贴吧入室偷内内:工作中发发牢骚,英语怎么表达 - 口语资料 - 口语陪练论坛 英语陪练 - Powered...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/15 10:16:23
1. Yech...it's a beautiful day out. And here I am stuck inside the office with all this paper work. 哎,外面天气那么好,我却得守在办公室处理这些文件。

2. How am I to know what I'm supposed to do if there's no organization around here? 如果这里那么没有条理,我怎么晓得该做些什么好呢?

3. The company is so cheap. We have to sharpen our pencils until they're down to little stubs like this. 公司这么吝啬,害得我们得把铅笔用到这么短。
4. Now where did my eraser go this time? Don't take things off other people's desks without asking them, OK? 这回我的橡皮又到哪里去了?不要不说一声就拿别人桌子上的东西,好吗?

5. I want you to stop hogging my desk space, all right? 你不要再占用我的桌子,好吗?

6. Turn the other way when you smoke, so I won't have to breathe it in, all right? 你抽烟时转向那一边,免得我吸到,行不行?

7. Don't talk to me while I'm in the middle of calculating. 我在计算时,别跟我说话。

8. Ah, heck! Another mistake. The staff here can't even use their calculators right! 真见鬼!又错了。这里的职员连计算器都用不对。

9. Oh, why did he have to give me this rush job now that it's almost time for my lunch break! 哎,快到午餐休息时间了,他为什么非给我这个急件不可!

10. I know I made a mistake. I just wish he wouldn't keep hammering away at it. 我知道我犯错误了。我真希望他不要一直骂个不停。

11. Doing this mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy. 整天做这种不用动脑筋的工作,会让我发疯的。

12. Why do I have to do all these extra needless little jobs anyway? 不管怎样,为什么我得做所有这些多余的、不必要的琐碎工作?

13. How come everyone in our company is middle-aged and stuffy? 为什么我们公司都是一些古板的中年人?

14. Every time he gets drunk, he goes into his lousy preaching routine. 每次一喝醉,他就开始他那令人讨厌的说教。

15. I don't understand what's going on inside these young people's heads. 我不了解这些年轻人的脑子里想的是什么。

16. Say, don't you think Miss Black is using the phone too much for personal calls? 喂,你不觉得布莱克小姐的私人电话打得太多吗?
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