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公司机密被泄露,每个员工都要接受调查。当气势逼人的调查人员问你"Did you do it"时,你要怎么回答呢?快来学学吧。平时生活中的也能用到哦。

1. How would I know? 我怎么知道?

2. None of my business. 不关我的事。

3. I’m innocent. 我是清白的。

4. You've got the wrong person. 你们找错人了。

5. I know nothing about this. 我对此一无所知。

6. It's nothing to do with me. 这事跟我无关。

7. I was wronged. 我是被冤枉的。

8. It's not my job. 那跟我无关。

9. I didn't do it. 不是我干的。

10. I didn’t do it on purpose. 我不是故意的。

11. I was forced to do it. 我是被迫那样做的。

12. I was threatened by a gun. 我是被枪指着才那样做




1. You ask for it. 你自找的。

2. Serves you right! 你活该!

3. You get what you deserve. 你自作自受!

4. You are bringing trouble upon yourself. 你这是在自找麻烦。

5. Driving after drinking is asking for trouble. 酒后驾车就是在自找麻烦。

6. You could really hurt yourself doing that. 那样做你可能会自讨苦吃。

7. You are cruising for a bruising. 你这是在自讨苦吃。

8. You deserve it! 你活该!

9. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 不要自找麻烦。

10. Lying about your marital status may get you into trouble. 隐瞒婚姻状况可能会给你带来麻烦。




1.I don't want to be the third wheel.


2. He is dating another girl on the side.


3. I am a one-woman kind of man.


4. Those boys like to hit on me all the time.


5. That's the long distance relationship.


6. You should have chivalry.


7. I saw you smooching with that girl just outside my window.


8. I'm all over you.


9. I'm over you.


10. Are you trying to seduce me?





What's the matter? You look sad. 你怎么了?看着这么伤心。

What's wrong/Is anything wrong? 出什么事了?

Is something bothering you? 遇到什么麻烦了吗?

Are you okay/Are you all right? 你没事吧?

What's going on? 到底怎么回事?

Is something on your mind? 有什么烦心事吗?

What are you worried about? 你担心什么?

You look serious. 你怎么那么严肃。

You look grave. 你今天看上去很悲伤。

You look sad today. 你今天怎么满脸的不高兴。

You don't look very happy today. 你今天看着好像不太高兴啊。

Why are you so glum? 你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?

Why the long face? 你怎么拉着脸啊?

You look exhausted/tired/worn-out. 你看着很疲惫的样子。

You need a break. 你需要喘口气。

Something is wrong with you today. 你今天有点儿不大对劲。

You're not yourself today. 你今天有点儿不大对劲。

You seem different today. 你今天有点儿不大对劲。


http://edu.QQ.com  2010年01月15日11:26   英语点津   我要评论(2) 


1. It's really simple. 很简单。

2. It's a piece of cake. 小事一桩。

3. It's as easy as pie. 真是易如反掌。

4. It's no big deal! 没什么大不了的!

5. It's a no-brainer! 这很简单,不用动什么脑筋的。

6. I can do it with my eyes closed! 我眼睛闭起来都能做!

7. That's no sweat at all! 那一点都不难!

8. Nothing to it! 没什么难的!

9. It's a cinch! 简单的很!

10. It's as easy as ABC.太容易了!


http://edu.QQ.com  2009年12月23日09:50   英语点津 陈丹妮  我要评论(6) 



I was a little dismayed when I heard the word "naked wedding" on a news broadcast the other day, but then understood it was definitely not anything obscene.


It (naked wedding) means newlyweds without a house, car, diamond ring or grand wedding ceremony.


在引文中,naked wedding就是“裸婚”,裸婚指的是不买房、不买车、不办婚礼、不买婚戒直接登记结婚的现象。“裸婚族”新人大多年龄在20至35岁之间,思想前卫,其中不乏高学历、高收入者。

近年来国内流行“裸”文化,从running naked(裸奔)到naked officials(裸官)再到all-out donation(裸捐)。虽然“裸”字在前有点触目惊心,但是它们并不都是指脱光了衣服的“裸”。Naked officials是指配偶和子女非因工作需要均在国(境)外定居或加入外国国籍或取得国(境)外永久居留权的公职人员。而all-out donation是指把特定范围的个人资产全部捐出。

生活中常用的其他以naked为定语的词还有naked eye(肉眼),naked contract(无偿契约),naked sword(出鞘之刀)等。


http://edu.QQ.com  2009年12月21日09:51   大耳朵英语   我要评论(66) 

(1)In time for……及时到……/做……“If you go now, you will be in time for the meeting.

(2)On time:准时的“Don't go to the examination late. Make sure you are on time.”

(3)Pressed for time:时间不足“I must hurry up, I am pressed for time at the moment.”

(4)Buy time:争取时间“There are ten seconds left, but Jordan carried the ball steadily to buy time instead of passing it out.”

(5)For the time being:暂时地“The company has just been formed. For the time being, it is run by the company partners.”

(6)From time to time:偶尔“They visited us from time to time, but we have never been to their house.”

(7)In the nick of time:及时“All the passengers got on board in the nick of time.”

(8)In no time:很快地“The police caught a thief and sent him to prison in no time.

(9)Kill time:消磨时间“While waiting for my turn to do something, I often read something to kill time.”

(10)Time and again:屡次“Motorists were warned time and again not to throw rubbish from their cars.”

(11)Time alone will tell:时间可以证明一切“No one is certain if it is wise to emigrate to the West; time alone will tell.”

(12)Time's up:时间到了“Time's up. Stop writing and hand in your answer books now.”

(13)At the best of times:当情况最佳时“Samuel's Mandarin is not good at the best of times, not to mention when he has to speak if impromptu.”

(14)At times:有时“life as a spinster or bachelor is care-free, but the problem is that he or she may feel lonely at times.”

(15)Behind the times:过时的“Maggie's dressing style is a bit behind the times. She should try to keep up with the times by wearing fashionable dresses.”

(16)Move / keep up with the times:赶上时代“Some people's mode of thinking is outdated.They should try to move with the times so as to better fit in the present society.”

(17)The time is ripe for……的时机成熟了“The political leaders of the two countries have communicated with each other. Time is therefore ripe for closer cooperation.”

(18)With time to spare:比预期时间早“As there was no traffic congestion, we reached the destination with time to spare.”

(19)With time/Given time:假以时间“Don't feel depressed ! Things will improve with time.

(20)For any length of time:短暂而已“Tom likes to work in different companies. Evidence shows that he has not held on to the same job for any length of time.”