
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/19 19:15:58


2010-01-19 23:09:25
Don't you even try to fool me! I'm no country cousin.你甭想蒙我!我可不是乡巴佬.I'm afraid I can't drop the price any further.这是最低价了.You are pricing yourself out of the market!你这是漫天要价!It's a daylight robbery! OrYou must be putting me on. To charge 50 yuan for a mere cup of tea!简直是抢劫!一杯茶就要我50块.I'm not kidding, but we are making a fair deal—30 yuan is quite acceptable for a decent man like you.我不是跟你开玩笑.你是个体面人,30块的加钱很合理.Do be reasonable! My offer is based on a minimum profit.我这价儿不高,利已经够薄了.Drive a bargain, or you are certain to be overcharged.要砍砍价,不然你一定会被宰.Bargaining is child's play for an old hand like her.她是个砍价老手,讨价还价对她来说就跟小孩子做游戏那么简单.He got it on the cheap. It is not surprising that it broke down only a week later.他买的是便宜货,所以一个星期就坏了,一点不奇怪.My grandma was always pinching pennies when she bought anything.我奶奶买什么东西都恨不得一分钱掰成两半花.Hey, don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth.别想宰我,我识货。Can you give me a little deal on this?这能卖得便宜一点吗?Can you give me this for cheaper?能便宜一点给我吗?Is there any discount on bulk purchases?我多买些能打折吗?Give me a discount.给我打个折吧。How much do you want for this?这件东西你想卖多少钱?If you don't give me a better price, I won't buy this.如果价格不更优惠些,我是不会买的。I can get this cheaper at other places.这样东西我在别的地方可以买到更便宜的。What's the lowest you're willing to go?最低你能出什么价?Come on, give me a break on this.别这样,你就让点儿价吧。例如:A: Good afternoon.What can I show you? 下午好,想买些什么?B: I need a dinette set.我要买一套餐桌椅.A: How's this one? 这套怎么样?B: Looks all right.How much do you sell it? 看起来不错,卖多少钱?A: 850 dollars.850美元.B: This is out of my price range. 这超出了我的预算范围./太贵了.A: What's your general price range? 那你要的价位是多少呢?B: Around 400 dollars. 400美元左右.A: Is this one all right?It costs 380 dollars.那这个怎么样?只卖380元.B: It suits me.Does the price include delivery and installation charge?这个倒是适合我.价格包括运费和安装费吗?A: Yes,of course.是的,当然.B: OK,I'll take this one.好的,我就要这套了