh, fuck!
Malky: [hiding under a table in the kitchen]
Stansfield: [to Father]
Look what you did.
Malky: Stan, you're right?
Stansfield: [outraged]
Look - what - you did!
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:53   回复此发言   
5 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 Malky: Stan!
Stansfield: [shoots at Father four more times, starts reloading his gun]
Malky: [holds him off from continuing] 
Stan, what are you doing?! What are you doing, he's dead! 
Stansfield: But he ruined my suit.
Malky: I know, but he's dead! He's a piece of meat, forget about it! Calm down.
Stansfield: I'm calm.
Malky: Stay there!
Stansfield: Okay.
Malky: Benny! Benny..
[looks out of the door, rushes back as Benny loses his nerves and shoots]
Jesus fucking Christ Benny! It's Malky and Stan!
[to Stansfield]
Come on, let's have a cigarette, alright? Benny! We're coming out! Benny, don't fire! 
Get in! Jesus fucking Christ Benny! 
[gives a cigarette to Stansfield]
Stansfield: ..you wear something new..
Old Lady:  [coming out of her apartment]
What's happening out there?
Malky: It's alright Mam, go in. DEA, police.
Old Lady: Why don't you leave that poor family alone?
Malky: [to Stansfield]
Everything's alright, okay? Just calm down.
[goes into the apartment]
Stansfield: I am calm. I'm calm.
Old Lady: Why don't you leave them alone?
Stansfield:  [shoots the window next to her into pieces] 
He said: Go back inside.
 ["What's Happening Out There?"]
Malky: [enervated]
Stan, I think it's better if we go inside, alright?
[pushes him into the apartment]
 [Mathilda returns from shopping; sees Veteran guarding their door, where her father's
 body is lying; hears Malky from inside]
Malky: Benny, turn the kitchen upside down, find that shit. 
Willie Blood, look what you did! You killed the four year old kid! Did you really 
have to do that?!
 [Mathilda walks on to Leon's door, rings]
Mathilda: [crying as quietly as possible] 
Please open the door..
please.. [rings twice]
..please.. [rings twice]
 [Leon opens; light falling on Mathilda's face; she enters, fills the refrigerator]
Malky: [finds a photo]
Benny, there are three kids here. I think Stan killed this girl, and Willie that asshole 
shot the little boy. The third one's missing. Find her.
Benny: [to Veteran, as he leaves the apartment]
Oh shit, hey we missed a little girl, man. I'm gonna try to find the fucking super of 
this goddamned building.
 [Veteran becomes suspicious, slowly approaches Leon's apartment; Leon prepares to shoot him 
 through the door]
 [Mathilda turns on the TV; Leon startled; Veteran goes back again]
Blood:  Yo, I found it!
Stansfield:  Bingo!
Malky:  Stan, he found it.
Stansfield:  I know. 
Malky: It's the cops outside, we better go.
Stansfield: It's the cops outside, we better go. You stay here.
Blood:  What do you want me to tell them?
Stansfield: Tell them.. we were doing.. our job. 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:53   回复此发言   
6 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 ["Cute Name"]
Leon:  What's your name?
Mathilda: Mathilda.
Leon:  Sorry about your father. 
Mathilda: 'f somebody didn't do it one day or another I would've probably done it myself.
Leon:  Your mother, she ..
Mathilda: 's not my mother. My sister, she wanted to lose some weight anyway. Bet she never 
looked better. Not even my real sister. Just a half sister, and not a good half at that.
Leon: If you couldn't stand them, why are you crying?
Mathilda: Because they killed my brother. What the hell did he do? He was four years old, he 
never used to cry, just used to sit next to me and cuddle. I was more mother to him 
than that goddamned pig ever was.
Leon: Hey, don't talk like that about pigs. They're usually much nicer than people.
Mathilda:  But they smell like shit. 
Leon:  [shakes his finger] 
Not true. As a matter of fact, right now I have one in my kitchen. That's very clean, 
smells very nice.
Mathilda: You don't have a pig in your kitchen.
Leon: Yes I do.
Mathilda: I was just in there and I didn't see any goddamned pig.
Leon: Don't move, I'll get him.
[disappears in the kitchen]
  Piggy! Piggy, where are you? 
Ah, there you are. 
[grunting, playing Piggy] 
Hi Mathilda.
Mathilda: [a little consoled]
Hi Piggy.
Leon: [still playing]
[takes place at the table, playing]
How are you today?
Mathilda: I've seen better days.
Leon: [continues grunting a little, then starts feeling uncomfortable about his question]
Mathilda:  What's your name?
Leon:  Leon.
Mathilda: [her eyes fixed on him] 
Cute name.
Leon:  [spills a whole glass of milk over his face]
Do you have anyone you can go to, any family, any place else?
Mathilda: [shakes her head]
Leon: [sighs, notices that there is no milk left] 
I'm gonna get some more milk.
Mathilda: [finds a bullet, opens the box next to her containing Leon's equipment] 
Oh shit.
Leon: [returns with milk, closes the box and sits down]
Don't touch that, please.
Mathilda:  Leon, what exactly do you do for a living?
Leon:  [uncomfortable] 
Mathilda: You mean you're a hitman?
Leon:  Yeah.
Mathilda: Cool.
Leon:  [surprised look]
Mathilda:  [pours him a glass of milk]
Do you clean anyone?
Leon:  No women, no kids, that's the rules.
Mathilda: How much would it cost to hire someone to get those dirtbags who killed my 
Leon: Five grand a head.
Mathilda:  Wow. How about this: I work for you, and in exchange, you teach me how to clean. 
Hm? What do you think? I'll clean your place, I'll do the shopping, I'll even wash
  your clothes. Is it a deal?
Leon:  No, it's not a deal.
Mathilda:  [grieved]
What do you want me to do, hm? I've got no place to go. 
Leon:  You've had a rough day today. Go to sleep and we'll see tomorrow, okay?
 [in the sleeping room]
Leon: [awkwardly covers Mathilda with a blanket]
Mathilda: You've been really great with me, Leon. And it's not always like that, y' know? 
[embraces two of his fingers]
Good night.
Leon: [confused, switches the lights off and leaves the room]
 [Unknown Song]
 [Leon sits in the darkness, unable to sleep; stands up, puts a silencer on a gun and enters Mathilda's 
 room, determined; aims, but can't do it; goes away again] 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:54   回复此发言   
7 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 [next morning; Leon puts his plant on the window and starts training; hears Mathilda]
Leon: Sleep well?
Mathilda: [nods]
Leon: Good. Because after breakfast, you gotta take off.
Mathilda: Where to?
Leon: Not my problem.
[goes to clean his guns]
Mathilda: [throws a piece of paper on the table] 
Read it.
Leon: [takes it] 
.. aahm ..
Mathilda: You don't know how to read.
Leon: I'm learning, but.. I had a lot of work lately so.. I'm a little behind. What's it say?
Mathilda:  I've decided what to do with my life. I wanna be a cleaner.
Leon:  Wanna be a cleaner? Here.
[puts a gun and ammunition in front of her]
Take it. It's a goodbye gift. Go clean. But not with me. I work alone, understand? 
Mathilda:  Bonnie and Clyde didn't work alone, Thelma and Louise didn't work alone. And 
they were the best.
Leon:  [sighs]
Mathilda, why are doing this to me? I've been nothing but nice to you, I even saved 
your life yesterday, right outside the door.
Mathilda: Right, so now you're responsible for it. If you saved my life, you must have saved it 
for a good reason. If you threw me out now it's like you never opened your door. You 
could've let me die right there in front of it. But you did open it. So..
Leon: Mathilda..
Mathilda:  If you don't help me I'll die tonight. I can feel it. But I don't want to die tonight.
Leon:  Mathilda, you're just a.. little girl so.. don't take it badly, but I don't think you could 
do it. I'm sorry. 
Mathilda:  [determined, takes the gun, goes to the window and shoots six times, puts it back]
How's that?
Leon:  [speechless]
   ["What's Happening Out There?" - modified version]
 [on the street with their baggage]
Leon:  [walking angrily, suddenly stops]
Mathilda, don't you ever do that again or I'll break your head, you got that?
Mathilda: Okay.
Leon:  I don't work like that. It's not professional. There is rules.
Mathilda:  Okay. 
Leon:  [angry]
And stop saying "Okay" all the time, okay?
Mathilda: ...Okay.
Leon:  Good.
[continues his way, followed by Mathilda]  [they enter the hall of the "Hotel National"]
Mathilda: Hi!
Receptionist: [sees the violin-case]
Expect to use that in this hotel?
Mathilda: Mister.. I have to use it, because.. I have an audition at Julliard next month, and.. I 
have to practice.
Receptionist:  [softened] 
Ah okay, okay, okay. But not after ten, hm?
Mathilda: Okay, I promise.
Receptionist:  Alright. I'm gonna put you at the end of the hall so that you don't disturb anyone.
[pushing some papers to Leon]
Would you fill those out please?
Leon: [uneasy look]
Mathilda: Oh, ahm, daddy, can I please fill them out, you know how I like to check in to 
Leon: [surprised by her quick reaction, nods]
Mathilda: Thanks pap. 
[to the receptionist] 
I'll bring these back in a minute.
Receptionist: Fourth floor!
Mathilda: [running up the stairs]
Thanks mister!
Receptionist: Oh you're lucky to have a little girl that's interested in things. I have a kid, 
seventeen, does nothing all day long.
Leon: Can I leave my plant here while I take my stuff upstairs?
Receptionist: Of course. 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:54   回复此发言   
8 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 Mathilda: [to Leon, who just entered and immediately starts investigating the apartment] 
I'm putting in the name of a girl in my class who makes me sick. 
When things get hot, she'll take the heat.
 [Leon finally takes place]
Mathilda:  There, finished. 
Leon:  How old are you?
Mathilda:  Eighteen. 
Leon: Eighteen?
Mathilda:  Wanna see my license?
Leon:  No. You just look a little.. younger.
Mathilda:  Thanks. 
Mathilda:  [sits down in front of him]
Leon, I want you to teach me how to be like you. I wanna be strong like you, smart 
like you.
Leon:  Mathilda..
Mathilda:  I know I'm not strong enough yet, but I can learn the basics, the theory. What do you 
think? Just the theory. I need this, Leon. I need time to get my head together.
Leon: Yeah, and I need... a drink.
Mathilda: Don't move, I'll go get one.   [at Tony's]
Leon:  Salute.
Tony: [lights a cigarette, beholds one of his men, who puts down a suitcase next to him]
You know when you told me to get this baby out for you, I thought my hearing's 
going. I says to myself, Leon's a pro, nobody uses that, except beginners.
Leon: I like to stay in shape.
Tony: Sure. Always stay on top. It's like me, I gotta know where everything is all the time. 
That's why I don't leave this place, except to go from here to there.
Leon: [slightly uncomfortable, smiles]
Tony:  Change ain't good, Leon. You know?
Leon: [his smile fades]
Tony: [places the suitcase on the table]
Check it. Make sure it's the right thing.
Leon: I trust you.
Tony:  One thing's got nothing to do with the other. Remember that, Leon.
Leon: I will.
[opens it]
 ["Feel The Breath"]
 [on the roof]
Leon:  [assembling the rifle]
The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your 
distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to 
the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn. Okay?
Mathilda:  Okay.
Leon: Position.
[they lie down near the edge; closes the lid of the objective one second after 
Mathilda opened it]
No, never take it off until the last minute, it reflects light. They can see you coming 
from a mile away. And always dress down, never brighter than the floor. Okay?
Mathilda: Okay.
Leon: Let's practice now. It's the best way to learn.
[takes out his binoculars]
Mathilda: Who should I hit?
Leon: Whoever.
 [Jogger, apparently a politician, gets out of a limousine, followed by bodyguards]
Jogger: I'll be with you in a second, alright, give me a few minutes, thank you, thanks a lot.
[to his bodyguards]
You guys in the suits get lost, I don't wanna see you, alright? It has to look natural.
Mathilda: [aiming at a group of playing children] 
No women, no kids, right?
Leon: Right.
Mathilda: Jogger in the yellow and orange?
Leon:  Okay. Keep calm. Don't take your eyes off him. Breathe easy. Watch his movement. 
Pretend you're running with him. Try to feel his next movement. Take a deep 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:55   回复此发言   
9 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 breath - hold it. Now.
[red spot appears on the Jogger's shirt]
Jogger:  [covered by his upset bodyguards] 
I'm alright! I'm fine, I'm fine!
Mathilda: One shot not bad, huh?
Jogger: I'm fine, just please get down from me!
Mathilda: Can we try with real bullets now?
Leon: Not today, let's pack up.
 [pack up and go away]   ["Venus As A Boy" by Bj拦k]
 [Leon showing Mathilda how to handle a gun; Mathilda washing the laundry, cleaning the window, 
 coming home from shopping, washing the dishes, cleaning guns; Leon putting his plant on the 
 window; both of them making sit-ups; Leon offering a glass of milk]
Mathilda: No, thanks.
Leon: No discussion.
 [Mathilda obeys reluctantly; puts milk into the refrigerator; goes to bed, exhausted, while Leon sits
 down in a chair as usual; Leon putting his plant on the window again, waking Mathilda up; making 
 sit-ups alone: Mathilda doing fitness training in front of the TV; pouring her a glass of milk; 
 Mathilda teaching Leon how to write]
Mathilda: It seemed... to Socrates... to So-cra-tes...
 [Mathilda having trouble with loading a gun]
Leon: I'll do it.
[finishes the procedure after a few moments, returns the gun to impressed Mathilda]
 [Leon putting his plant on the window once more, pouring her a glass of milk again]
Mathilda: Leon, all we do is work. We need a break. Let's play a game!
Leon: What kind of game?
Mathilda: I've this great game. 't makes you think and it helps your memory. It's exactly what 
you need.
Leon: ... Okay.
 [Unknown Song] 
Mathilda: [joyfully collects some clothes in the other room, singing some melody]
[appears as Madonna, performs "Like A Virgin"] 
Okay, who is it?
Leon: I don't know.
Mathilda: Okay..
[leaves, returns as Marilyn Monroe, performs "Happy Birthday, Mr. President"]
Leon: [uncomfortable, flushing] 
I don't know.
Mathilda: [appears as Charlie Chaplin]
Leon: Aaah..
Mathilda: [pointing at it] 
Leon: ... no.
Mathilda: [appears as Gene Kelley, performs "Singin' In The Rain"]
Leon: Gene Kelley?
Mathilda: [relieved] 
Aah, good. Your turn now.
Leon: Huh?
[appears as some cowboy]
Okay, pilgrim.
Mathilda: Aaah.. Clint Eastwood?
Leon: [tries another position]
Mathilda: I don't know, I give up.
Leon: [disappointed] 
John Wayne.
Mathilda: I was just about to say that, I swear. It's amazing, Leon, really, brilliant..
Leon: [walks off with sadly lowered head]
Mathilda: Amazing.. 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:55   回复此发言   
10 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 ["How Do You Know It's Love?" - strongly modified version]
Mathilda:  [observing Leon cleaning his plant]
You love your plant, don't you?
Leon:  It's my best friend. Always happy, no questions. And it's like me, you see? 
[lifts it up, points at the empty space below it]
No roots.
Mathilda: If you really love it, you should plant it in the middle of a park so that it can have 
Leon:  ..Yeah.
Mathilda: I'm the one that should be watered if you want me to grow. 
Leon: You're right.
[grabs the squeeze-bottle and splashes Mathilda; she runs away, returns with a 
bucket full of water]
Mathilda: Yes...
Leon: ... no..
Mathilda: ... yes..
Leon: ..no..
Mathilda: ..Yes!
Leon: ..No!
 [Mathilda throws the bucket at Leon, flees, followed by him; he catches her in the bathroom, puts 
 her into the wardrobe; the fierce battle makes its sliding door break off]   [at Tony's]
Tony: [in the kitchen, to the cooks]
They gotta be jumping out of the plate, they gotta be alive.
[bringing a meal for Leon and an old man]
It's been a long time, Leon. I missed you. And you missed some nice jobs, too. 
Leon: Been training.
Tony: Training's good. But don't overdo it eh, you know training don't pay as good as 
working, Leon.
Leon: Tony.. all the money I.. make, that you keep for me..
Tony: You need some money?
Leon: No, just curious.
Tony: Ah.
Leon: Because I've been working a long time and I haven't done anything with my 
money... I thought maybe some day I could... use it. 
 ["Tony The IBM"]
Tony: You met a woman.
Leon: [shakes his head firmly]
Tony: [sighs]
Leon... Leon, you gotta be careful with women. Remember when you arrived in this 
country, Leon. When I took you in, you were still wet behind the fucking ears, and 
already you were in deep shit because of a woman. Don't forget that, Leon.
Leon: Wish I could sometimes.
You know, about my money, maybe I.. maybe I could give.. little.. to someone... you 
know.. to help out.
Tony: Hey, it's your money, I mean I'm just holding it for you, you know, like a bank, 
except that, you know, better than a bank, because, you know, banks get always 
knocked off. And no one knocks off old Tony. And besides, in a bank there's always 
tons of forms to be filled and all that shit. But old Tony, nothing to read, nothing to 
write - it's all in his head.
Leon: I know how to read now.
Tony: That's good, Leon, good. Your money is here, whenever you want it, you just ask 
me, okay? Here's a grand.
Leon: [reluctant]
Tony: Come on, take it, have some fun, right? Take it.
Leon: [takes it]
Thank you.
Tony: Alright? Now let's talk business. Don't move, I'll go get the file. 
[as he goes away]
Manolo, a glass of milk for my friend Leon here.
[disappears behind a door]
Leon: [sees Mathilda talking to some guy on the street, who offers her a cigarette; goes out, 
takes her aside, with a suspicious look fixed on the youngster]
  Listen Mathilda, better be careful, you can't just speak to any guy off the street. 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:56   回复此发言   
11 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 Mathilda:  Leon, get a grip. What's the big fucking deal, I was just smoking a butt while I was 
Leon: I want you to stop cursing. You can't talk to people like that all the time. I want you 
to make an effort to talk nice.
Mathilda: Okay.
Leon: And I want you to stop smoking, 't will kill you.
Mathilda: [throws away the cigarette]
Leon: Stay away from him, he looks like a weirdo.
Mathilda: ... Okay.
Leon: I'll be out in five minutes, stand where I can see you.
Mathilda: .. Okay.  ["How Do You Know It's Love?"] 
Mathilda:  [lying on the bed]
Leon, I think I'm kind of falling in love with you.
Leon:  [spills another glass of milk over his face]
Mathilda:  It's the first time for me, you know.
Leon:  How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?
Mathilda:  Because I feel it.
Leon: Where?
Mathilda: Here in my stomach. It's all warm. I always had a knot there, and now.. it's gone.
Leon: Mathilda, I'm glad you don't have a stomach ache any more, but I don't think that 
means anything. I'm late for work. I hate being late for work.
[puts on his coat, picks up his equipment; leaves]
 ["Noon" - shortened]
 [shuts the door behind him; leans against the wall, looking unusually tired; puts on his glasses]
Receptionist: Ah, how's the practicing going?
 [Leon marches past without answering] Receptionist:  And how are we today, Miss?
Mathilda: I'm sick of practicing.
Receptionist: Yeah, I understand. But are you doing all right? I haven't received any complaints at 
Mathilda: Well, I put a cloth over the strings to lessen the noise.
Receptionist: Oh, that's very smart.
Mathilda: Not everyone loves music.
Receptionist: Yeah I know. What exactly does your father do?
Mathilda: Hm, he's a composer.
Receptionist:  Ah, that's wonderful.
Mathilda:  Except he's not really my father. 
[looks at him]
He's my lover. 
Receptionist: [shocked]
Mathilda: I'm gonna go for a walk.
[indicates "Bye" with her lips] 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:56   回复此发言   
12 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 ["Back On The Crime Scene"]
 [Mathilda goes to her former hotel; a policeman guarding the apartment is busy talking to his 
Girlfriend: What're you doing on Saturday?
Policeman: What about dinner?
Girlfriend: Aahm..
Policeman: [to Mathilda]
Hey, where are you going?
Mathilda: Visiting friends at 6J.
Policeman: Ah okay right.
[continues his conversation as Mathilda slips through the door]
 [Mathilda picks up a teddybear; depressed after seeing the outline of her brother's body on the floor;
 retrieves a bunch of money from a secret place; hides when she hears footsteps]
Old Detective: We know you're a busy man, and we'll try to make this as short as possible. Now, if 
you just take us step by step through exactly what happened.
Stansfield: [bored]
The guy was here, he went for his gun, bang, we shot him.
 [critical looks from the Detectives]
Serious Det.: Where exactly were the kids?
Stansfield: I don't know. They should have been at school, don't you think?
Old Detective: But in the statement you said you were the first man in, didn't you see any kids?
Serious Det.: The door was broken, what happened? Did you follow the procedure?
Stansfield: [getting aggressive]
I lost a good man here. What the fuck do want with me?
Serious Det.: Cooperation.
Stansfield:  [exploding]
I haven't got time for this Mickey Mouse bullshit! You want cooperation? Come up 
my office, will you? Fortysix-o-two. 
[storms out, ignoring the yellow tape]
 ["Room 4602"]
[outside; takes away the basketball from a kid that crosses his way]
Kids should be at school.
Kid: Hey! Hey come on, that's my ball! 
[Stansfield passes it to Benny]
Hey, give that back! Hey come on, where are you going? Damn! Where are you 
going man? That's my ball!
Mathilda: [gets into a taxi]
Follow the blue car!
Taxi Driver:  And I suppose you want me to blast the music and go through the lights, eh?
Mathilda:  No. Drive slowly. Take the hundred bugs and shut the fuck up, okay?
[silently accepted by him]
 [Mathilda follows him to the DEA building]   [in the apartment; Mathilda watches cartoons; Leon enters, blood flowing down his right hand, 
 which she doesn't notice]
Leon: [puts a "Cignal"-sac on the table, smiling]
It's for you. A present. Do you want me to open it? I'll open it.
[reveals a pink dress to her]
How do you like it? Nice, eh?
[Mathilda remains indifferent]
 [knocks at the door]
Receptionist: Mr. McGoffen?
[Leon opens the door]
[strict look]
Can I have a word with you?
 ["Can I Have A Word With You?"]
 [again carrying their baggage through the streets; Mathilda inspects the new apartment, the 
 teddybear in her arms; Leon under the shower, suturing his wound]
 [Leon comes out of the bathroom, looks around; Mathilda pours him a glass of milk, which makes 
 him sit down]
Mathilda:  Here, it's for a contract, 20 grand, right? His name is Norman Stansfield and he's in 
room 4602 in the DEA building, 26 Federal Plaza. 
Leon:  I'm not taking it. 
Mathilda:  Why not?
Leon:  Too heavy.
Mathilda:  Well, will you rent me your gear for the day?
Leon:  I never lend out my gear. But, 
[pushes a revolver towards Mathilda] 
you still have your gun, use it. Just do me a favor, don't shoot out the window, okay.
Mathilda:  Why are you so mean to me? You're all day killing people you don't give a shit 
about, but you won't get the bastards that killed my whole family?
 ["The Fight (part 1: The Swat Squad)"]
Leon:  Revenge is not good, Mathilda. Believe, it is better to forget. 
Mathilda:  To forget? After I've seen the outline of my brother's body on the floor, you expect 
me to forget? I want to kill those sons of a bitches, and I'll blow their fucking heads 
Leon:  Nothing's the same after you've killed someone. Your life is changed forever. Why 
have to sleep with one eye open for the rest of your life.
Mathilda:  I don't give a shit about sleeping, Leon. I want love, or death. That's it. 
Leon: Love or death. Get off my case Mathilda, I'm tired of your games.
Mathilda:  There's this really great game, Leon. Makes people nicer, starts them thinking. The 
kind of game you love.
  [puts three bullets into the gun, spins the chamber, shuts it]
If I win, you keep me with you. For life.
Leon:  And if you lose?
Mathilda:  You go shopping alone, like before. 
Leon:  You're gonna lose, Mathilda. There's a round in the chamber. I heard it. 
Mathilda: So what .. 's it to you if I end up with a bullet in the head, huh?
Leon:  Nothing.
Mathilda:  I hope you're not lying, Leon. I really hope that deep down inside there is no love in 
you. Because if there is.. just a little bit of love in you, I think that in a few minutes 
you'll regret you never said anything. 
[puts the gun to her head] 
I love you Leon. 
[slowly pulls the trigger]
Leon:  [rushes forward, pulls her hand away; the shot knocks down a lamp behind them]
Mathilda: [crying heavily] 
I win. 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:56   回复此发言   
13 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 [at Tony's; Mathilda and Leon sitting at a table in front of him]
Leon:  I, ah, I took a hit. I need a hand now. I know she is young, but she learns fast. Kids 
need to be shaped into something, right? 
Tony: Yeah I know, I told you that. But ain't there an age limit?
Leon:  She's eighteen.
Tony:  Oh really?
Leon:  How about something to drink, Tony?
Tony:  Yes, sure, Manolo, a glass of milk for Leon.
Mathilda: Nice tattoo. 
[wide grin]
Leon: [looks from Tony to Mathilda and back again, surprised and embarrassed]
Tony: Manolo, make that two. 
 ["Feel The Breath" - strongly modified]
 [in a hallway]
Mathilda: [looking at Leon, who puts on his cap]
What's that for?
Leon: Can't afford to catch a cold. 
[sticks chewing gum on the peephole]
First you find out where the chain is. You can't see it, but you can feel it.. here.
I ring, you start talking. 
Mathilda: What do I say?
Leon: Whatever you want.
[rings, moves the bolt cutter to the right position]
Voice: Yes?
Mathilda: Hi, it's Susan.
Voice: I'm sorry, you must have the wrong door, little girl. I don't know any Susan. Move 
back a little, I can't see anything.
Mathilda: The light's out. It's all dark out here... mister, I'm scared. 
Voice: Okay, okay.
[opens the door] 
 [Leon snaps the chain, rushes into the apartment, followed by Mathilda]
Leon:  Open up.
[jams a pistol into the Drug Dealer's mouth]
If it leaves your mouth I'll pull the trigger, capiche?
[Drug Dealer nods]
[checks the apartment]
Here is okay.
[to Dealer]
Let it go. I said let it go.
[Dealer obeys]
Move. Move over.
Dealer: [stumbles over the bed as he moves to the window, very scared]
Leon: [to Mathilda]
Go ahead, your turn.
Mathilda: [opens her box containing a pistol with silencer, assembles it quickly]
Dealer: Ahm, sir.. sir, ahm.. sir? Sir, it's not my dope. Sir.. look I.. it's not my dope..
Mathilda: [takes firing position]
A little left please.
[Dealer is surprised, but obeys]
[shoots a paintball at the Dealer's shirt]
Dealer: [screams]
Leon: Okay, now the security shot.
[Mathilda fires another paintball, Dealer screams again]
No, the second goes higher on the chest. Aim for the heart and lungs. There, right 
there, you see? The first shot takes him out of order, the second finishes him. 
[Dealer curses around, out of breath]
Never in the face. If they can't recognize the client, you don't get paid. Because you 
could take out anybody and say you did the job. Got it?
Mathilda: Got it, never in the face.
Leon: Okay, now you can put the tools away.
[Mathilda walks back to her box]
Dealer: What the fuck is going on?? Hey mister..
[Leon shoots him]
Leon: You'll see when you use the silencer a lot, you have to put a piece of cloth here, 
because it gets very hot and can burn it inside. A damp, black cloth is the best. 
What're you doing?
Mathilda: You said no women, no kids. Who do you think this is gonna kill, donkeys and 
[Mathilda spills some inflammable liquid over the drugs, ignites it]
Now, it's clean.
Leon: Let's get out of here.
 ["The Game Is Over"]
 [in an expensive restaurant]
Mathilda: I thought we don't have the right to drink.
Leon: I know, but we're making an exception. For your first client.
Mathilda: Well, if we're making exceptions for a job well done, how about a kiss? Like in the 
Leon: [shakes his head]
Mathilda: Yes..
[leans over]
Leon: What're you doing?
Mathilda: I'm gonna kiss you.
Leon: Mathilda, stop please.
Mathilda: Come on, just a kiss.
Leon: Stop, everyone is watching us.
Basta, go sit down.
[pushes her back]
 [Mathilda receives a bottle of champagne from the waiter, pours it into her glass, spilling most of it 
 over the table]
Waiter: Enjoy...
Leon: [hides the bottle under the table]
Mathilda: You don't believe me, do you?
Leon: How's that?
Mathilda: When I say I'm in love with you.
Leon: Mathilda, please, drop it. Just change subject, okay?
Mathilda: Okay, okay, sorry... So, how old were you when you made your first hit?
Leon: Nineteen.
Mathilda: Beat ya!
[drinks up her glass of champagne, followed by the laughter sequence] 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:56   回复此发言   
14 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 [Unknown Song]
 [in a hallway again]
Leon: [looking at Mathilda, who puts on a cap]
What're you doing?
Mathilda: Can't afford to catch a cold.
 [they visit several clients, following the same procedure as above; but the next one makes problems]
Mathilda: There's no doorbell.
Leon: So knock on the door.
[she knocks]
Voice: Yes?
Mathilda: Hi. I'm looking for Mr. Rubens' apartment. But it's all dark out here in the hall, and 
I'm lost.
Voice:  Just a second.
Leon: [hears the sound of a lever being pulled on a gun; grabs Mathilda, swings her 
around to the other side as a barrage of bullets come blasting through the door]
Voice: You want more? C'mon, show me your fucking face!
Think you can get me that easily?
[continues shooting]
Leon: When it's tough like this, you know it's gonna be ugly. Better make it quick, or else 
you will be all day listening to his crap.
[to cursing guy inside]
Hey. What about the Ring Trick, you know that one?
Voice: Ring Trick? C'mon asshole, I'm waiting. Show it to me, motherfucker.
Leon: [throws a grenade in, protecting Mathilda from the explosion with his body; shows 
her the grenade pin]
That's the Ring Trick.
 DC-over   [Leon appears in front of Tony's]
Tony: [to his barber]
Mario, go back to the barber shop, we'll finish later. 
[Mario leaves as Leon enters]
Hey Leon, what's up? All done already?
Leon: No no. 
[investigating some plastic pigs]
Nicer than people, eh?
Tony:  [amused]
I told you that. You got a problem?
Leon: No. 
Tony: Get the chair, sit down, sit.
Leon: [sits down in front of him]
I.. I was.. thinking. If something happens to me some day..
Tony: Hey, Leon, nothing's gonna happen to you. You're indestructible, bullets slide off 
you, you play with them.
Leon: Tony I.. thought about my money. 
[Tony seems to feel uncomfortable]
You remember the.. the girl who came here the other day? 
Tony: ... Yeah.
Leon: Her name is.. Mathilda. If anything happens to me, I... I'd like you to give her... my 
Tony: You can count on me Leon. 
Leon: Thank you, Tony.
Tony: Yeah.   DC
 [in their apartment, Leon preparing to go]
Leon: I won't be long.
Mathilda: Did I do something wrong?
Leon: No. This one is.. too big.
Mathilda: Yeah, and I only get the leftovers, is that it?
Leon: Mathilda, since I met you, everything's been different. So I... just need some time 
alone. And you need some time to grow up a little.
Mathilda: I've finished growing up, Leon. I just get older.
Leon: For me, it's the opposite. I'm.. old enough. I need time to grow up.
[leaves slowly]
Mathilda: ... Shit.
 ["What's Happening Out There?" - shortened]
 [Mathilda smoking on the open window, thinking; filling the refrigerator; cleaning the plant; 
 watching TV; throws away a lighted cigarette while sitting downstairs; noticed by four 
 youngsters playing basketball]
Leader: [to his gang]
Come on.
[to Mathilda]
You're new, aren't you? Fifth floor, right?
[Mathilda nods]
Well you can't sit here like that.
Mathilda: [unimpressed]
Really? Why not?
Leader: Nothing's free. Like a parking meter. When you stop, you pay. It's the law.
Mathilda: Only on TV...
Leader: What did you say?
Mathilda: Forget it, how much is your meter?
Leader: Ten dollars.. a month.
Mathilda: [takes a 100 dollar bill from a whole bunch of money]
Got change?
[impressed sounds and countenances, shake their heads]
Don't worry about it, we'll do ten for twelve. I'll pay now for the rest of the year, 
Leader: [perplexed]
..Okay, a year.
Mathilda: Does paying rent here mean I have to put up with you guys?
Leader: Uh.. no.
Mathilda: So go play somewhere else. I need to think.
[they run away] 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:56   回复此发言   
15 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 ["Very Special Delivery"]
 [in their apartment; Mathilda puts on her working outfit, including Leon's glasses; waits in 
 front of the DEA building; Stansfield and Blood arrive, walk towards the entrance; Mathilda 
 starts pursuing them with a sack in her arms, quickly turns her back to Stansfield as he returns to
 say something to the driver; at the security check she pushes the sack past the metal detector]
Security 1: [bored]
Security 2: Where are you going?
Mathilda: Special delivery for room 4602.
Security 2: Sign here.
[to some leaving girls]
Have a nice weekend, girls.
 [follows Stansfield to the gentlemen's room, predicts him to be in the toilet at its end; but
 he appears behind the door she had forgotten to close, startling her as he shuts it]
Stansfield: [indifferently looking into a mirror]
Special delivery, huh? Let me guess..
[shakes his little drug box]
Thai, maybe..? 
I've got it. Italian food.
[consumes a capsule]
[with a satisfied look]
What's your name, angel?
Mathilda:  Mathilda.
Stansfield:  [whispering] 
[washes his face, sneezes]
Mathilda, I want you to put the sack on the floor.
Mathilda: [obeys, trembling]
Stansfield: Good. 
[pulls his gun, coming closer] 
And now I want you to tell me everything you know about Italian food. And don't 
forget the name of the chef who fixed it for me.
Mathilda:  Nobody sent me. I do business for myself.
Stansfield:  So t - t - this is something p - personal, is it?
Mathilda: [nods, scared and crying]
Stansfield:  What filthy piece of.. of sh - shit.. did I do now?
Mathilda:  You killed my brother.
Stansfield:  ... I'm sorry.
[bends down to her] 
And you want to join him?
Mathilda: ..No.
Stansfield: It's always the same thing. 
[touches her hair]
It's when you start to become really afraid of death.. that you learn to appreciate life. 
Do you like life, sweetheart?
Mathilda: ..Yes.
Stansfield: [fondling her]
That's good. Because.. I take no pleasure.. in taking life.. if it's from a person who 
doesn't care about it. 
[slowly moves his gun near her face]
Blood: [enters breathlessly] 
Stan! Stan, shit Stan I've been looking all over for you man I've checked upstairs 
Stansfield: What? I'm busy! 
Blood: It's Malky man, he's dead. 
[Stansfield turns away from Mathilda]
Malky was making a buy for us from the Chinamen. Yo but they got nothing to do 
with it man. They told me, this guy came from the outside. He was a pro, he was 
fast. He fucking came outta nowhere. Boom. Shoots the chinamen dead in two 
(Malky: Easy man, I'm a cop.)
Then turns around, says something to Malky like..
(Leon: No women, no kids.)
([Leon kills Malky])
[Stansfield dismayed, looks at Mathilda, sighs]
I think it was something personal.
Stansfield: Death is... whimsical today.
[moves beside Blood, aims at Mathilda; takes his hand down, the gun pointing at 
Blood, who starts getting afraid]
Blood, you hear me?
Blood: Yeah man, I hear you Stan, just chill out man.
Stansfield: Would you take her up to my office?
Blood: Alright, yeah.
[Stansfield leaves]
Jesus fucking Christ..
 ["When Leon Does His Best"]
 [in their apartment, Leon has just returned from work]
Mathilda: [read by Leon in her letter] 
Leon my love. I know where to find the guys who killed my brother. Their boss is 
Norman Stansfield, and he is in the DEA building, room 4602. I'm gonna do that 
myself. If something goes wrong, I left you 20 grand on the table. It's for a contract, 
five grand a head, right? I know I'll feel better after I do this. I love you - Mathilda.
 [a Taxi arrives in front of the DEA building]
Leon: Wait for me, I won't be long.
Taxi Driver: I can't park in front like this, it's a federal building!
 [marches through the metal detector, knocks down the security officer; surprises another while he's 
 [in Stanfield's office]
Blood: [examining the sack's contents in front of crying Mathilda]
..Nine milli... bullets... and another nine milli. What did you plan to do with all 
these guns, eh? 
Veteran: [cynical]
Maybe she was planning on taking out the whole building.
Blood: Holy shit, what've we got here? Lunch.
[takes out a piece of pizza]
Veteran: Careful Blood. Might be poisoned.
Blood: No man, there's not anchovies on this.
 [Leon rushes in, shoots him and the Veteran dead; Mathilda jumps into his arms; Leon heaves a sigh
 of relief, holds her for a few seconds]
 [back in the taxi]
Taxi Driver: Is that what you call "I won't be long"? I was hanging around here for at least ten 
Leon: I did my best. Avanti. 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:57   回复此发言   
16 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 [in their apartment; Leon takes his plant off the window, examines it as Mathilda enters the room, 
 wearing the red dress he had bought her]
Mathilda: Do you like it?
[pours him a glass of milk]
Leon: Yes.
Mathilda: So say it.
Leon: I like it.
Mathilda: [smiles; reaches him the glass, takes place next to him]
Not thirsty?
[Leon nearly empties it]
A girl's first time is very important. It determines the rest of her life's sexuality. I 
read that once in one of my sister's magazines. Girlfriends told me that they hated 
their first experience. That's because they didn't love their guys. They just did it to
show off. Afterwards they started liking it, like cigarettes. I wanna like it, the first 
Leon: Mathilda, no.
Mathilda: Why not?
Leon: I just can't.
Mathilda: Do you love someone else?
 ["Leon The Cleaner"] 
Leon: No.. I mean... there was someone a long time ago. Before I came to the States. Her 
father didn't want her to see me. She was from a very respectable family. Mine was.. 
well, not so respectable. Her dad went nuts every time she took off to see me.
Mathilda: But she still snuck off to see you, right?
Leon: Right.
Mathilda: See, nothing can stop love, Leon.
Leon: He killed her. One shot to the head. They kept him in jail for two days, and then let 
him go free. They said it was an accident. So... one night I... waited for him. 500 
feet, with a lens. He also had an accident. The same night I took a boat and came 
here, to meet up with my father. He was working for Tony. I was nineteen. Since 
then I've.. never left the city and... I've never had another girlfriend. You see 
Mathilda.. I wouldn't be a good lover.
Mathilda: Okay. Just do me one favor.
Leon: What?
Mathilda: I'm sick of watching you sleeping on your chair. We're gonna share the bed.
Leon: I don't think that's a good idea.
 ["How Do You Know It's Love?"]
 [on the bed; Mathilda gently pushes Leon down]
Mathilda: It's okay.. put your legs up on the bed.. yeah, that's nice.
[takes off his shoes]
Put your head down, it's okay, relax.
[switches the lights off, lies down, pulls his arm around her]
Good night, Leon.
Leon: ...Good night.
 [Mathilda falls asleep]
 DC-over   [at Tony's, in the evening; Tony celebrating birthday with the kids, when a mean looking guy with a 
 pumpgun comes in]
Tony: Manolo, take the kids in the kitchen. 
 [Stansfield, Benny and several other men enter; in the kitchen the kids bump into another one;
 Stansfield sits down in front of Tony amidst birthday balloons, doesn't look too happy]
Stansfield: [puts his gun on the table]
I have a lot of respect for your business, Tony. When you've.. you've killed for us in 
the past, we've.. we've always been satisfied. And that's exactly why today is going to 
be very, very hard for me. Excuse my mood..
[presents him a photo of dead Malky]
My man was killed right here, in your turf. And the Chinks tell me that the hitman 
was kind of the ah.. Italian type. So we figured that ah.. Tony might know 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:57   回复此发言   
17 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
Tony: Ah..
Stansfield: Wait, there's more. You're gonna love this. A few hours later, a little twelve year old 
girl comes into my office, armed to the teeth, with the firm intention of sending me 
straight to the morgue. And you know who came and got her in the middle of the 
afternoon right there, in my building? The very same Italian hitman. I'm dying to 
meet him.   [in their apartment]
Leon: [startles as he wakes up on the bed]
Mathilda: Relax, everything's fine. Sleep well?
Leon:  I never really sleep. Got one eye open always. 
Mathilda: Oh, I forgot. You know I never saw someone with one eye open snore so much.
Leon: I snore?
Mathilda: Like a baby. And I go get some milk for breakfast, I won't be long.
Leon: Don't forget the code when you come back.
Mathilda: Two knocks, then one, and two knocks again, right?
Leon: Right.
 [while Mathilda takes a shower, Leon stretches over the whole bed and continues sleeping]
 ["The Fight (part 1: The Swat Squad)"]
 [in the shop]
Mathilda: Hola senor! Ring these up and I go get some milk.
 [happily returns, observed by Stansfield; a few meters in front of the apartment she is suddenly 
 pulled aside by a Swat, holding her tight]
Main Swat: From here out now you don't make a sound. You answer my questions by nodding 
yes or shaking your head no, you got it?
Mathilda: [nods fearfully]
Main Swat: Is he alone?
  [Mathilda nods]
Does he expect you?
Do you have keys to the apartment?
[reaches him the keys]
Is there a code, a way of knowing so he knows it's you?
[Mathilda hesitates, then nods; knocks a wrong code - 321]
[he signals to his men, the attack begins]
 [a Swat knocks the wrong code]
Main Swat: [to the walkie-talkie]
Alpha-Team, final position, we're ready to go.
Stansfield: [to the walkie-talkie]
Be careful.
 [Swat unlocks the door and enters, followed by three others; as soon as they are all inside, the door
 closes and shots are fired]
 ["The Fight (part 2: Bring Me Everyone)"]
Main Swat: [upset, pushing one of his men away]
Move, move!
[takes a look around the corner: the door opens, revealing the dead Swats]
[to the walkie-talkie]
Alpha team, men dead, men dead.
Stansfield: [to the walkie-talkie]
I told you. 
Benny. Bring me everyone.
Benny:  What do you mean, "everyone"?
Stansfield: Everyone!!!
 [Benny follows his order, and a few minutes later the whole area is full of policemen and Swats]  [another Swat slowly enters the apartment, this time heavily secured by Swats outside; Leon 
 manages to kill them all, but gets shot in his shoulder]
Main Swat: [quite clueless] 
Take this.
[hands his rifle to one of his men]
[to the walkie-talkie]
[to one of his men]
Go take a look.
 [he does, breathing heavily; as he stretches his head out he sees Leon's gun directly in front of him]
Leon: [exhausted]
Don't move.
Main Swat: Do you see anything?
Swat: [nods slowly]
It's the guy. He's here, he's got a gun on my head. 
 [they shrink back, Mathilda tries to call his name]
Main Swat: Okay, nobody moves. 
Leon: Let the girl go.
Main Swat: Take it easy man..
Leon: Let the girl go!
Main Swat: Okay, the girl's coming out.
[to the Swat holding Mathilda]
Let the girl go.
 [the Swat releases her, Mathilda spits into his face, falls into Leon's arm]
Leon: [to Mathilda]
Grab the axe off the wall. Over there, go.
[to the Swat]
You're coming with us.
[takes him hostage while Mathilda gets the axe]
[before following Mathilda into the apartment, he shoots at a fire sensor at the 
ceiling, causing the water to go off; shoots into the air four times; leaves the Swat 
Main Swat: Christ, he shot him!
[jumps out, shoots without seeing anything because of the water]
 [they kill their own man; Leon returns fire through a hole in the door, hitting one of them; they draw 
Main Swat: Shut the fucking water off!
Swat: Got it.
Leon: [taking the axe from trembling Mathilda]
Main Swat: [to the walkie-talkie]
We're in a bad way here, send the Cats, I repeat, send the Cats!
Mathilda: [crying and sobbing] 
I don't know what happened, I didn't see them coming, I swear, I just went 
shopping, and I came back and they were everywhere, they.. 
[overwhelmed by her tears]
Leon: Stay away from the window.
[whirls past the window, snatching his plant, narrowly escaping the snipers' bullets]
Mathilda: Leon? Leon..
[rises cautiously, sees the apartment crossed by target lasers]
Leon: [motions Mathilda to come over; she crawls to him]
 [outside the water is turned off]
Main Swat: Okay, now get this fucking asshole outta there. 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:57   回复此发言   
18 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 ["The Fight (part 3: The Big Weapon)"]
Mathilda:  [hiding in the corner]
How are we gonna get out of here Leon?
Leon: Leave it to me, we're checking out.
[knocks down a table to protect Mathilda from fragments; breaks an air shaft open 
with several gunshots and the axe; envelops the plant in his coat, throws it down the 
shaft; helps Mathilda get inside]
Mathilda: Leon, it's not big enough for you.
[starts climbing out again]
Leon: What?
Mathilda: It's barely big enough for me.
Leon: We said no discussion.
[pushing her back]
Mathilda: No! I'm not letting..
Leon: Listen to me..
Mathilda: [desperate] 
I'm not going!
Leon: Listen..
Mathilda: I won't go! I won't go!
Leon:  [trying to calm her down] 
Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me, we have no chance together, but if I'm alone 
I can do it, trust me, I'm in good shape Mathilda, I know I worked a lot of money 
with Tony, a lot, we'll take it and leave together, just the two of us, okay? Go!
Mathilda:  No! You just say that so that I won't worry! 
[Swats preparing the big weapon] 
I don't wanna lose you Leon!
Leon:  [embracing her]
You're not gonna lose me Mathilda, you've given me a taste for life, I wanna be 
happy, sleep in a bed, have roots, you'll never be alone again Mathilda.
[Swats making progress]
Please, go now baby, go. Calm down, calm down. Go. Go. See you at Tony's. I'm gonna 
clean them all. Tony's in one hour. 
[Swat putting his finger around the trigger]
I love you, Mathilda.
Mathilda: I love you too, Leon.
[climbs down]
 [Leon turns away and screams; in that moment the big weapon is fired, the explosion knocks him
 down to the floor] 
 ["The Fight (part 4: One Is Alive)"]
Stansfield: [to the walkie-talkie]
Hey, heyeyey, what the fuck is going on up there? I just said take the guy out, not the 
whole fucking building.
 [Swats with gas masks storm the apartment; find wounded Leon, disguised as one of them; pick him
 up, lead him down the stairs past hundreds of Swats; sits down]
Swat: You're okay? 
[Leon nods]
Hey, I need a medic over here!
Angry Swat:  [to the walkie-talkie]
Open your fucking asses! Squad number one, what's the status on the apartment?
Another Swat: [from Listening Swat's walkie-talkie]
Can't see shit, too much smoke in here, give us five minutes to clear it up.
Listening Swat: Okay, you got it. 
Stansfield:  What what what you're 200 men and you can't find one man and a girl?! Did you 
find the girl?!
 [Mathilda arrives at the end of the air shaft]
Medic: Hi, how're you doing? Take the mask up, quick. 
[Leon takes it up]
Let me see you. That's deep. Right. This one here.
Angry Swat: You're from the third precinct?
Leon: Yeah.
 [is discovered by Stansfield]
 [Mathilda runs through a narrow passage]
Medic: You sit here for two minutes, I'll be right back.
Leon: Let me put the mask back on, I breathe better with it.
Medic: Okay, you're right. Sit here.
Stansfield: [in a hallway leading outside, to the policemen]
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:57   回复此发言   
19 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 Okay, come on, everyone out! Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go! Come on, out!  [Mathilda comes out on the street]
 ["Two Ways Out"]
 [Leon goes away]
 [Mathilda walks past the policemen]
Policeman: What're you doing here? Get out, get out!
 [Leon hesitates in front of a group of policemen blocking the way]
 [Mathilda walks on]
 [Leon walks down the stairs, reaches the empty hallway, takes off his mask, his eyes fixed on the 
 exit; Stansfield appears behind him; aims; shoots]
 [Mathilda escaped, now runs to Tony's]
Leon: [lying on the floor beneath Stansfield, dying]
Stansfield: At your service.
Leon: [puts something in his hand]
..This is.. from... Mathilda.
Stansfield: [opens his hand, finds a grenade pin; discovers Leon's equipment]
 [big explosion]    [at Tony's; Mathilda with a glass of milk, still crying]
Tony: [with bruises in his face]
Leon asked my to help you out if.. if something happened. And I think something 
happened, right? He put on the side a little cash for you. So, what I'm suggesting is 
that ah, seeing as how you are still so young, I should hold the money for you, you 
know, 'till you're older. Like a bank, you know, except that it's better than a bank, 
because, you know, banks get always knocked off. No one knocks off old Tony. But 
it's.. it's your money, and in the meantime all you gotta do is come here every once 
in a while, and I'll dish it out so that you can have a little fun, okay?
[puts some money on the table]
Here's a hundred bugs to start with.
Mathilda: Can't take any job instead?
Tony: A job? What the hell can you do?
Mathilda: I can clean.
Tony: I ain't got no work for twelve year old kids, so get it outta your goddamned head! It's 
over, the game's over, Leon's dead! You hear me!
[which makes Mathilda cry again]
 ["The Game Is Over"]
Tony: Come on. Come on, do you think I ain't hurting, too? 
[Mathilda turns her eyes back to him]
But he's dead. And you gotta forget all this craziness, and get your little ass back to 
school, capiche? Now take this money and get the hell outta here, and don't let me 
see your face 'till next month, for something tells me I'm about to lose my famous 
kind streak. 
 [night; sadly walks through the streets; looks out of the Roosevelt Island Tram]  [in the office of Spencer School]
Mathilda: My parents.. died.. in a car accident four weeks ago. It was terrible.
Headmistress: You know we didn't have the time to get to know one another when you first came 
here, but.. I want you to know that I am not kind of woman that let down a child, 
whatever her situation, whatever her mistake. So I'm going to help you and do my 
best to welcome you here again. But on one condition. You have to stop lying to me, 
Mathilda. I want you to take a chance, and trust me. Now tell me, what happened to 
Mathilda: Okay. My family got shot down by DEA officers because of a drug problem. I left 
with the greatest guy on earth. He was a hitman, the best in town. But he died this 
morning, and if you don't help me, I'll be dead by tonight.
 [as she comes out of the school she walks past a group of girls sitting on the stairs]
Girl: [to her friends]
You know her?
Other Girls: No, never seen her.
 [Mathilda finds a nice place for Leon's plant; digs a hole, puts it into it]
Mathilda: I think we'll be okay here, Leon.  ["Shape Of My Heart" by Sting] 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:57   回复此发言   
20 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 这里有很多剧本 http://blog.hjenglish.com/sunnyya/archive/2005/03/15/22454.aspx?Pending=true#Post 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-6-17 15:58   回复此发言   
21 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 作者:218.65.61.*   2005-6-24 11:37   回复此发言   
22 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 作者:221.6.3.*   2005-7-6 23:15   回复此发言   
23 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 作者:219.237.79.*   2005-7-9 13:42   回复此发言   
24 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 好东西 谢谢 
 作者:61.182.115.*   2005-7-11 16:32   回复此发言   
25 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 要是能写个法语版就更好了。。。。 支持!!
 作者:可爱的阿SA    2005-7-11 22:20   回复此发言   
26 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 作者:唐克斯    2005-7-16 15:44   回复此发言   
27 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 请问楼上 法语版的怎么写 本来影片就是以英文对白 
 作者:218.59.144.*   2005-7-16 18:11   回复此发言   
28 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 回楼上的, 什么叫做"没有一定的法语基础
肯定写不出来的 "
Luc本来就是法国人.  不过"本来影片就是以英文对白"说的没错. 
 作者:60.63.35.*   2005-7-16 23:39   回复此发言   
29 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 [investigating some plastic pigs]
Nicer than people, eh? Leon: Tony I.. thought about my money. 
[Tony seems to feel uncomfortable]
You remember the.. the girl who came here the other day? 
Tony: ... Yeah.
Leon: Her name is.. Mathilda. If anything happens to me, I... I'd like you to give her... my 
Tony: You can count on me Leon. 
Leon: Thank you, Tony.
Tony: Yeah. Leon: Mathilda, since I met you, everything's been different. So I... just need some time 
alone. And you need some time to grow up a little.
Mathilda: I've finished growing up, Leon. I just get older.
Leon: For me, it's the opposite. I'm.. old enough. I need time to grow up. [Leon rushes in, shoots him and the Veteran dead; Mathilda jumps into his arms; Leon heaves a sigh
 of relief, holds her for a few seconds] Leon: Let the girl go!
Mathilda: [hiding in the corner]
How are we gonna get out of here Leon?
Leon: Leave it to me, we're checking out.
[knocks down a table to protect Mathilda from fragments; breaks an air shaft open 
with several gunshots and the axe; envelops the plant in his coat, throws it down the 
shaft; helps Mathilda get inside]
Mathilda: Leon, it's not big enough for you.
[starts climbing out again]
Leon: What?
Mathilda: It's barely big enough for me.
Leon: We said no discussion.
[pushing her back]
Mathilda: No! I'm not letting..
Leon: Listen to me..
Mathilda: [desperate] 
I'm not going!
Leon: Listen..
Mathilda: I won't go! I won't go!
Leon: [trying to calm her down] 
Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me, we have no chance together, but if I'm alone 
I can do it, trust me, I'm in good shape Mathilda, I know I worked a lot of money 
with Tony, a lot, we'll take it and leave together, just the two of us, okay? Go!
Mathilda: No! You just say that so that I won't worry! 
[Swats preparing the big weapon] 
I don't wanna lose you Leon!
Leon: [embracing her]
You're not gonna lose me Mathilda, you've given me a taste for life, I wanna be 
happy, sleep in a bed, have roots, you'll never be alone again Mathilda.
[Swats making progress]
Please, go now baby, go. Calm down, calm down. Go. Go. See you at Tony's. I'm gonna 
clean them all. Tony's in one hour. 
[Swat putting his finger around the trigger]
I love you, Mathilda.
Mathilda: I love you too, Leon. 
 作者:218.28.9.*   2005-7-21 22:31   回复此发言   
30 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 作者:218.244.106.*   2005-9-9 20:51   回复此发言   
31 回复:杀手Leon——手写本剧本 
 作者:218.88.120.*   2006-1-23 20:38   回复此发言   
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