赶集051网:(月运)金妮 五月 星座运势 (羊双处羯瓶鱼待抱)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/18 19:45:44

(月运)金妮 五月 星座运势 (羊双处羯瓶鱼待抱)

2011-05-02 05:15:28 来自: 树。(冷暖自知。)






★★★金牛座——译者: 一一


★★★巨蟹座——译者: McOberon

你的事业仍然是一个高度优先事项,这是一个你必须感到有野心的月份!为什么呢?由于本月你可以努力满足您的职业目标并从宇宙获得许多支持,!在过去几个月里你做出这些变化不那么容易,改变你的职业生涯路径,或得到你想要的工作,你的精力和大部分都集中在试图找出该怎么办!这个月,由于许多的帮助下,行星开辟新机会的路径,达到你的目标,尤其在1和11日。在一个月的最开始,能量之星火星加入势力雄厚的行星木星并给你足够的决心,得到你想要的!这是一个理想的预约面试或开始寻找新的工作时间! 11日,沟通之星水星加入您的支持团队,并创造了找到你需要对话的人的机会,给你正确的话来说服他们,你是此工作正确的人,是你要找的!再加上还有另外一个事业搜索..在20日与能力行星火星和冥王星对你有利,你可以连接一个非常有影响力的人来指点你在正确的方向。但是,这个月并不全是工作和职业变化 ... '你的星盘'有很多关于社交和你与朋友间的关系。3号的新月能为您带来新的社会交往或一个花更多的时间和你的'哥们'的新愿望,但奇妙的是,你的真诚友谊,这个月将带来'利益'!是的,被告知的'利益',良好的联系和了解谁是合适的人可以为你敞开大门 ...那些种种的好处!你发现自己处在一个知道谁可以帮助你的人群圆圈!能源火星要你提醒重点放在实现自己的目标,因为它进入你的'希望'第11宫位。你需要的势头来完成您的项目是很高的。随着通讯的水星和掌管吸引力的金星也进入你的'希望'部门在15日你将'吸引'正确的连接,并集中成为您成功的必然。恋情再本月有机会走出忧郁! “有兴趣的人,15日后将走进你的生活,满月时你会发现,你有比你认知更多的恋情机会。17日满月,将你的注意力带到执着于试图让你认识更多的人!还有一个很大的机会,过去认识的人从将再次出现。在21日,太阳进入你的'隐私'部门,提醒您得到足够的休息... 这个月你会非常忙!

★★★狮子座——译者: LEOTIG

你的悠闲状态这个月将改变,这是因为职业与交友会成为你的关注重点。做一个独立自主的人并非易事,但是本月你将无法逃避现实,你必须正视自己的职业而不再继续浪费时间。3日的新月为打破职业沉寂开启大门,促使你正确反思自己的现状,11日火星、水星、15日金星连续点亮你的职业宫时,你完全有能力顺利解决职业难题。 11日前你的焦点是社交与聚会, 11日后职业活动逐渐多起来。只工作不休息可能累跨你,但是本月你能做到两全齐美的,而且你能找到新职位、交到新朋友。本月旅行的能量仍然很强,1日木火合相清晰地表明这一点。 11日水金木相合时,你的远方朋友正期盼着你的到来。17日的满月提醒你不要忘记了定期回顾家人的期望,这可是你的大本营啊。21日太阳入友谊宫时,你的社交活动异常活跃。


★★★天枰座——译者: 爬爬





★★★天蝎座——译者: McOberon

您可以随心所欲,但这个月有人会在感情上赶上你!因为你爱的要求,这需要一个特殊的人才能满足你的需要,3号新月带来了相当坚决地要让你留下印象的人,这个人是在与你第一次见面时就被你'封杀'的人。哦,拜托 ...你知道当谈到合作伙伴时你可以相当挑剔。那与生俱来的敏锐的’侦探感',使你可以在一秒钟内发现欺诈事件,因为这个你从不对路上那些对你有兴趣的人,浪费任何时间!但是...没有什么是永恒不变的,也包括你可能忽略令人着迷的人!随着三行星在你的爱情宫,你会更容易让某人多看一眼,甚至考虑跟这个追求你的人共进晚餐!在11日火星进入你的关系部门,其次是在15日,激情行星火星和爱情的金星,期望有一些有趣的激情与浪漫。随着沟通行星,浪漫和激情,在你的关系宫,你无法忽略敦促你的心或者看看是否有特别的人领导你的道路!哦,顺便说一下...天蝎座。有人想和你谈谈!17日满月给你带来一个'现实检查,对关系,但这种关系是与工作有关的问题。该行星表明,你可能会与一起工作的人关系紧张,或者只是对你的一般工作条件。如果你在一个令人窒息的情况下工作,扩张的木星和解放的天王星出现,将坚持你为更好的东西改变环境。当掌管'恐惧因素’的土星徘徊在您的隐私宫,可能是一个'不可预见'原因,您可能不会这么快就换工作或找一个更好的位置,如果你确实是苦不堪言。但是,本月可以拥抱你的未来,并作出改变,如果你觉得这是必要的,不需要恐惧!此外,本月你的财务也开始好转,你能使你的收入增加或寻求其他办法让你赚更多的钱!太阳突显一些更好的财务选状况,在21日之后。天蝎们,你从来没有惧怕挑战,面对自己的财政状况,在本月将是一个必要,而不是一个选择,如果你要继续保持冷静,并强调自由!

★★★射手座——译者: 扭森森







Aries: Have you gotten the impression that something wonderful is happening in your life at this time? If your answer is yes, you are in tuned and very aware of all the serendipitous things that are landing on your path, and if your answer is no, you must be in a ‘deep sleep’ and presently walking in a fog, because there is no way that you can miss all the new opportunities currently being drawn to you! This month it’s about using your energy in productive ways and increasing your ability to create abundance! And, with that in mind, just know that the new Moon will bring incredible money making situations your way after the 3rd. With 3 planets in your financial sector this month, you’ll be drawn to visualizing new ways of increasing your money avenues, new ways of multiplying the money you have coming in and new ways of thinking about using your prosperity. After the third is an excellent time to talk with a financial advisor. Now that you’ve gotten a realistic look at your tax situation because of last month’s filing with the IRS, this is the ideal time to start planning for sheltering your finances for next year and making sure you’re maximizing your income capacity! Make an appointment with an advisor around the 11th. Your money and luck planets are in good standing on that day and you’ll get solid information. If you happen to be in a situation where it is impossible for you to invest or save money because you’re not making enough of it, on the 20th a strong alignment between planets Mars and Pluto will empower you to either ask for a raise, seek a better position or look for a new job all together! There is also the chance that you will keep your current job and look to form a business partnership outside of work with someone who is just as driven as yourself. The full Moon on the 17th encourages business arrangements. But take your time and get a good understanding with your partner. The full Moon can also stir up confusion about financial agreements if things are not clarified. Any time after the 21st is a good time to seek information, to hold conversations with advisors, to plan meetings and to have conversations with people who you feel can add something positive to your life. The energy of the Sun enters your communication sector and revelation will follow all that you hear. The week of the 23rd can prove problematic for your love relationship. Be patient with that special person, as they can be very sensitive about certain matters and cause static in your partnership. Avoid arguments or using any kinds of anger. They might feel as though you don’t value them, and if this is the case, be more demonstrative with your affection.


Your ‘wish’ is the Universes’ desire! Your ability to create, produce or manifest is extremely strong as better opportunities enter your life. The way things can happen for you this month seems like a page out of the story book ‘Aladdin’ where a genie pops up and grants a wish every time a magical lamp is rubbed! Ok, ok…there might not be a genie or magic lamp, but the power of creativity is real and it all starts with the new Moon in your Sun sign on the 3rd. As always, new Moons always encourage a new start or a fresh beginning. And with so many ‘intimate’ planets in your Sun sign from the 3rd thru the 15th you’ll feel your personal power soar and grow. Energy-planet Mars entering your ‘physical’ sector on the 11th gives you enormous stamina and momentum. This is an excellent time to begin working on improving the areas of your health and maintaining your body with exercise and better eating. On the 15th you’ll also receive beneficial visits from planets Mercury and Venus to your ‘physical’ sector suggesting that you’ll have an added ability to clearly communicate as well as have more magnetism. This is the month to look good and feel better! If you’ve been having health issues, once communication planet Mercury enters your Sun sign on the 15th you can find the advice you need or find the right doctor to address your issues. The power of love is great as Venus, your ruler, enters your Sun sign on the 15th and heads from admirers begin to turn, people who never seemed to notice you before are suddenly attracted to you. This can be directly attributed to a fortuitous union between romance-planet Venus and abundant planet Jupiter on the 11th. You can meet a person who ‘fits’ your romance profile to a ‘t!’ The full Moon on the 17th brings your attention to some issues you simply can’t escape regarding the quality of your love life, or the quality of people you’ve been attracting in the arena of romance. The full Moon allows you to face the truth and find a solution for your issues. There is a lot of cosmic activity in your ‘secret’ sector this month, meaning that there are several positive things happening on the ‘down low’ where no one can see your supportive system working, but you can feel them as work. Money matters take off after the 21st! The Sun entering your financial sector brings vitality and growth to your resources. After the 21st is a good time to analyze what is happening with your money and whether or not you’re doing the best things possible with it?


Even Gemini’s have to slow down from time to time and you’ve been so overly stimulated lately that this is the month where you’ll willingly find a quiet place to hide! The issues of your friendships, peers, social circle and trying to make certain things happen have been keeping you so busy and all bent out of shape. You need some quality private time and the new Moon on the 3rd gives you just the motivation you require to take time out just to be with yourself as you contemplate what has been occurring over the past few weeks. Your life has been a whirlwind! You’ve had lots of chances to meet new people, but with all that networking and socializing you’ve done you’ve probably burnt yourself out! Energy-planet Mars allows you to ‘down shift’ and take a low profile as it enters your ‘private’ sector on the 11th. Don’t worry about missing out on anything. The truth is that anything worth knowing will wait for you to reappear and that includes certain people as well! Keeping in touch with key people won’t be a problem as communication-planet Mercury enters your ‘private’ sector as well on the 15th followed by love-planet Venus. Venus…that’s interesting! Yes, Venus the Diva of love wants to make things nice and cozy between you and a very special person after the 15th, so don’t hesitate to spend some well needed private time with a certain someone. Some wonderful things have been happening regarding making a few specific goals come true and with beneficent planets Venus and Jupiter uniting in your ‘goals’ sector on the 11th followed by an powerful agreement between planet Mars and Pluto on the 20th, you can successful reach your dreams or fine tune the goals that you presently have! Work matters can come to a head during the full Moon on the 17th. Someone on the job takes your kindness for weakness and you have to find the appropriate way to let them know that you’re no body’s fool! Be careful with conversations with spiteful coworkers around the full Moon as they will twist your words and lie about something you’ve said. It’s best to leave spiritually challenged people alone around the full Moon, they will find someone else to setup and sabotage! Your birthday season starts on the 21st and your energy level rises. You will be torn between staying quiet and keeping to yourself or being in the spotlight as everyone starts to invite you out to do something special around your birthday! This can be a birthday that you’ll never forget because of all the people who are surrounding you and trying to get closer!


Your career remains a high priority and it’s a must that you’re feeling ambitious! Why? Because this is the month where you can strive to meet your career goals with much support from the Universe! Over the past few months it hasn’t been so easy for you to make those changes needed to change your career path or get the job you want, and most of your energy has been focused on trying to figure out what to do! This month, with much help, the planets open new paths of opportunity to reach your goals especially around the 1st and the 11th. At the very beginning of the month, energy planet Mars joins forces with abundant planet Jupiter and gives you enough determination to get what you want! This is an ideal time to make appointments for a job interview or to start looking for new work! On the 11th, communication-planet Mercury joins your ‘support team’ and creates opportunities for finding the person you need to speak with and giving you the right words to convince them that you are the right person for the work you’re looking for! There is an added plus in your career search…on the 20th with power planets Mars and Pluto working in your favor, you can connect with a very influential person to point you in the right direction. But, it’s not all about work and career change this month…you’ll have a lot on ‘your plate’ regarding socializing and being in the company of your friends. The new Moon on the 3rd can bring you new social contacts or a new desire to spend more time with your ‘buddies.’ But the wonderful thing is that your friendships come with ‘benefits’ this month! Yes, the ‘benefits’ of being informed, well connected and knowing the right people who can open doors for you…those kind of ‘benefits!’ You find yourself in a circle of ‘people who know people’ who can assist you! Energy-planet Mars wants you to remind focused on achieving your goals as it enters your ‘wish’ sector on the 11th. The momentum you need to accomplish your projects is high. And with communication –planet Mercury and attraction-planet Venus also entering your ‘wish’ sector on the 15th you will ‘attract’ the right connection and have the concentrated necessary for your success. Romance comes out of the ‘blue’ this month! “Persons of interest’ walk into your life after the 15th and by the full Moon you can discover that you have more chances at romance than you realized. The full Moon on the 17th will bring your attention to someone who is very persistent at trying to get you know you better! There is also a strong chance that people from the past will pop up again. The Sun entering your ‘privacy’ sector on the 21st reminds you to get enough rest…you’ll be very busy this month!


Your comfort level will be affected this month! The areas of career and friendships are those issues which absorb a lot of your attention. Being a lover of independence and needing to be fully in charge of your life is a tough role to fill and trying to escape your ‘worldly’ obligations won’t be easy this month! You need to shift your energy to what is happening with your career and make sure you’re not wasting your time by knowing that it is in alignment with what you want to do is critical. The new Moon on the 3rd acts as a reminder that now is the time to get moving on career issues! The new Moon encourages you to ask ‘if this is where your concentration needs to be and whether this is the appropriate path for you?’ You’ll get lots of assistance with your career matters as momentum-planet Mars enters your career sector on the 11th joined by planets Mercury and Venus on the 15th. You’ll have all the stamina you need to seek a change, you’ll have clarity of mind to make decisions and you’ll attract the right situations with the ideal people to open doors and create career opportunities for you! Expect a lot of movement around career matters after the 11th! But, your focus will be on socializing and meeting new and interesting people also, especially around the 1st and the 11th. All work and no play can bore you to tears, but that you’ll find ways ‘to catch two birds with one stone’ this month! You can create career opportunities and create new friendships as well! Your travel sector is still ‘calling to you’ to be adventurous. On the 1st, a union between energy-planet Mars and abundance-planet Jupiter suggests that it’s going to be hard for you stay ‘put’ this month! Jupiter likes to expand and Mars likes to move! On top of that on the 11th planets Venus and Mercury meet up with Jupiter and someone you know in another city or country will be communicating with you and urging you to make travel plans now! With all this activity in your ‘travel’ sector you’ll have an increased urge to do a few quick weekend ‘get a ways’ this month! The full Moon on the 17thl brings the realization that you must give some quality time to loved ones. Things can get stressful between you and someone you live with or live close by. Someone is feeling abandoned and need some attention from you! Don’t ignore your support system…you know that they are normally there in your time or need as your friends can be wishy washy! But, all and all, the Sun entering into your friendship sector on the 21st keeps your social contacts strong! Expect to have a very full month of activities around and outside of work!


Now is the time to get the dust off your mind! Your life needs more excitement, and the planets encourage you to expand your experiences and open your horizons. Being a grounded earth sign, you can find yourself a victim of ‘routine,’ suggesting that you tend to do the same things over and over again. Stability feels comforting to you, but doing the same old things limits your opportunities and suffocates your thinking. The time to let in new ways of thinking arrives as the new Moon enters your mental sector on the 3rd. The new Moon plants the ‘seeds’ of adventure this month! What is it that you’ve wanting to do and who have you been longing to do it with? This is the perfect time to reconnect with friends who live in different cities or states and arrange to visit on a weekend this month. Don’t forget Memorial Day is coming up on the 30th and this can be an ideal time to see old faces and meet new places! If physically getting away is out of the question this month, you can feed your new longing for adventure by learning, reading and studying some subject you feel is interesting! This is a good time to join a book club and find your experiences vicariously through reading! Your chances to increase your finances reappear this month! Your money sector is visited by abundance planet Jupiter and liberation planet Uranus as they create the energy for ‘more prosperity with fewer strings attached!’ Yes Virgo! This is the time to keep striving to financial independent from as many bills as you can and put away more savings. On the 11th a positive union between planets Venus and Jupiter will encourage you to seek a part time job or look for over time on your existing job….you want more money and you want it now! Romance comes by the strangest ways this month! The Internet can be helpful reconnecting to people from the past or meeting someone new on a dating site who proves to be worthwhile. Your union will be full of enlightening conversations. You can truly meet someone who thinks like you or has your same views of life. There is a strong chance for dating by the 15th. The full Moon on the 17th can bring some unexpected drama your way! Gossip surrounds you during this time. Someone share some nasty secrets about another and then in turn try to drag you into the middle of things. Avoid listening to gossip and certain avoid giving your opinion. Certain conversations can cost you your peace of mind this full Moon! A chance to change your career path happens after the 21st. If you need a change at work, this is the time to go after it!


In order not to have a financial burn down this month, you must pay attention to what is happening with your money! The new Moon on the 3rd turns your focus to how you’re overseeing your debt, your credit and your investments, (if you have any.) And, now that the planet Saturn is retrograde, it is easy to slack up on your discipline and not stay on top of things like you normally do. Be careful! There is a price for sloppiness and the one area you don’t need to be messy is with your money! The good thing about your ‘financial lesson’ this month is that you have the cosmic assistance of 3 planets in your financial sector, starting with the new Moon on the 3rd and ending as communication planet Mercury joins the Moon on the 15th. Listening, seeking advice and taking action are all important when it comes to your money. Attraction-planet Venus enters your financial sector on the 15th, followed by action planet Mars also on the 15th and with all this cosmic assistance you’ll know that now is the time to get ‘popping’ when it comes to your dollars! The new Moon will inspire to make changes, Venus will encourage you to do better with managing your money so that you can have more of it for now and later, Mars stimulates you to be more aggressive about your financial management and not wait around for something awful to happen before you act and the planet Mercury opens the doors for communication and greater understanding of why doing this now is important. And, just in case you tend not to want to ‘face the music’ regarding your money, the full Moon on the 17th brings an urgent message about your cash flow, such as you don’t have enough of it to either pay your bills or shop the way you want to shop and this can be crushing to you… because money is important. You are ruled by Venus the ‘Diva of the Dollar Bill,’ and not having enough of them can spend you into a spiral! We don’t want that to happen…getting yourself all out of balance is serious. So, give your resources some extra attention and save yourself from some unnecessary stress! But, trying to focus on your money can be hard when so many people are trying to ‘get at you,’ this month! On the 11th a union between love-planet Venus and abundance planet Jupiter can create a situation where you meet someone truly remarkable. Be careful not to go ‘backwards’ in love on the 20th. Passion planet marks makes an alignment with Pluto, the planet of secrets and someone from your past tries to make a return. With everything that you’ve learned, you might know that going backwards can be a big mistake!


You can run all you like, but someone is going to catch up with you when it comes to romance this month! Because of your love requirements, it takes a special person to fit your needs and the new Moon on the 3rd brings someone who is quite determined to make an impression on you and someone who refuses to let you ‘dismiss’ them the first time you meet them. Oh, come on…you know you can be picky when it comes to partners. That keen ‘detective sense’ that you carry around can ‘detect’ a fraud in a second, and because of this you don’t waste any time getting interested suitors out of your way! But…nothing last forever and that includes you being able to ignore someone who can be quite charming! With 3 planets in your romance sector, you will be more prone to giving someone a second glance and maybe even considering having dinner with this person who is outwardly pursuing you! Expect to have some fun with romance once passion planet Mars enters your relationship sector on the 11th, followed by passion-planet Mars and love-planet Venus on the 15th. With the planets of communication, romance and passion in your relationship sector, there is no way you can ignore the urgings of your heart or look to see if there is someone special headed your way! Oh Scorpio by the way….someone wants to talk with you!! The full Moon on the 17th brings you a ‘reality check’ about relationships, but the relationship in question will be regarding those on the job. The planets indicate that there can be a lot of tension between you and someone you work with, or just with your work conditions in general. If you’re in a stifling situation at work the presence of expansion planet Jupiter and liberation planet Uranus will insist that you change your circumstances for something better. The ‘fear factor’ of the planet Saturn hovering in your privacy sector can be one of the ‘unforeseen’ reasons why you might not be so quick to switch jobs or look for a better position if you are indeed miserable. But this is the month to embrace your future and make a change if you feel that it is necessary and have no fear! Besides, the way your financial sector is looking this month, you could really use an increase in your income or find some other way to get your hands on more money! The Sun highlighting some better financial options occurs after the 21st. Scorpio, you have never been afraid of a challenge, facing your monetary conditions will be a must this month and not an option if you are to remain stress free and calmer!


What are you waiting for? You’ve had so much assistance from the Universe to create a better existence for yourself that if you’re not seriously considering making changes somewhere in your life at this time that you could be having some other kind of issues. Sag, are you a victim of worry? Does it worry you that things might not go so well and if you make an adjustment and then you’ll be forced to start all over again? Poppycock! The planets have your back! The new Moon on the 3rd turns your attention toward your work. It’s time to get things moving on the job! But, because you tend to be a ‘very tuned in’ person you’ve sensed that something different needs to happen with your work situation, and energy-planet Mars activating your employment sector on the 11th gives you the stamina required to face your work issues. It might not be so much a matter of being afraid to make change, as it is a matter of what changes to make? Attraction-planet Venus and communication-planet Mercury comes to your aid to alert you to new career choices and finding the right person to give you advice in your decision making. Be inquisitive! Ask questions! Look for the answers you need and expect a revelation! And most importantly, don’t be afraid to try something new! On the 21st a wonderful alignment between Venus and Pluto points you to your strong points in the job market and sets you off on the new path. Be more open to using your creativity! You just might be surprised at how creative you truly are. The full Moon on the 17th warns that you can receive information from someone you trust which might not be reliable. The ‘intention’ of sabotage is strong around the full Moon and you must use your intuition to protect yourself again felonious information. This will be a month where love relationships can start and nonproductive relationships can end. If you feel as though you’re wasting your time in a partnership with someone who doesn’t value you, a Mars/Pluto union on the 20th gives you the ‘spark’ you need to walk away in hopes of finding something better. But, you’ll have no problem letting go of a worthless association because on the 11th an alignment between love planet Venus and expansion planet Jupiter begins to ‘condition and prepare’ your heart for opening the doors to someone more deserving of your affection. Look for new situations in romance to come your way after the 21st once the Sun energized your relationship sector!


Being ‘thick skinned’ has it rewards and also its consequences. The rewards are that you can tolerate and endure enormous challenges to get what you want, and the consequences are that more attention needs to be given to your health and your physical body, especially this month. Your spirit might be tough, but your body is delicate and now is the time to pay focus on what is needed. You are encouraged to make doctor appointments, eat better, get the exercise required to stay in good health! The Sun entering your health sector on the 21st allows you to concentrate on taking care of yourself! Your chance for a new romance or a better romantic situation materializes with the new Moon on the 3rd. Passion and attraction is important to your love requirements…but being valued and respected is even more important! What good is having someone in your life who doesn’t think that you’re a high priority? Being a person who is constantly striving and seeking respect from your peers…and to have less than ultimate respect in your love life won’t do! Your options in romance change after the new Moon and is supported by passion planet Mars entering your romance sector on the 11th, followed by attraction-planet Venus and communication-planet on the 15th. You will get what you want once you know exactly what is on the mind of the person you’re seeking love from. Communication-planet Mercury wants you to listen and ask questions. Things may not be so obvious and going after the information you need is a must! Anticipate this to be a very social month! The full Moon on the 17th brings all sorts of new and old associates out into the open. This is the time to be in the company of others as they call and invite you to interesting gatherings. Home matters improve this month. The energy of ‘peaceful co-existence’ surrounds the place you live and the relationships you presently have with the people you live with or around! There is a strong chance that you’ll spend less and less time at home as you accept social invitations and ask a few of your closest friends out to meet with you! The numbers of your friendships can grow, especially on the 11th and the 20th. On the 11th planets Venus and Mercury cause you to communicate with and bump into new people or join some social organization which you feel expresses your same ideals. On the 20th planets Mars and Pluto create such a strong attraction in your social setting that people are compelled to know who you are and what you do! Have fun this month Capricorn!


Aquarius, try not to take everything so serious! You can experience a lot of tension this month due to situations becoming stressful and you not handling one thing at a time. Try not to let things get the best of you! Remember that you have the hidden support of abundance planet Jupiter in your ‘corner’ and regardless of what may manifest you can come out on top in the end! Your major areas of concern will be your home environment and your work conditions. The new Moon causes you to turn your attention to what is happening in your home, around your home and those you reside with. Lots of energy will be put forth to ‘seeing’ things in a different light regarding some issue which has been bothering you, and the new Moon can bring out a new insight or an alternative approach to handling your existing situation. If you’re having a problem with a loved one, this is not the time to be aggressive or attempt to force matters. War-planet Mars entering your home sector on the 11th warns that a ‘light hand’ and a gentle manner will bring better results as opposed to trying to push problems to the surface so that you can resolve them and get them out of the way! People are sensitive and the planet Mars reminds you that an aggressive attitude will earn an aggressive attitude in return. Mercury, the planet of communication comes to open the channels of constructive conversations on the 15th, which enables you and your loved one to discuss your issues calmly. The planet Mercury can also encourage you to entertain your loved ones at home more and attraction-planet Venus entices you to do something to beautify your space to make your home more appealing. Chances are that you can receive a lot of unexpected company after the 1st and around the 11th as planets Mars and Jupiter ‘hook up’ on the first, bringing someone surprisingly to your door and as planets Mercury and Jupiter unite on the 11th urging someone to ‘see’ if you’re at home by ringing your door bell! Once you’ve gotten things in order, don’t be surprised if you find yourself spending more quality time at home or in some space that you’re created as an oasis in your home! Lots of private time will be needed this month… you will be forced to face some stressful work issue brought to you around the full Moon on the 17th. Someone is watching your every action on the job, so be careful of your activities! Your chances of romance continue to grow once the Sun enters your romance sector on the 21st. The end of the month is very promising for an abundance of romantic choices!


No one knew that you could talk so much? You’ll be so busy communicating and socializing that you’ll hardly be able to catch your breath! And for you Pisces that is a lot because you tend to be laid back and more receptive that normal people! The new Moon on the 3rd brings you lots of social company and plenty of people to talk with, especially a few who slip you juicy tidbits of information. This can be a good thing because you need to be more informed and more aware of what is going on around you and your community. There is a strong chance that you’ve been somewhat lonely over the past few weeks and you don’t mind the extra company at all! With 3 planets in your ‘mental’ sector, you might long to visit this person or visit that person to remain entertained! The new Moon blesses you not only new contacts, but also new ways of thinking about things. This can be an excellent time to start doing research or preoccupy your time with writing or studying some subject that you find fascinating. Energy-planet Mars entering your mental sector on the 11th gives you the concentration you require to master mind tough subject. But, keeping your mind busy is only part of the fun this month! Love-planet brings you face to face with someone who intrigues you mentally and you can’t help but to develop a crush on this person as they in turn develop a real liking for you! The full Moon on the 17th uncovers some issues in romance, such as unfaithfulness in a present relationship or betrayal with someone you’ve been seeing. Don’t get all freaked out and go hide in a corner! The full Moon only sends critical information which is being hidden so you can do something about it! If this is the case, you’ll be leaving this person quickly, because you are too giving and too sensitive to have such an unworthy individual in your life. With some bad news can also come some positive news…on the 20th a certain someone has no problem in showing you just how much the like you will begin to ‘woo’ you with the aim of having a future relationship! So, out with the ‘despicable’ and in with the hopeful! Your financial picture appears to remain steady! With all the powerful assistance you’ve been getting from abundance planet Jupiter, there is no way you shouldn’t be making better money or have an open path to increase your earnings! Your monetary situation should be and will be improving very soon! And, with all the extra activities happening in your life this month, remember to get enough rest! Your gentle nervous system can suffer from all the overload and added stimulation!

  • 2011-05-02 05:28:32 密私特| 不耐烦


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  • 2011-05-02 05:29:36 密私特| 不耐烦



    时差党 永远这么勤劳。

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  • 2011-05-02 05:29:51 阿狸


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  • 2011-05-02 05:35:16 密私特| 不耐烦


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  • 2011-05-02 05:36:14 habby


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  • 2011-05-02 05:56:00 树。 (冷暖自知。)

    哦闹! ( ⊙ o ⊙ )! 俄被表凉了!



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  • 2011-05-02 06:42:47 habby


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  • 2011-05-02 07:12:17 雨阳 (上天给每个师太都准备了一个方丈)

    看起来MJ还不错 那就放心了……

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  • 2011-05-02 08:04:36 热情岛屿


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  • 2011-05-02 08:14:42 梦中的香格里拉 (香格里拉是我的梦)


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  • 2011-05-02 08:44:19 天蝎梦 (真爱在那,那有真爱?)


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  • 2011-05-02 08:45:24 Vara (可惜我是水瓶座)


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  • 2011-05-02 08:46:59 颜色之灾 (事缓则圆。)


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  • 2011-05-02 09:46:00 McOberon (Let's get lost)


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  • 2011-05-02 09:46:10 McOberon (Let's get lost)

    ★★★巨蟹座 - 译者:McOberon

    你的事业仍然是一个高度优先事项,这是一个你必须感到有野心的月份!为什么呢?由于本月你可以努力满足您的职业目标并从宇宙获得许多支持,!在过去几个月里你做出这些变化不那么容易,改变你的职业生涯路径,或得到你想要的工作,你的精力和大部分都集中在试图找出该怎么办!这个月,由于许多的帮助下,行星开辟新机会的路径,达到你的目标,尤其在1和11日。在一个月的最开始,能量之星火星加入势力雄厚的行星木星并给你足够的决心,得到你想要的!这是一个理想的预约面试或开始寻找新的工作时间! 11日,沟通之星水星加入您的支持团队,并创造了找到你需要对话的人的机会,给你正确的话来说服他们,你是此工作正确的人,是你要找的!再加上还有另外一个事业搜索..在20日与能力行星火星和冥王星对你有利,你可以连接一个非常有影响力的人来指点你在正确的方向。但是,这个月并不全是工作和职业变化 ... '你的星盘'有很多关于社交和你与朋友间的关系。3号的新月能为您带来新的社会交往或一个花更多的时间和你的'哥们'的新愿望,但奇妙的是,你的真诚友谊,这个月将带来'利益'!是的,被告知的'利益',良好的联系和了解谁是合适的人可以为你敞开大门 ...那些种种的好处!你发现自己处在一个知道谁可以帮助你的人群圆圈!能源火星要你提醒重点放在实现自己的目标,因为它进入你的'希望'第11宫位。你需要的势头来完成您的项目是很高的。随着通讯的水星和掌管吸引力的金星也进入你的'希望'部门在15日你将'吸引'正确的连接,并集中成为您成功的必然。恋情再本月有机会走出忧郁! “有兴趣的人,15日后将走进你的生活,满月时你会发现,你有比你认知更多的恋情机会。17日满月,将你的注意力带到执着于试图让你认识更多的人!还有一个很大的机会,过去认识的人从将再次出现。在21日,太阳进入你的'隐私'部门,提醒您得到足够的休息... 这个月你会非常忙!

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  • 2011-05-02 10:14:38 xiuyi_520


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  • 2011-05-02 10:15:05 McOberon (Let's get lost)


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  • 2011-05-02 10:15:12 McOberon (Let's get lost)

    ★★★天蝎座 - 译者:McOberon

    您可以随心所欲,但这个月有人会在感情上赶上你!因为你爱的要求,这需要一个特殊的人才能满足你的需要,3号新月带来了相当坚决地要让你留下印象的人,这个人是在与你第一次见面时就被你'封杀'的人。哦,拜托 ...你知道当谈到合作伙伴时你可以相当挑剔。那与生俱来的敏锐的’侦探感',使你可以在一秒钟内发现欺诈事件,因为这个你从不对路上那些对你有兴趣的人,浪费任何时间!但是...没有什么是永恒不变的,也包括你可能忽略令人着迷的人!随着三行星在你的爱情宫,你会更容易让某人多看一眼,甚至考虑跟这个追求你的人共进晚餐!在11日火星进入你的关系部门,其次是在15日,激情行星火星和爱情的金星,期望有一些有趣的激情与浪漫。随着沟通行星,浪漫和激情,在你的关系宫,你无法忽略敦促你的心或者看看是否有特别的人领导你的道路!哦,顺便说一下...天蝎座。有人想和你谈谈!17日满月给你带来一个'现实检查,对关系,但这种关系是与工作有关的问题。该行星表明,你可能会与一起工作的人关系紧张,或者只是对你的一般工作条件。如果你在一个令人窒息的情况下工作,扩张的木星和解放的天王星出现,将坚持你为更好的东西改变环境。当掌管'恐惧因素’的土星徘徊在您的隐私宫,可能是一个'不可预见'原因,您可能不会这么快就换工作或找一个更好的位置,如果你确实是苦不堪言。但是,本月可以拥抱你的未来,并作出改变,如果你觉得这是必要的,不需要恐惧!此外,本月你的财务也开始好转,你能使你的收入增加或寻求其他办法让你赚更多的钱!太阳突显一些更好的财务选状况,在21日之后。天蝎们,你从来没有惧怕挑战,面对自己的财政状况,在本月将是一个必要,而不是一个选择,如果你要继续保持冷静,并强调自由!

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  • 2011-05-02 10:16:45 pipkin (沉默 緩慢 獨處)


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  • 2011-05-02 10:22:08 (你舍得伤,就伤。)


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  • 2011-05-02 10:24:16 荭0茶 (好好干活or不好好活)

    双子8错Keeping in touch with key people won’t be a problem as communication-planet Mercury enters your ‘private’ sector as well on the 15th followed by love-planet Venus.
    Be careful with conversations with spiteful coworkers around the full Moon as they will twist your words and lie about something you’ve said. It’s best to leave spiritually challenged people alone around the full Moon, they will find someone else to setup and sabotage!

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  • 2011-05-02 10:38:34 扭森森 (七月不远,马鼻子下,湖泊含盐)


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  • 2011-05-02 10:45:53 迷迭香 (Sag ? Sag 有生之年,狭路相逢)





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  • 2011-05-02 10:49:34 咖啡 (??? ???)

    谢 McOberon

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  • 2011-05-02 10:49:53 calla


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  • 2011-05-02 10:54:23 Alla


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  • 2011-05-02 10:56:06 lilith. (单身的好处就是只需要心疼自己)


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  • 2011-05-02 11:01:38 LEOTIG (better work, better life)


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  • 2011-05-02 11:10:01 (天行健,君子以自强不息!)


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  • 2011-05-02 11:17:08 爬爬 (崩溃的时候还是想到打给你)


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  • 2011-05-02 11:18:09 印天糖 (人生不是情景剧,你想NG就NG)


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  • 2011-05-02 11:19:50 V (good luck)


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  • 2011-05-02 11:25:18 LEOTIG (better work, better life)

    ★★★狮子座——译者: LEOTIG

    你的悠闲状态这个月将改变,这是因为职业与交友会成为你的关注重点。做一个独立自主的人并非易事,但是本月你将无法逃避现实,你必须正视自己的职业而不再继续浪费时间。3日的新月为打破职业沉寂开启大门,促使你正确反思自己的现状,11日火星、水星、15日金星连续点亮你的职业宫时,你完全有能力顺利解决职业难题。 11日前你的焦点是社交与聚会, 11日后职业活动逐渐多起来。只工作不休息可能累跨你,但是本月你能做到两全齐美的,而且你能找到新职位、交到新朋友。本月旅行的能量仍然很强,1日木火合相清晰地表明这一点。 11日水金木相合时,你的远方朋友正期盼着你的到来。17日的满月提醒你不要忘记了定期回顾家人的期望,这可是你的大本营啊。21日太阳入友谊宫时,你的社交活动异常活跃。

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  • 2011-05-02 11:25:24 宇涵 (2011。得人得钱。)


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  • 2011-05-02 11:27:46 陈包纸 (五月五月快点来)


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  • 2011-05-02 11:32:44 (天行健,君子以自强不息!)


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  • 2011-05-02 11:34:19 一一 (真心话大冒险)


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  • 2011-05-02 11:36:33 扭森森 (七月不远,马鼻子下,湖泊含盐)

    ★★★射手座——译者: 扭森森


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  • 2011-05-02 11:39:11 扭森森 (七月不远,马鼻子下,湖泊含盐)


    @calla 正是keira啊~~~我也特喜欢她^_^

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  • 2011-05-02 11:39:35 S.Miyako (I Can't Stop missing You .)


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  • 2011-05-02 11:39:41 熊宝宝




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  • 2011-05-02 11:41:48 S.Miyako (I Can't Stop missing You .)

    升射表示鸡动 希望准

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  • 2011-05-02 11:46:36 爬爬 (崩溃的时候还是想到打给你)






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  • 2011-05-02 11:48:17 Mr.?rina


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  • 2011-05-02 11:48:46 calla



    该来的来 该走的赶紧滚。。。

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  • 2011-05-02 11:49:09 Maha (庆幸有你爱我。)


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  • 2011-05-02 12:12:09 AHL


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  • 2011-05-02 12:35:34 芥末焗白羊


    有没有印象在这段时间你的生活中发生了一些很美妙的事情O(∩_∩)O?如果你的答案是“YES”,那说明你正处在好的调整当中,并且能很好的意识到你的路途中偶然发生的事情。而如果你的答案是“不”,那你一定睡的像头喝多了的猪(自由发挥),或者暂时走在迷雾中。因为,你肿么可能无视所有被你吸引而来的新的机遇呢?!!这个月你的能量正在以多样化的方式来增强你的能力,来帮助你创造更多的财富!而当你有这个意识,在三号之后,新月会带来难以置信的赚钱机会(印钞么)!这个月,有三个行星在你的金钱宫,你会明显看到增加你金钱的新的方式,为你的金钱增值的新手段,对如何好好利用你的金钱你也会有新的思维方式(买买买!!)。 三号之后是一个很好的时间用来理清你的财务状况。经过上个月的对你的财务状况的归纳总结,现在你可以清楚地看到你的财务状况。这是一个最好的时间开始计划明年如何保护你的金钱,并且确保你在最大化你的收入能力!在11号左右可以约见顾问(我觉得应该是规划财务的意思吧),在那一天代表金钱和幸运的行星都会支持你。如果你碰巧遇到一种情况,你没有办法做任何投资或存钱,那是因为你做得努力还不够。 当20号火星和冥王星之间的强大合相让你可以要求加薪,升职或者找份新工作都是好时机!这也是一个好机会去维持你当前的工作,并且把工作关系以外的人起来,就好像驱动自己一样。17号的满月将给你的事业带来鼓励,但是你需要花点时间好好和你的伙伴沟通。满月同样可以使金融协议混乱不清,特别是如果一些事情不澄清。21号之后的任何时间都适宜用来收集信息,和一些顾问对话,去计划一些会面,或是和一些你认为对你的生活会有帮助的人谈谈。太阳为你的人际关系注入能量(抄袭扭森森一句),你将从你听到的信息中获得灵感和启示。23号这一周你的爱情关系里很多问题都将得到证明,对那个特殊的人要有耐心。因为他们可能对一些特定的事情非常敏感而导致你们的关系陷入僵局。避免任何的争论,更要控制你的愤怒。他可能会觉得你不看重他,如果这样,你必须更加赤果果的表达你的感情(*^__^*) 。

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  • 2011-05-02 12:40:44 洛可可 (我不幸福 天理难容)


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  • 2011-05-02 12:52:23 小羽飞飞 (苍山负雪,浮生未歇)


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  • 2011-05-02 13:00:30 (天行健,君子以自强不息!)


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  • 2011-05-02 13:37:40 天蝎梦 (真爱在那,那有真爱?)



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  • 2011-05-02 14:37:13 colin (等待我的完美男人)


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  • 2011-05-02 14:56:04 琍琍


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  • 2011-05-02 14:56:49 lilith. (单身的好处就是只需要心疼自己)


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  • 2011-05-02 15:30:55 潘多拉外传 (带着镣铐跳舞,并为之乐此不疲)



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  • 2011-05-02 15:55:34 Camille


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  • 2011-05-02 16:03:15 洋小洋 (五月不纠结)


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  • 2011-05-02 16:22:27 潘多拉外传 (带着镣铐跳舞,并为之乐此不疲)

    ★★★双子座——译者: 潘多拉外传






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  • 2011-05-02 16:28:05 名不符实的射女 (幸福的秘诀就是别折腾)

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  • 2011-05-02 16:41:30 Ariana (没什么很值得提及的。)

    2011-05-02 12:35:34 芥末焗白羊 纯兴趣,第一次翻译第一次发帖~只因为小白羊我实在是等的很心急呀~~翻得不好~随便拍砖~~BTW~这个月开头身边的盆友们脾气都很急躁吖有木有~都很不耐烦吖有木有~

    哈哈 这次白羊翻译得还是很有爱的!谢谢翻译

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  • 2011-05-02 16:44:11 S.Miyako (I Can't Stop missing You .)


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  • 2011-05-02 18:07:47 圣诞夜惊魂 (都说我笑容甜美=。=)


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  • 2011-05-02 18:28:20 洛可可 (我不幸福 天理难容)


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  • 2011-05-02 18:34:26 Camille

    ★★★摩羯座——译者: camille


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  • 2011-05-02 18:54:33 she said (我想换一颗不会疼的心)


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  • 2011-05-02 20:47:31 魔女 (放下愁緒, 今宵請你多珍重)

    鳮动中.....太美好了, 感情的事不知道, 但家庭事务也在改善是真的, 极有可能你在家呆着的时间越来越少, 這是是可以預見的.

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  • 2011-05-02 21:32:06 pipkin (沉默 緩慢 獨處)


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  • 2011-05-02 21:53:41 缘晶


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  • 2011-05-02 21:57:25 一一 (真心话大冒险)



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  • 2011-05-02 22:15:05 洋小洋 (五月不纠结)


    没有人知道鱼原来你这么健谈。。你会忙着与人交流与社交,忙到几乎不能呼吸!鱼们,对你来说这意味着很多,因为你往往又悠闲又比常人乐于倾听。3号的新月将带给你许多社交的伴,以及许多谈的来的人, 特别是一些人会带给你八卦新闻哦。这是一件好事,因为你需要通过这些信息来知道你身边正发生在什么。这对于你来说是一个机会,在过去几周你已经在某种程度上独处了一段时间,但你其实一点也不介意有人陪伴!有三颗行星在出现你的‘思想’部分,你也许会盼望着与这样那样的人交集。这次新月不仅仅让鱼进入新的交集中,也让你对事物有了新的思考方式。这是一段很棒的时间,你可以开始着手做研究,或者安排时间来针对你觉得很有趣的主题写作或学习。11号,当能量行星火星进入你思想的部分,你可以聚精会神地来处理困难的题目。

