镭射加工:人物的天赋属性点的说明 骄阳社区

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/20 08:29:11

Attribute Explanations 属性说明
Intelligence 智力 - describes the capacity for creative and logic-based thinking and reasoning. This attribute helps in scientific pursuits and other activities that require good deductive skills. 创造性逻辑思维能力和分析能力。该属性主要影响科学上的学习能力以及创造性技能的学习
Charisma 魅力- is a character's attractiveness to others. A high charisma attribute helps in all dealings with NPCs. 角色对他人的吸引力和影响力。 高魅力属性能大大利于跟NPC的沟通和交流。
Perception 感知力- describes a character's situational awareness and ability to adapt and react quickly to rapidly changing situations. Good perception helps on the battlefield and in situations where good reflexes are critical. 角色对外界变化的反应能力。高感知力能使角色在高度紧张的战场上保持机敏,随机应变。
Memory 记忆力- is the ability to store and retrieve data quickly and efficiently thus making complex and repetitive activities, such as manufacturing and production, easier to perform. 角色记忆、回忆信息的能力,对例如制造以及生产方面的活动非常有帮助。
Willpower 意志力- is the drive and determination useful for commanders, greatly enhancing their leadership abilities. 意志力对指挥官来说是非常重要的属性,能加强他们的领导力。
Selecting a bloodline and gender 选择血统和性别
After you have selected your race the next thing is to select a bloodline and then gender. Each bloodline has a slightly different set of starting skills. 选择完种族以后就该选择血统以及性别。不同的血统初始技能略有不同。
Move the mouse over the "i" icon to reveal more information on each bloodline. The "book" icon reveals the basic skills you will receive for that bloodline, while the lower icon will show its basic starting attributes.
Bloodlines help to shape what your character will be most adept at doing, whether he/she is a cunning scientist, or a relentless fighter, or any other profession. 将鼠标移动到 “i” 字图标上,能看到不同血统的信息。“书”形标记显示了该血统的初始技能。最下面的标志显示了角色的初始属性。
