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Biodynamic A Short Practical Introduction


活力有机农业和园艺是在已故的Rudolf Steiner的建议和指导下,自1920年代起产生和发展而来的。Rudolf Steiner是一位因'人智学'而闻名的哲学家。

'生物活力有机'一词即指'利用产生和维持生命的能量来生产'。支持Rudolf Steiner观点的一些农场主将这个新思想运用于野外试验和实践,并因此定义它为'活力有机'。这个词源自两个希腊词汇'bio'(生命)和'dynamis'(能量)。称其为一种'method',表明生物活力有机不仅仅可解决肥料生产问题(尽管只是一种有机方法),它还包含一些原则:在实际运用中保证土壤和植物的清洁,从而为人类和动物生产清洁的食物。


1. 恢复土壤中的有机质,这些有机质可以以最好的腐殖质的形式保持土壤肥力。

2. 恢复土壤的功能平衡。这要求我们不能只将土壤看成是化学物质、 矿物和有机物的混合或聚合,而应将它作为一个生存系统来看待。因此带有活力的土壤, 应该包括土壤中的微生物和能够建立、维持和增加微生物的一系列生存条件。

3.活力有机方法并不否认土壤矿物组成特别是被称为营养元素和化合物的氮、磷、苛性钾、石灰、镁和痕量矿物的重要作用,它主张将土壤的有机质作为生命力的基本因素巧妙地利用。(有趣的是,Rudolf Steiner早在1924年就指出了营养元素以及痕量矿物元素对健康和正常生长的重要性)



自1930 年以来在肥料和天然肥料的价值的计算上发生了一个根本变化, 自1940年来取得了更加快的进步, 痕量元素价值的计算从1950年来也取得了较大进展。到目前为止厩肥和堆肥已恢复了在现代农业中甚至在正规学校中的举足轻重的地位。



6.如果我们只注意到氮、磷、苛性钾,那么就可能忽略了生物催化物质(比如痕量矿物元素)、酶、生长激素和能量反应的中间产物的重要地位。前面已经提到,早在1924年Rudolf Steiner就让我们注意到了精细元素(我们现在叫做痕量元素)的重要性和与健康、生理作用的联系,这些知识我们现在已耳熟能详。酶和生长激素象智慧那样重要。活力有机农耕包括了怎样处理厩肥和堆肥,以及酶、荷尔蒙和其他因素的知识。


例如,种植玉米, 土豆, 番茄, 胡椒和圆白菜的土壤,其营养得到了很大消耗,应该和有土壤修复功能的作物如蔬菜轮作。短暂地种植可修复植物例如蔬菜、草和苜蓿草地可改善腐殖质以及氮环境。消耗养分的作物和耕作都会破坏土壤中的腐殖质。因此,必须要给土壤一个修复的时间。



9. 土壤不仅是化学、矿物的有机系统, 它还具有一定的物理结构。肥沃的土地需要一个脆的、易碎的、深的、良好透气的结构。导致土壤结构瓦解的所有因素(比如耕作太湿的土壤特别是深耕湿度较大的粘土)以及形成土壤中分层现象(结块)的原因都应该被大家注意。活力有机农耕特别强调对土壤的合理耕作以避免其结构的损坏。许多农夫甚至是那些从事有机农耕的农夫都曾因不合理的耕作导致了土壤结构的破坏而达不到预期的目的。




1、建立并且适当处置厩肥和堆肥原料堆。不要浪费任何有机垃圾。不要轻易烧掉树叶和垃圾, 而把它们用作堆肥。


2. 引入保护土壤的作物轮作和覆被作物。

3. 引入绿肥, 但要确保用作绿肥的作物在使用之前充分破碎并且不会降低土壤中生命物质的含量以及氮含量。

4. 在庭院里, 或者任何可行的地方种植覆被植物。

5. 改进土壤耕种的操作方式。

6. 建立适当的环境控制、防风措施、良好的排水系统, 控制好分水岭。













活力有机农业方法被那些以李比希这些积极使用肥料的人所熟知的。对于他们,他们显出了危险性。这是20 到30 年前。

但是,活力有机农业方法没有传播呢的原因,是来源于人类本性而不是一个农业问题。 它是人类所想象的最困难的事,改变旧习惯 老风俗, 并且(我们比较关注的问题) 开始认为根据生物平衡, 土壤生活和健康, 而不只是氮磷钾。

活力有机农业方法没有食谱提供, 但要求合作农场有一个长远项目。


出产量取决于许多因素,他超出了应用的生物机能学控制: 供水, 雨天或旱天, 种子质量, 并且农夫自己。 我们所能做的,土壤获得改良,那活力有机农业农夫在家畜养殖和植物的种植上有很少麻烦, 潮湿的天气也顺利度过, 生产庄稼含有最多的蛋白质和维生素,。这些我们知道:我们可以得到的一流的质量,并且,一个好的活力有机农业的农民的都是高质量产品,经常处于高水平的层次。

活力有机农业方法的介绍是希望联合起来,力争更好的质量。如果对高质量的食物和家畜饲料感兴趣, 活力有机农业方法就可以用在它适当的地方。有健康意识的人们通常会这样要求, 并接受活力有机农业产品。


重要问题不是害虫是如何产生的,而是他们是如何扩散或者他们能产生多大的危害。几只害虫也许是存在, 这总是可能的。他们也许被风吹过来的,或从虫灾区过来的。 那一定偶尔地发生。 但我们发现, 在我们的60 年活力有机农业种田的经验, 他们没有扩散或没有造成大的经济损失。

农业害虫的问题通过一系列的生物链来解决一个生物的平衡和控制问题。毒化过程尚未解决, 亦不能解决他们产生的问题。

What is Biodynamic Agriculture?

In the early 1920's a group of practicing farmers, concerned with the
decline of the soil, sought the advice of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, founder of
anthroposophy, who had spent all his life researching and investigating
the forces that regulate life and growth. From a series of lectures and
conversations held at Koberwitz, Germany, in June 1924, there emerged the
fundamental principles of biodynamic farming and gardening, a unified
approach to agriculture that relates the ecology of the earth-organism to
that of the entire cosmos. This approach has been under development in
many parts of the world ever since. Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, who worked with
Dr. Steiner during the formative period, brought biodynamic concepts to the

United States in the 1930s. It was during this period that the Biodynamic
Farming and Gardening Association was founded in 1938.

If the results of the Biodynamic approach may be found in the quality of
produce, the health of land and livestock, and the freedom from
environmental problems increasingly generated by many modern farming
methods, what of the approach itself? What distinguishes it from other
agricultural attitudes and techniques?

Essentially, biodynamic farming and gardening looks upon the soil and the
farm as living organisms. It regards maintenance and furtherance of soil
life as a basic necessity if the soil is to be preserved for generations,
and it regards the farm as being true to its essential nature if it can be
conceived of as a kind of individual entity in itself - a self-contained
individuality. It begins with the ideal concept of the necessary
self-containedness of the farm and works with furthering the life of the
soil as a primary means by which a farm can become a kind of individuality
that progresses and evolves.

The maintenance of soil life is vital also in order to protect the soil
from erosion and to create, improve, and augment the humus content. The
result will be a fine, crumbly structure containing the necessary organic
colloids. This leads to the production of high-quality crops, which in
turn means better feed for livestock and better food for human beings.

Soil improvement is obtained by proper humus management - e.g., by the
application of sufficient organic manure and compost in the best possible
state of fermentation; by proper crop rotation; by proper working of the
soil; by protective measures such as wind protection; cover crops, green
manure, and diversified crops rather than monocultures; and by mixed
cropping so that plants can aid and support each other.

Farm manure and compost are the most valuable fertilizers. They contain
organic matter on which the soil bacteria and earthworms can feed and then
revitalize the soil. They contain colloids, which absorb moisture and
mineral solutions in the ground, form a crumbly structure, and eliminate
the danger of erosion. The careful storage of manure in heaps covered with
earth, as taught by the biodynamic method, avoids nitrogen loss to a great

Raw organic matter has not yet reached the state of neutral colloidal
humus. Complicated fermentation processes must first take place in the
manure heap. The biodynamic method produces the right fermentation.
Certain biodynamic preparations are inserted into the heaps in order to speed and
direct fermentation and preserve the original manure values. The same
principles apply to compost materials. Everything that is apt to decompose
can be used. These materials are piled up in alternate layers, and the
finished pile is treated with biodynamic preparations.

The biodynamic compost preparations play a significant role in this
unified approach to agriculture. They are made of certain medicinal herbs that
have undergone a long process of fermentation in order to enrich them in
growth-stimulating substances. They react like yeast in dough - i.e. they
speed and direct fermentation toward the desired neutral colloidal humus.
The preparations themselves are, for practical reasons, numbered 500-508.
Numbers 502-507 are applied to the manure and compost piles in very small
quantities. They have no manuring effect, their sole purpose being to
direct the fermentation of any kind of organic matter toward humus.

Two of the preparations, 500 and 501, are used as field sprays. They are
diluted in water, stirred for one hour, and sprayed directly on the soil
or plants respectively. Preparation 500 stimulates humus formation in the
ground and the growth of roots. It is applied to the land mainly in the
fall and the spring, before clearing or after plowing and sowing. Preparation
501 is applied in June or later to the green leaves.

Proper crop rotation is also necessary in order to preserve the fertility
of the soil. The general rule is that soil-exhausting crops such as corn
and potatoes in the fields, and cabbage, cauliflower, etc., in the garden,
should alternate with soil-restoring crops such as members of the
leguminous family (peas, beans, clover, etc.). Furthermore, deep-rooting crops should
alternate with shallow-rooting ones, and crops that require manure should
alternate with those that can do without.

Proper working of the soil consists mainly in knowing the right time and
the right depth for plowing, harrowing, discing, etc. Skill and experience
are needed. Only thoughtful experience, combined with such investigations
as the taking of soil profiles, can produce maximum efficiency in soil

Biodynamic agriculture is a way of living, working and relating to nature
and the vocations of agriculture based on good common-sense practices, a
consciousness of the uniqueness of each landscape, and the inner
development of each and every practitioner.

Common-sense practices include striving to be self-sufficient in energy,
fertilizers, plants, and animals; structuring our activities based on
working with nature's rhythms; using diversity in plant, fertilizers, and
animals as building blocks of a healthy operation; being professional in
our approach to reliability, cleanliness, order, focus on observation, and
attention to detail; and being prompt and up-to-date in doing one's job.

The concern with the uniqueness of a particular landscape includes
developing an understanding of the geology, soils, climate, plant, and
animal life; human ecology; and economy of one's bioregion.

Rudolf Steiner presents a notion of science that says we can know things
that go beyond what we can weigh, measure, and calculate. Science is the
practice of observing phenomena and relating them in a way that correctly
represents the phenomena's reality. Agricultural judgments about health,
what to do where, and when to do what, best succeed when we begin to rely
on a certain wisdom gained through observation and experience and when we
perceive consciously and concretely the phenomena that induce life itself.

Biodynamic farming and gardening combines common-sense agriculture, an
understanding of ecology, and the specific environment of a given place
with a new spiritual scientific approach to the concepts, principles, and
practices of agriculture.