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God saw that human evil was out of control. People thought evil, imagined evil evil, evil, evil from morning to night. God was sorry that he had made the human race in the first place; it broke his heart. … But Noah was different. God liked what he saw in Noah. Genesis 6:5-6, 8 (MSG)

耶和华见人在地上罪恶很大,终日所思想的尽都是恶,  耶和华就后悔造人在地上,心中忧伤。  惟有挪亚在耶和华眼前蒙恩。《创世记》 6:5,6,8 

"You cannot be all God wants you to be and fit in with everybody else. "


There are four specific pitfalls you will face over your Decade of Destiny as you work toward the goals God gives you: cultural distractions, voices of doubt, tempting shortcuts and discouraging delays. All four of these pitfalls are present in the life of Noah and we can learn from him how to handle these tests.


The first test is cultural distraction. What I'm talking are the things that happen around us that keep us from going after our God-given dreams. For instance --

第一个考验是文化上的干扰。我说的是那些发生在我们周围,阻挠我们的事物,使我们不能向着神所赐的目标前进。比如 --

The distraction of popularity -- If you are always worried about what other people think, you will be distracted from your destiny.

世俗大众的干扰 -- 你若经常担心别人怎么想,你就不能专心,从而偏离了你的使命。

The distraction of pleasure – It’s okay to have fun and feel comfort, but if that's the primary focus of your life, you will never fulfill your destiny.

肉体享乐的干扰 -- 生活快乐舒适,这是无可厚非的,要是这些成了你生命中的最主要的东西,你就绝对无法完成你的使命。

The distraction of profits -- There is nothing wrong with making a profit. The Bible says God blesses us when we do business wisely and honestly, but it also says you cannot serve both God and money. Making a profit cannot be the primary focus of your life.

钱财的干扰 -- 挣钱当然没错。圣经上也说,我们心存智慧和诚实的工作,神就赐福给我们,但也说,你不能同时侍奉神和钱财。总之,挣钱不能成为你生命的主要目标。

The distraction of possessions -- Judging your success by how much stuff you own will keep you concerned about keeping things and maintaining things. You could spend your whole life committed to things and miss the purpose, the plan and the destiny of your life.

财产的干扰 -- 凭你财产的多少来判断你是否成功,这样就让你一直考虑着怎么保管好,看护好你的财产。你会用你的整个生命去作事,而丧失了目标,执行着计划,却偏离了你生命的目的。

If you intend to do anything significant with your life, it's going to be in spite of culture rather than because of the culture. Everything in our culture tempts you into short-term thinking. Most of us are not thinking in terms of the next ten years; we’re not even thinking about next year or next month. We think about today.


And I know I’m stretching you to suggest you to think ten years ahead, but as we noted yesterday, “The wise man looks ahead.” (Proverbs 14:8a TLB)

我知道我在拉你往前走,劝你想想未来十年的生活,正如我们昨天看到的,“通达人的智慧,在乎明白己道。”《箴言》 14:8 

The antidote to cultural distractions is this: you must dare to be different from others.  If you are going to reach your dream in the next decade, if you are going to fulfill your destiny, if you are going to accomplish your goals and see your vision become reality, you are going to have to dare to be different from others.

对付文化干扰的方法: 你必须敢于与众不同。你若想要达到未来十年的梦想,你若想要完成你的使命,你若想要实现你的目标,使你的梦想成真,那么,你就得敢于与众不同。

And until you settle this issue, you will never fulfill your destiny because you cannot make a difference without being different.  You cannot be all God wants you to be and fit in with everybody else.


Noah was different.  God liked what he saw in Noah. Everything was headed toward destruction, but two words changed history -- "but Noah."  That's the power of one person.  That's the power of just one individual.  That's the power you have in your life when you decide to be different and follow the commands of Jesus.

诺亚就是与众不同。看见了诺亚,神就喜悦。当时,每件事都指向了毁灭,但两个词改变了历史 -- “但诺亚。”那就是一个人的力量。只是他自己一个人的力量。一旦你决心,作一个与众不同的人,你的生命中也就有了这股力量,使你跟随主耶稣要你作的。

Pray -- God, I admit a lot of times I've worried about what other people thought more than I’ve thought about doing the right thing.  As I face this new decade, I want to dare to be different from others.  I want to be a pleasure to you. I want to be different so I can make a difference.

 祷告 -- 神啊,我承认,好多时候,我担心别人怎么想,而不是考虑我做的对不对。面对未来的新一个十年,我愿意刚强壮胆,与众人不同。我愿成为你的喜乐。我愿作一个不一样的人,如此,我就能作出不一样的事情。