
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/04 05:50:23

Most plastic surgery
Cindy Jackson, aged 53, (USA) has had at least 47 cosmetic procedures, including nine full scale surgical operations. These have included three full facelifts, two nose operations, two eye lifts, liposuction, knees, waist, abdomen, thigh and jawline surgery。
53岁的Cindy Jackson进行了至少47次整形手术,包括9次全面外科整形手术。其中包括3次面部去皱手术,两次修鼻手术,两次眼部提升手术,还接受过吸脂、削骨,瘦腰,腹部,瘦腿以及下和整形手术。
most ratations hang from power drill
The record for most rotations hanging from a power drill
in a minute is 141 achieved by The Guy Hiang (Germany) on the set of Guinness World Records in Cologne, Germany, on 1 September 2007.抓着电钻旋转141个圈的世界纪录是由德国的Hiang在2007年9月1日在德国科隆打破的。
strangest diet
Michel Lotito (France) (b. 15 June 1950) of Grenoble, France, known as Monsieur Mangetout, ate metal and glass from 1959 until his death last year. His diet since 1966 included 18 bicycles, 15 supermarket trolleys, seven TV sets, six chandeliers, two beds, a pair of skis, a  Cessna light aircraft and a computer. By October 1997, he had eaten nearly nine tons of metal。
法国格勒诺布尔市的Michel Lotito(生于1950年6月15日),也就是大家所熟知的嫩豌豆先生从1959年直到去年去世,期间一直都在吃金属和玻璃。从1966年开始算起,他总共吃了18辆自行车,15架超市购物手推车,7台电视,6展吊灯,两张床,1副雪橇,1架塞斯纳飞行公司产的轻型飞机和一台电脑。到1997年10月为止,他已经吃了将近9吨的金属。
fastest time to escape from a suitcase
The fastest time to escape a zipped suitcase was 7.04 seconds achieved by Leslie Tipton (USA) on 31 May 2008 in Los Angeles, California, USA。
2008年在美国加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶,Leslie Tipton以7.04秒的速度成为了世界上从带拉链的行李箱中逃脱最快的人。
most toilet seat lids broken
Kevin Shelley (USA) broke 46 wooden toilet seats with his head on the set of the TV show The Guinness World Records in Cologne, Germany, on 1 September 2007.
2007年9月1号,来自美国的Kevin Shelley在德国科隆吉尼斯世界纪录电视节目上以用头击碎46块木质马桶盖的成绩创下了吉尼斯纪录。
smallest waist
Cathie Jung (USA, b. 1937) has a corseted waist measuring 15 inches. Un-corseted, it measures 21in. Her enthusiasm for Victorian clothes is why at the age of 38 she started wearing a training belt to gradually reduce her then 26in waist. She has never had surgery to define her waist。
生于1937年的美国人Cathie Jung穿着束胸衣时腰围是15英尺,不穿束胸衣的腰围为21英尺。她对维多利亚的秘密服饰的热爱让她在38岁时开始穿训练腰带,来收缩自己当时26英尺的腰围。她的腰围是天然的,没有做过整形手术。
Longest distance walking over hot plates
The record for the longest distance walking over hot plates is 19.1m and was achieved by Rolf Iven (Germany) on 9 September 2006.
2006年9月9号,在滚烫的盘子上走19.1米的世界纪录是由来自德国的Rolf Iven创下的。
Largest scorpion held in the mouth
Dean Sheldon was able to hold in his mouth a scorpion, measuring 17.78cm (7in) for 18 sec on 21 December 2000.
2000年12月21号,Dean Sheldon把一只17.78厘米长的蝎子放在嘴里18秒,创下了世界纪录。
Fastest pantomime horse by a team (male)
Charles Astor (the front) and Tristan Williams (the rear) (both UK) completed a distance of 100m inside their pantomime horse costume in a time of 13.51 sec on 18 August 2005.
2005年8月18日,Charles Astor和Tristan两人穿着哑剧马马装在13.51秒内跑完了100米。
burst 3 ballons with the back
The fastest time to burst three balloons with the back is 12 seconds, set by Julia Gunthel, aka 'Zlata' (Germany) on the set of Guinness World Records in Cologne, Germany, on 23 November 2007.
2007年11月23号,Julia Gunthel以12秒用背部挤爆3个气球的成绩创下了世界纪录。
shortest man longest legs
The world's smallest man, He Pingping (2ft 5), and the woman with the longest legs in the world, Svetlana Pankratova (6ft 4 with legs measuring 4ft 4), celebrate the launch of the 2009 edition of the Guiness World Records in Trafalgar Square, London。
世界上最矮小的成年人He Pingping(2.5英尺高)和世界上腿最长的女人Svetlana Pankratova(腿长4.4英尺)在伦敦特拉法加广场庆祝2009吉尼斯纪录书籍出版。


