龙太子之银河大冒险3:【唯美钢琴】Phil Coulter菲尔柯尔特10年精华

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/11 17:51:01

专集---《Coulter Classics》柯尔特经典

这是生命完美无缺的体验,品味着Phil Coulter(菲尔柯尔特)的音乐,仿佛置身绚烂的音乐花园,与仙子嘻戏,与自然拥吻。亲力亲为的是天地的恩赐,是大地母亲的关怀。此时寂静的夜幕中,舒解一天的疲惫,倾心聆听、慵懒品味,总有一种感动涌上心头。洋洋洒洒的文字也便跃然纸上,奔腾的思绪汩汩汇成细流涓涓流泻。流畅的旋律,动情的音符,徜徉的使人酥软,早春的气息,晨雾的恬静,还有牧野的嫩绿,疏忽钻入心脾。悠然的琴声、浑厚的男中音的歌声,隐隐描画着绚丽恬然的音诗篇章。就在耳边,亲近于心,就在脑际,迷乱于魂。感悟于妙不可言的音觉,沉醉于蹁跹的语舞。
  本专辑是Phil Coulter在2005年的最新专辑《Coulter Classics》(柯尔特经典),18首优美的钢琴给我们舒适和安静祥和的音乐氛围

01、the town i loved so well
my memory I will always see
the town that I have loved so well
Where our school played ball by the gasyard wall
and we laughed through the smoke and the smell
Going home in the rain, running up the dark lane
past the jail and down behind the fountain
Those were happy days in so many, many ways
in the town I loved so well

02、fields of athenry

03、fields of gold
钢琴+风笛= 逸静而安详的氛围,柔美而松弛的音域。让人陶醉不已

04 harrys game

05、the shores of the swilly
By the shores of thelly, two children at play
The king of the castle, the queen of the may
Just me and my sister, in a world of pretend
Where the sun would keep shining, the day never end

By the shores of thelly, now with kids of our own
Another year over, and see how they've grown
Then we'd watch the last sunset, and walk arm in arm
Till I see you next summer; God keep you from harm
And if I was a flier who crashed now and then,
she would put me together and fly me again

06、no frontiers,bright blue rose

07、the cliffs of dooneen

08、women of ireland(mna na heireann)

09、a womans heart

10、the streets of london

11、orinoco flow

12、ave maria

13、she moved thruthe fair

14、in the arms of the angel
一曲天使之城也出自菲尔之手。听听钢琴版的In the Arms of the Angel。菲尔特有的钢琴旋律,优美,流畅给曲子本身丰富的情感和内涵加以色彩。简洁明朗的旋律演绎溢满的情感,不经修饰,没有牵强的情调

15、lady in red

16、the mountains of mourne

17、steal away

Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow
'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.

And if you come, when all the flowers are dying
And I am dead, as dead I well may be
You'll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.
