芜湖县中医院 托管:C#正则表达式整理备忘

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/10 19:48:46
有一段时间,正则表达式学习很火热很潮流,当时在CSDN一天就能看到好几个正则表达式的帖子,那段时间借助论坛以及Wrox Press出版的《C#字符串和正则表达式参考手册》学习了一些基础的知识,同时也为我在CSDN大概赚了1000分,今天想起来,去找《C#字符串和正则表达式参考手册》时,已经不知所踪了。现在用到正则的时候也比较少,把以前的笔记等整理一下,以志不忘。(1)“@”符号
string x="D:\\My Huang\\My Doc";
string y = @"D:\My Huang\My Doc";
string x = "D:\My Huang\My Doc";(2)基本的语法字符。
\d  0-9的数字
\D  \d的补集(以所以字符为全集,下同),即所有非数字的字符
\w  单词字符,指大小写字母、0-9的数字、下划线
\W  \w的补集
\s  空白字符,包括换行符\n、回车符\r、制表符\t、垂直制表符\v、换页符\f
\S  \s的补集
.  除换行符\n外的任意字符
[…]  匹配[]内所列出的所有字符
[^…]  匹配非[]内所列出的字符
下面提供一些简单的示例:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
string i = "\n";  
string m = "3";  
Regex r = new Regex(@"\D");  
//同Regex r = new Regex("\\D");  
string i = "%";  
string m = "3";  
Regex r = new Regex("[a-z0-9]");  
string i = "\n";
string m = "3";
Regex r = new Regex(@"\D");
//同Regex r = new Regex("\\D");
//r.IsMatch(m)结果:falsestring i = "%";
string m = "3";
Regex r = new Regex("[a-z0-9]");
^  表示其后的字符必须位于字符串的开始处
$  表示其前面的字符必须位于字符串的结束处
\b  匹配一个单词的边界
\B  匹配一个非单词的边界
另外,还包括:\A  前面的字符必须位于字符处的开始处,\z  前面的字符必须位于字符串的结束处,\Z  前面的字符必须位于字符串的结束处,或者位于换行符前
下面提供一些简单的示例:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
string i = "Live for nothing,die for something";  
Regex r1 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,die for something$");  
//r1.IsMatch(i) true  
Regex r2 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,die for some$");  
//r2.IsMatch(i) false  
Regex r3 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,die for some");  
//r3.IsMatch(i) true  
string i = @"Live for nothing,  
die for something";//多行  
Regex r1 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,die for something$");  
Console.WriteLine("r1 match count:" + r1.Matches(i).Count);//0  
Regex r2 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,die for something$", RegexOptions.Multiline);  
Console.WriteLine("r2 match count:" + r2.Matches(i).Count);//0  
Regex r3 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r\ndie for something$");  
Console.WriteLine("r3 match count:" + r3.Matches(i).Count);//1  
Regex r4 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,$");  
Console.WriteLine("r4 match count:" + r4.Matches(i).Count);//0  
Regex r5 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,$", RegexOptions.Multiline);  
Console.WriteLine("r5 match count:" + r5.Matches(i).Count);//0  
Regex r6 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r\n$");  
Console.WriteLine("r6 match count:" + r6.Matches(i).Count);//0  
Regex r7 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r\n$", RegexOptions.Multiline);  
Console.WriteLine("r7 match count:" + r7.Matches(i).Count);//0  
Regex r8 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r$");  
Console.WriteLine("r8 match count:" + r8.Matches(i).Count);//0  
Regex r9 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r$", RegexOptions.Multiline);  
Console.WriteLine("r9 match count:" + r9.Matches(i).Count);//1  
Regex r10 = new Regex("^die for something$");  
Console.WriteLine("r10 match count:" + r10.Matches(i).Count);//0  
Regex r11 = new Regex("^die for something$", RegexOptions.Multiline);  
Console.WriteLine("r11 match count:" + r11.Matches(i).Count);//1  
Regex r12 = new Regex("^");  
Console.WriteLine("r12 match count:" + r12.Matches(i).Count);//1  
Regex r13 = new Regex("$");  
Console.WriteLine("r13 match count:" + r13.Matches(i).Count);//1  
Regex r14 = new Regex("^", RegexOptions.Multiline);  
Console.WriteLine("r14 match count:" + r14.Matches(i).Count);//2  
Regex r15 = new Regex("$", RegexOptions.Multiline);  
Console.WriteLine("r15 match count:" + r15.Matches(i).Count);//2  
Regex r16 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r$\n^die for something$", RegexOptions.Multiline);  
Console.WriteLine("r16 match count:" + r16.Matches(i).Count);//1  
string i = "Live for nothing,die for something";  
string m = "Live for nothing,die for some thing";  
Regex r1 = new Regex(@"\bthing\b");  
Console.WriteLine("r1 match count:" + r1.Matches(i).Count);//0  
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"thing\b");  
Console.WriteLine("r2 match count:" + r2.Matches(i).Count);//2  
Regex r3 = new Regex(@"\bthing\b");  
Console.WriteLine("r3 match count:" + r3.Matches(m).Count);//1  
Regex r4 = new Regex(@"\bfor something\b");  
Console.WriteLine("r4 match count:" + r4.Matches(i).Count);//1  
string i = "Live for nothing,die for something";
Regex r1 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,die for something$");
//r1.IsMatch(i) true
Regex r2 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,die for some$");
//r2.IsMatch(i) false
Regex r3 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,die for some");
//r3.IsMatch(i) truestring i = @"Live for nothing,
die for something";//多行
Regex r1 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,die for something$");
Console.WriteLine("r1 match count:" + r1.Matches(i).Count);//0
Regex r2 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,die for something$", RegexOptions.Multiline);
Console.WriteLine("r2 match count:" + r2.Matches(i).Count);//0
Regex r3 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r\ndie for something$");
Console.WriteLine("r3 match count:" + r3.Matches(i).Count);//1
Regex r4 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,$");
Console.WriteLine("r4 match count:" + r4.Matches(i).Count);//0
Regex r5 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,$", RegexOptions.Multiline);
Console.WriteLine("r5 match count:" + r5.Matches(i).Count);//0
Regex r6 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r\n$");
Console.WriteLine("r6 match count:" + r6.Matches(i).Count);//0
Regex r7 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r\n$", RegexOptions.Multiline);
Console.WriteLine("r7 match count:" + r7.Matches(i).Count);//0
Regex r8 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r$");
Console.WriteLine("r8 match count:" + r8.Matches(i).Count);//0
Regex r9 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r$", RegexOptions.Multiline);
Console.WriteLine("r9 match count:" + r9.Matches(i).Count);//1
Regex r10 = new Regex("^die for something$");
Console.WriteLine("r10 match count:" + r10.Matches(i).Count);//0
Regex r11 = new Regex("^die for something$", RegexOptions.Multiline);
Console.WriteLine("r11 match count:" + r11.Matches(i).Count);//1
Regex r12 = new Regex("^");
Console.WriteLine("r12 match count:" + r12.Matches(i).Count);//1
Regex r13 = new Regex("$");
Console.WriteLine("r13 match count:" + r13.Matches(i).Count);//1
Regex r14 = new Regex("^", RegexOptions.Multiline);
Console.WriteLine("r14 match count:" + r14.Matches(i).Count);//2
Regex r15 = new Regex("$", RegexOptions.Multiline);
Console.WriteLine("r15 match count:" + r15.Matches(i).Count);//2
Regex r16 = new Regex("^Live for nothing,\r$\n^die for something$", RegexOptions.Multiline);
Console.WriteLine("r16 match count:" + r16.Matches(i).Count);//1
//对于一个多行字符串,在设置了Multiline选项之后,^和$将出现多次匹配。string i = "Live for nothing,die for something";
string m = "Live for nothing,die for some thing";
Regex r1 = new Regex(@"\bthing\b");
Console.WriteLine("r1 match count:" + r1.Matches(i).Count);//0
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"thing\b");
Console.WriteLine("r2 match count:" + r2.Matches(i).Count);//2
Regex r3 = new Regex(@"\bthing\b");
Console.WriteLine("r3 match count:" + r3.Matches(m).Count);//1
Regex r4 = new Regex(@"\bfor something\b");
Console.WriteLine("r4 match count:" + r4.Matches(i).Count);//1
{n}  匹配前面的字符n次
{n,}  匹配前面的字符n次或多于n次
{n,m}  匹配前面的字符n到m次
+  匹配前面的字符1次或多于1次
*  匹配前面的字符0次或式于0次
以下提供一些简单的示例:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
string x = "1024";  
string y = "+1024";  
string z = "1,024";  
string a = "1";  
string b="-1024";  
string c = "10000";  
Regex r = new Regex(@"^\+?[1-9],?\d{3}$");  
Console.WriteLine("x match count:" + r.Matches(x).Count);//1  
Console.WriteLine("y match count:" + r.Matches(y).Count);//1  
Console.WriteLine("z match count:" + r.Matches(z).Count);//1  
Console.WriteLine("a match count:" + r.Matches(a).Count);//0  
Console.WriteLine("b match count:" + r.Matches(b).Count);//0  
Console.WriteLine("c match count:" + r.Matches(c).Count);//0  
string x = "1024";
string y = "+1024";
string z = "1,024";
string a = "1";
string b="-1024";
string c = "10000";
Regex r = new Regex(@"^\+?[1-9],?\d{3}$");
Console.WriteLine("x match count:" + r.Matches(x).Count);//1
Console.WriteLine("y match count:" + r.Matches(y).Count);//1
Console.WriteLine("z match count:" + r.Matches(z).Count);//1
Console.WriteLine("a match count:" + r.Matches(a).Count);//0
Console.WriteLine("b match count:" + r.Matches(b).Count);//0
Console.WriteLine("c match count:" + r.Matches(c).Count);//0
C#正则表达式中的 (|) 符号似乎没有一个专门的称谓,姑且称之为“择一匹配”吧。事实上,像[a-z]也是一种择一匹配,只不过它只能匹配单个字符,而(|)则提供了更大的范围,(ab|xy)表示匹配ab或匹配xy。注意“|”与“()”在此是一个整体。下面提供一些简单的示例:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
string x = "0";  
string y = "0.23";  
string z = "100";  
string a = "100.01";  
string b = "9.9";  
string c = "99.9";  
string d = "99.";  
string e = "00.1";  
Regex r = new Regex(@"^\+?((100(.0+)*)|([1-9]?[0-9])(\.\d+)*)$");  
Console.WriteLine("x match count:" + r.Matches(x).Count);//1  
Console.WriteLine("y match count:" + r.Matches(y).Count);//1  
Console.WriteLine("z match count:" + r.Matches(z).Count);//1  
Console.WriteLine("a match count:" + r.Matches(a).Count);//0  
Console.WriteLine("b match count:" + r.Matches(b).Count);//1  
Console.WriteLine("c match count:" + r.Matches(c).Count);//1  
Console.WriteLine("d match count:" + r.Matches(d).Count);//0  
Console.WriteLine("e match count:" + r.Matches(e).Count);//0  
string x = "0";
string y = "0.23";
string z = "100";
string a = "100.01";
string b = "9.9";
string c = "99.9";
string d = "99.";
string e = "00.1";
Regex r = new Regex(@"^\+?((100(.0+)*)|([1-9]?[0-9])(\.\d+)*)$");
Console.WriteLine("x match count:" + r.Matches(x).Count);//1
Console.WriteLine("y match count:" + r.Matches(y).Count);//1
Console.WriteLine("z match count:" + r.Matches(z).Count);//1
Console.WriteLine("a match count:" + r.Matches(a).Count);//0
Console.WriteLine("b match count:" + r.Matches(b).Count);//1
Console.WriteLine("c match count:" + r.Matches(c).Count);//1
Console.WriteLine("d match count:" + r.Matches(d).Count);//0
Console.WriteLine("e match count:" + r.Matches(e).Count);//0
下面提供一些简单的示例:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
string x = "\\";  
Regex r1 = new Regex("^\\\\$");  
Console.WriteLine("r1 match count:" + r1.Matches(x).Count);//1  
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"^\\$");  
Console.WriteLine("r2 match count:" + r2.Matches(x).Count);//1  
Regex r3 = new Regex("^\\$");  
Console.WriteLine("r3 match count:" + r3.Matches(x).Count);//0  
string x = "\"";  
Regex r1 = new Regex("^\"$");  
Console.WriteLine("r1 match count:" + r1.Matches(x).Count);//1  
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"^""$");  
Console.WriteLine("r2 match count:" + r2.Matches(x).Count);//1  
string x = "\\";
Regex r1 = new Regex("^\\\\$");
Console.WriteLine("r1 match count:" + r1.Matches(x).Count);//1
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"^\\$");
Console.WriteLine("r2 match count:" + r2.Matches(x).Count);//1
Regex r3 = new Regex("^\\$");
Console.WriteLine("r3 match count:" + r3.Matches(x).Count);//0
//匹配“\”string x = "\"";
Regex r1 = new Regex("^\"$");
Console.WriteLine("r1 match count:" + r1.Matches(x).Count);//1
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"^""$");
Console.WriteLine("r2 match count:" + r2.Matches(x).Count);//1
以下提供一些简单的示例:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
string x = "Live for nothing,die for something";  
string y = "Live for nothing,die for somebody";  
Regex r = new Regex(@"^Live ([a-z]{3}) no([a-z]{5}),die \1 some\2$");  
Console.WriteLine("x match count:" + r.Matches(x).Count);//1  
Console.WriteLine("y match count:" + r.Matches(y).Count);//0  
string x = "Live for nothing,die for something";  
Regex r = new Regex(@"^Live for no([a-z]{5}),die for some\1$");  
if (r.IsMatch(x))  
    Console.WriteLine("group1 value:" + r.Match(x).Groups[1].Value);//输出:thing  
string x = "Live for nothing,die for something";  
Regex r = new Regex(@"^Live for no(?[a-z]{5}),die for some\1$");  
if (r.IsMatch(x))  
    Console.WriteLine("group1 value:" + r.Match(x).Groups["g1"].Value);//输出:thing  
string x = "Live for nothing nothing";  
Regex r = new Regex(@"([a-z]+) \1");  
if (r.IsMatch(x))  
    x = r.Replace(x, "$1");  
    Console.WriteLine("var x:" + x);//输出:Live for nothing  
string x = "Live for nothing nothing";  
Regex r = new Regex(@"(?[a-z]+) \1");  
if (r.IsMatch(x))  
    x = r.Replace(x, "${g1}");  
    Console.WriteLine("var x:" + x);//输出:Live for nothing  
string x = "Live for nothing";  
Regex r = new Regex(@"^Live for no(?:[a-z]{5})$");  
if (r.IsMatch(x))  
    Console.WriteLine("group1 value:" + r.Match(x).Groups[1].Value);//输出:(空)  
string x = "Live for nothing,die for something";
string y = "Live for nothing,die for somebody";
Regex r = new Regex(@"^Live ([a-z]{3}) no([a-z]{5}),die \1 some\2$");
Console.WriteLine("x match count:" + r.Matches(x).Count);//1
Console.WriteLine("y match count:" + r.Matches(y).Count);//0
//正则表达式引擎会记忆“()”中匹配到的内容,作为一个“组”,并且可以通过索引的方式进行引用。表达式中的“\1”,用于反向引用表达式中出现的第一个组,即粗体标识的第一个括号内容,“\2”则依此类推。string x = "Live for nothing,die for something";
Regex r = new Regex(@"^Live for no([a-z]{5}),die for some\1$");
if (r.IsMatch(x))
    Console.WriteLine("group1 value:" + r.Match(x).Groups[1].Value);//输出:thing
//获取组中的内容。注意,此处是Groups[1],因为Groups[0]是整个匹配的字符串,即整个变量x的内容。string x = "Live for nothing,die for something";
Regex r = new Regex(@"^Live for no(?[a-z]{5}),die for some\1$");
if (r.IsMatch(x))
    Console.WriteLine("group1 value:" + r.Match(x).Groups["g1"].Value);//输出:thing
//可根据组名进行索引。使用以下格式为标识一个组的名称(?…)。string x = "Live for nothing nothing";
Regex r = new Regex(@"([a-z]+) \1");
if (r.IsMatch(x))
    x = r.Replace(x, "$1");
    Console.WriteLine("var x:" + x);//输出:Live for nothing
string x = "Live for nothing nothing";
Regex r = new Regex(@"(?[a-z]+) \1");
if (r.IsMatch(x))
    x = r.Replace(x, "${g1}");
    Console.WriteLine("var x:" + x);//输出:Live for nothing
}string x = "Live for nothing";
Regex r = new Regex(@"^Live for no(?:[a-z]{5})$");
if (r.IsMatch(x))
    Console.WriteLine("group1 value:" + r.Match(x).Groups[1].Value);//输出:(空)
正则表达式的引擎是贪婪,只要模式允许,它将匹配尽可能多的字符。通过在“重复描述字符”(*,+)后面添加“?”,可以将匹配模式改成非贪婪。请看以下示例:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
string x = "Live for nothing,die for something";  
Regex r1 = new Regex(@".*thing");  
if (r1.IsMatch(x))  
    Console.WriteLine("match:" + r1.Match(x).Value);//输出:Live for nothing,die for something  
Regex r2 = new Regex(@".*?thing");  
if (r2.IsMatch(x))  
    Console.WriteLine("match:" + r2.Match(x).Value);//输出:Live for nothing  

string x = "Live for nothing,die for something";
Regex r1 = new Regex(@".*thing");
if (r1.IsMatch(x))
    Console.WriteLine("match:" + r1.Match(x).Value);//输出:Live for nothing,die for something
Regex r2 = new Regex(@".*?thing");
if (r2.IsMatch(x))
    Console.WriteLine("match:" + r2.Match(x).Value);//输出:Live for nothing
使用“(?>…)”方式进行非回溯声明。由于正则表达式引擎的贪婪特性,导致它在某些情况下,将进行回溯以获得匹配,请看下面的示例:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
string x = "Live for nothing,die for something";  
Regex r1 = new Regex(@".*thing,");  
if (r1.IsMatch(x))  
    Console.WriteLine("match:" + r1.Match(x).Value);//输出:Live for nothing,  
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"(?>.*)thing,");  
if (r2.IsMatch(x))//不匹配  
    Console.WriteLine("match:" + r2.Match(x).Value);  
string x = "Live for nothing,die for something";
Regex r1 = new Regex(@".*thing,");
if (r1.IsMatch(x))
    Console.WriteLine("match:" + r1.Match(x).Value);//输出:Live for nothing,
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"(?>.*)thing,");
if (r2.IsMatch(x))//不匹配
    Console.WriteLine("match:" + r2.Match(x).Value);
正向预搜索声明格式:正声明 “(?=…)”,负声明 “(?!...)” ,声明本身不作为最终匹配结果的一部分,请看下面的示例:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
string x = "1024 used 2048 free";  
Regex r1 = new Regex(@"\d{4}(?= used)");  
if (r1.Matches(x).Count==1)  
    Console.WriteLine("r1 match:" + r1.Match(x).Value);//输出:1024  
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"\d{4}(?! used)");  
if (r2.Matches(x).Count==1)  
    Console.WriteLine("r2 match:" + r2.Match(x).Value); //输出:2048  
//r1中的正声明表示必须保证在四位数字的后面必须紧跟着“ used”,r2中的负声明表示四位数字之后不能跟有“ used”。 
string x = "1024 used 2048 free";
Regex r1 = new Regex(@"\d{4}(?= used)");
if (r1.Matches(x).Count==1)
    Console.WriteLine("r1 match:" + r1.Match(x).Value);//输出:1024
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"\d{4}(?! used)");
if (r2.Matches(x).Count==1)
    Console.WriteLine("r2 match:" + r2.Match(x).Value); //输出:2048
//r1中的正声明表示必须保证在四位数字的后面必须紧跟着“ used”,r2中的负声明表示四位数字之后不能跟有“ used”。
 反向预搜索声明格式:正声明“(?<=)”,负声明“(?string x = "used:1024 free:2048";  
Regex r1 = new Regex(@"(?<=used:)\d{4}");  
if (r1.Matches(x).Count==1)  
    Console.WriteLine("r1 match:" + r1.Match(x).Value);//输出:1024  
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"(?if (r2.Matches(x).Count==1)  
    Console.WriteLine("r2 match:" + r2.Match(x).Value);//输出:2048  
string x = "used:1024 free:2048";
Regex r1 = new Regex(@"(?<=used:)\d{4}");
if (r1.Matches(x).Count==1)
    Console.WriteLine("r1 match:" + r1.Match(x).Value);//输出:1024
Regex r2 = new Regex(@"(?if (r2.Matches(x).Count==1)
    Console.WriteLine("r2 match:" + r2.Match(x).Value);//输出:2048
正则表达式中,可以使用 "\xXX" 和 "\uXXXX" 表示一个字符("X" 表示一个十六进制数)形式字符范围:
\xXX       编号在 0到255 范围的字符,比如:空格可以使用 "\x20" 表示。
\uXXXX   任何字符可以使用 "\u" 再加上其编号的4位十六进制数表示,比如:汉字可以使用“[\u4e00-\u9fa5]”表示。 (12)对[0,100]的比较完备的匹配
*数值是可带后缀的,如“1.07f”表示该值为一个float类型(未考虑)view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
Regex r = new Regex(@"^\+?0*(?:100(\.0*)?|(\d{0,2}(?=\.\d)|\d{1,2}(?=($|\.$)))(\.\d*)?)$");  
string x = "";  
while (true)  
    x = Console.ReadLine();  
    if (x != "exit")  
        if (r.IsMatch(x))  
            Console.WriteLine(x + " succeed!");  
            Console.WriteLine(x + " failed!");  

Regex r = new Regex(@"^\+?0*(?:100(\.0*)?|(\d{0,2}(?=\.\d)|\d{1,2}(?=($|\.$)))(\.\d*)?)$");
string x = "";
while (true)
    x = Console.ReadLine();
    if (x != "exit")
        if (r.IsMatch(x))
            Console.WriteLine(x + " succeed!");
            Console.WriteLine(x + " failed!");
来自:http://www.cnblogs.com/KissKnife/archive/2008/03/23/1118423.html 本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/gaofang2009/archive/2010/01/29/5267983.aspx