
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/11 22:38:51

近几年中考的作文考题主要是开放的试题,给学生很多自由发挥的空间,重点考察学生是否能够用英语去做事情、完成任务,以及用英语表达、传递信息的能力。作文题材有:看图写话、写人、写事、介绍、写回信、发 E— m ail、留言条、通知、根据中英文提示写段落、根据信息写报告等。不管遇到哪种题材的作文,考生应该先看懂题目,然后按作文写作的三个步骤来做:审题(题材、时态、内容、要点)、写作(起草、写作、誊写)、检查(内容要点、语言表达、单词拼写)。平日很多学生在英语学习的过程中热衷于做题,不重视作文,在考场上就容易看着作文题发呆,提起笔来无话可写,有些学生的作文词法、句法错误太多,七扣、八扣,分数所剩不多,还有些学生所写英语不地道,通篇都是汉语式英语,无精彩句子,这样的作文也肯定得不到满意的分数。那么如何才能写好作文,在中考中拿高分呢?
  一定要养成英语思维的好习惯,写之前要想好所学过的、读过的、听过的较地道的英语句子;平日多积累,多背几篇好文章,适当抄一些英语文章以及精彩的句子,比如:You grow from reaching, you learn from trying, you win from doing.(你在奋进中成长,在尝试中学习,在做事中成功)。The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries.(读所有的好书,如同和每个世纪中最杰出的人在交谈)等好句子,写作文时根据不同的作文题材灵活运用,使你的文章精彩、饱满;要想写好作文,不仅要写好常见的简单句,应该适当地写出复杂的句式,如把正常语序的句子改成倒装语序或强调的结构等;用好的连接词使文章结构严谨,如:and, but, however, in my opinion, in a word, so等等;文章注意分段、重点突出、逻辑性强;时态、语态用得准确;注意书写工整。要想提高写作水平,就要不断动笔,经常练习才能发现自己的不足。  
The Spring Festival
  The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year. It has been celebrated all over China since ancient times on the first day of the first month in Chinese lunar calendar.
  The Spring Festival is important to everybody, no matter how far away from home a person is, he or she will come back home to celebrate the Spring Festival. People begin to prepare for the Spring Festival several days before the New Year. They do some cleaning; the old saying says cleaning can bring people good luck. They plaster red paper character like “福”( good luck) on the doors.
  People usually get together and have a big dinner on New Year Eve. Mostly they eat dumplings, they put coins into the dumplings, if somebody can find a coin from his dumplings, it means he'll have good luck in the new year. People usually stay up till midnight to welcome the New Year with firecrackers, it is said that doing like this can make the whole family safe in the coming New Year.
  On the first day of the Spring Festival people put on their new clothes and visit their relatives or friends, saying "Happy Lunar New Year." Children get red bags from their parents or grandparents, the bags are filled with money. Sometimes the young people give a kowtow (磕头) to the elder. During the Spring Festival quarrels are forgotten and everybody is happy.
    附作文简评 本文用浅显易懂的语言介绍了中国的传统节日———春节,并例举了事例来描述春节前后的民俗、民风,向读者展示中国文化,本文作者平日注意阅读积累,用了很多好的句子,文章层次分明,用词得当,这篇作文是中考中的好作文,得分应该在18分以上