
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/03 06:10:43
请把下面几句有名字的成语(Jack, Alec, Harry 等等):
A - Jack of all trades
B - Doubting Thomas’s
C - Smart Alec
D – Taking from Peter to pay Paul
E - Tom Dick or Harry
F - Jekyll and Hyde
G - I don’t know him from Adam
H - Peeping Tom
I – Freudian slip
J - Keeping up with the Joneses.
K – Pandora’s Box
1. We saw a (    ) looking through your windows. He wasn’t anyone we know.
2. My husband can do many different things. He is a (    ).
3. This test is so simple. Any (    ) can do it.
4. Chuck thinks he knows everything. He’s always showing off. He's just a (   ).
5. The couple next door just bought a new car, a new TV set, and new furniture. There was nothing wrong with the old ones. They're just (    ).
6. Why are you borrowing money from your uncle to pay your cousin? That's just (    ).
7. When Henry Ford invented the model T, it revolutionized transportation. However there were many (    ) who said that automobiles would never be commercially viable.
8. No, Officer, I’ve never met this man. (    ). Who is he?
9. Jimmy has been acting strange. He is nice one day, nasty the next. He has a (   ) personality.
10. You shouldn’t have introduced the subject of compensation. It’s a real (    ). You’ll never get to the end of it.
11. All day long I’ve been saying “chicken” when I meant to say “kitchen”. It must be a (     ).
《英语课 - 测试你的成语知识》谜底提示
A - Jack of all trades 能干,样样皆通
B - Doubting Thomas’s 多疑之人
C - Smart Alec 自命不凡之人
D – Taking from Peter to pay Paul 拆了东墙补西墙
E - Tom Dick or Harry 任何人
F - Jekyll and Hyde 化身博士,善恶双重人格的人
G - I don’t know him from Adam 陌生人
H - Peeping Tom偷窥狂
I – Freudian slip弗洛依德式的错误,潜意识的口误
J - Keeping up with the Joneses 互相攀比
K- Pandora’s Box潘多拉的盒子,麻烦重重