
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/12 18:17:12
1.i dont want to commit myself to anything until i know more about it .  对任何事情表态 2. i have committed  myself to helping him: 保证3.promises made by those time-serving politicians count for nothing4.  He was swept away by the rush of the current and drowned:  被激流 冲走, 而 淹死了5.We highly value the creations  and wisdom of the masses     高度重视 群众的创造和智慧~~~~ 6. 】a short fuse 7.charge a fee for their service 8. For a time, he was looked on a a promising writer  被视为一个有希望的作家9. prospective:预期的,未来的 有希望的                                                  promising , towardly , hopeful , likely 10.assess the impact: 估算影响11.i'd assess your chances as extremely low: 我估计 你成功的机会极微12.attach importance to sth13.commercial circles: 商界14.keep you covered: 纳入我的射程15.hate sb's guts: 对某人恨之入骨16.hold out for long:坚持很久17.keep away  from the furnace :      18. a single gulp of water:19. a pack of beared :胡子拉碴20. i'v  been  holding off these  apes all day:一直在防备这这帮 笨蛋21. His cold manner holds people off : 他冷淡的态度, 使别人不敢接近他22.the harsh voice:沙哑的23.leave the trace: 留下痕迹24.toilet kit:洗簌用品      tennis kit     riding kit  25.he managed to squeeze in 26.the stadium was packed with chanting fans 27】The closet is usually so tightly packed with clothes that i can barely squeeze in my jacket 28. i have come to  believe that :开始 意识到....29.This book is somewhat difficult for the beginners30.the rate of inflation must be held down31.hold down a job :保有一份工作32. i feel guilty about visiting him  so rarely 33.should be compensated for injuries34. the  animal's  good sense of smell compensates for its poor eyesight35. shower sb  with  sth            =       shower  sth on sb 36.the villagers  showered the hospital  with contributions:  给予 捐赠37.the  mayor was showered with questions: 不断遭到 质询38.Shut the window for fear of catching a cold                   for fear of (sth/doing) sth  39.  She  hid the jewelry  for fear that it   would be stolen  40.she vacillated between hope and fear41.the authorities showed no sign of giving in to the kidnapper's  demands. 42.This kind of vacillation not only impairs the parents'ability to set limits     it also sours the parent-child relationship to some degree43.loud noise can impair your hearing  44.the old man has been soured by poverty   sour:使...变遭 。 使..脾气变坏 45 i was robbd of my cash  and cheque-book    46.But overindulging children with material things does little to lessen parental guilt . 47.He can not see ,nor could he hear until a month ago.  引导 倒装.... 48.I was craving for a cigarette. 49.  have   less / much  experience in doing sth    :He has had less experience in teaching 50.i'll meet him , or rather , i'l ask him to  meet me  51. Don't be so cross with me  : 不要对我动怒 52.Mummy will get very cross if you do it again:   会很生气            crossly: 53.By and large ,the company has been pretty good to me 54.Your statement is  in conflict with the rest of the evidence 55.It's my conviction that.......深信.. 56.Do u  always act     in accordance with  your convictions : 一贯 按照信念 行事 57.She arranged flowers in her own fashion:   以...的方式 58.Leave the building in an orderly   fashion  :有序的方式 59.He kept on asking silly questions :   keep on doing  sth  60. turn over a new  leaf : 重新做人 61.He made a thousand and one excuses 62.His name is  familiar to me :为...熟悉             be familiar with sth 63.In the course of  the discussion  many constructive opinions were heared. 64.He often take things so seriously 65.the  patient is much the same:  6.The farmers always grumbling about the weather 67.my dream began to take on the quality of  reality   开始 显现成真的迹象 68. Don't take on more work than you can do     承担(responsibility ,job , etc.) 69.a  fit of rage:  一时气愤  70.You'll soon get accustomed to the job : 71.I perceived his comment as  a challenge. 认为是对我的激励72.too much work  for us  to cope with  73.the other way round  = the other way about   = the other way around:  74.Women may bring their husbands with them , or , the other way about . 75. He  is quick to adapted ( himself )  to  new circumstances 76.the test is of  much  importance 77.This  dictionary   is  of   great   value to students 78.Can  a  be  of  any help  to you   :有所帮助吗? 79   The  estates were passed to him on his's father's death       on sb's death :在某人死时 80.On the death of  sb.........:  在某人死后 81.He wouldn't hear of my  paying for the bill.:   no hear of : 不允许 82.Im fond of playing piano 83.He lefe the company  to start a business of his own 84.I'll  see about it : 考虑    :  see   about 85.The critic is much sought after these days                be much sought after : 非常抢手! 86.He was much sought after on account of his wide reading and  brilliant conversational powers .  87. im  very  attracted to  her 88.I'v put  the finishing touches  on the painting 89.She was just adding the finishing touches to her speech 90.I‘ll lay on a car tomorrow  and i have you run down to London :  安排 了车子 ..... 91. They're taking advantage of you!!  在利用你 92. You  startled me   93.He blushed  at the teacher's praise 94. I  don't blame you for doing that                    blame sb for doing sth  95.He gave all his lands  away to the  city       give away:  放弃  泄漏?  分发?  出卖?  奉献.. 96.  An ill -natured  joke: 恶意的玩笑 97. ragged   clothes 98. A faint smile: 淡淡的笑容 99. How should i go about finding a job       go  about  do/doing sth: 开始着手做....     set about 100.To whom do i have the honour of  speaking        :请问尊姓大名..           May i have the honour of this dance :可以请你跳这舞蹈吗                  have the honour of   / doing sth