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由于美国房地产价格的大幅跳水,不少中国人开始来美国寻找投资机会,中国大陆的媒体也开始把这个趋势当做是中国正在成为仅次于美国和日本的全球第三大经济体的又一个标志。BEIJING &mdash Amid a downturn in real-estate prices, some wealthy Chinese are signing up for home-buying tours to the U.S., and Chinese media tout the trend as another sign of the strength of what's now the world's third-largest economy behind the U.S. and Japan. “目前美国的房产价格降得非常厉害,”来自某法律咨询机构的应国华说道。他刚刚与一群来自中国的精英结束了为期11天的旅美访问。“就眼下的形式来看,现在是中国人在美投资的绝佳机会。”"The real estate prices in America have gone down drastically," said Yin Guohua, a partner in a law firm who recently returned from an 11-day U.S. tour with a group of Chinese elite. "It's a good option for Chinese people who want to buy for investment."在这周的早些时候,中国中央电视台的著名节目:东方时空用了近半个小时专门讨论关于在美房地产的选择与投资,不少报纸也报道了与此类似的内容,认为这些中国人将会是在美投资的主力军。In prime time earlier this week, China Central Television's popular Oriental Horizon program dedicated half an hour to the topic of house-hunting tours to the U.S. The tours also have been the subject of numerous newspaper articles, some of them suggesting that the buying power of newly rich Chinese might help salvage U.S. real estate woes. “我们今年可能会派出十只队伍,”搜房网总裁文森特 莫说。他的公司是中国大陆最著名的组织房地产考察团的两家公司之一。他说,“目前有超过500个人申请我们的赴美房地产考察团项目。”"We'll probably take more than 10 groups this year," said Vincent Mo, chairman of SouFun Holdings, one of two companies known to be organizing the house-buying trips. "There are more than 500 people applying to go with the SouFun team to look at property in the U.S."当然并非所有的赴美考察者最终都会购买房子。一些人可能只是想先大致的观察一下美国的投资情况,也有一些人可能是想让他们的儿女能在获得在美教育的机会,或者这让他们在美国学习的时候有第二个家,以此作为跨进美国社会门栏的方法。Not all of those on the tours are serious property investors. Some want a quick look around the U.S. Others want a son or daughter to obtain a U.S. education and think that buying property will get a foot in the door.文森特 莫说,甚至连他也不知道,在第一次赴美考察团的40十个人中,有多少人当时就在美国购置了房产。“当我问到他们的时候,没有人说他们做成了一笔交易或者买了什么东西。”Mo acknowledged that he doesn't know if anyone among the first group of 40 Chinese investors, who traveled in February, bought U.S. property.当应律师被问到他是否在没过购置了房产时,回绝道:“中国人往往对此类事情试为个人私事,而不大喜欢别人问到自己是否购买了房产或者房产的价格等等此类信息。”"When we asked them, no one said they had made a deal, or bought something. It's a privacy thing," Mo said. Yin, the lawyer, demurred when asked whether he'd bid on a house: "Chinese people like to keep private about whether they've brought property and how much they've paid for it."美国房地产市场的低迷使得美国房地产价格实际上已经低于不少中国大城市的房地产价格。The U.S. real-estate slump has made property in major U.S. cities seem cheaper than in China's larger cities, real-estate professionals said.“如果你想买一套新的房子,那么在北京,上海或者广州买上一套的价格或许可以在美国买上几套了,”安娜 卡利法说道。她是荷兰卡丹集团旗下开发部子公司,GTC地产中国区的副总裁。在诸如华盛顿这样的城市:你可以用同样的钱买到比在中国中心城市的更大面积的房子。“"If you take a brand new apartment in a first tier city, like Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou, you can buy a lot more equivalent in the United States," said Anna Kalifa, a vice president of business development at GTC Real Estate China, a development arm of the Kardan Group, based in the Netherlands. In a city such as Washington, she said, "you can get more bang for your buck, square meter per square meter."赴美房地产考察团的组织者罗杰对此也表示同意:”你只要花40-50万USD就可以买一套比国内同等价格(250-350万RMB)好很多的房子。“罗还拿出了一张用中文简体写出的单子,上面列满了横跨整个美国的法拍屋及其他性价比很高的房产名录:从西海岸的洛杉矶,旧金山;到拉斯维加斯;再到东海岸的纽约波士顿。Luo Jie, a tour organizer for those wanting to buy U.S. property, concurred: "You can buy a much better home in America for $400,000 or $500,000 than you can buy here." Luo pulled out a promotional folder written in Mandarin with numerous listings of foreclosed U.S. properties in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Boston and New York.”现在市场上有不少因为经济危机而被没收的抵押房地产,“罗说,”现在它们被低价出售。“罗的公司是中国天鹅国际旅行,将会在未来的几周里组织第一期赴美投资考察。”"There are more and more foreclosed properties on the market," Luo said, adding that his company, China Swan International Tours, will take an initial tour group within a few weeks.“一些人是想在美国购置安身之地,而也有一些人仅仅是想在那儿作投资。”"Some of these businessmen already have links to America and want to get property. Others are simply looking for a good investment," Luo said.罗另外也说道,不少中国人在进行海外投资的时候遇到了一些障碍,比如人民币还不能很便捷地转换成外币,只有在特殊情况下比如贸易,旅行或者其它目的。Luo acknowledged that Chinese investors face hurdles in getting their wealth out of the country. The Chinese currency, the yuan, is not fully convertible in currency markets, and can be exchanged only under certain conditions for trade, tourism and other purposes.些中国人不想对媒体谈论它们赴美投资的原因包括很多种,比如在海外拥有资产可能涉及到税务问题,财产来源的解释问题。一些赴美投资考察团的人可能是政府官员,他们极力想避免谈论他们的财产来源。Those difficulties may be the reason few Chinese taking part in the tours speak to the media. Holding wealth out of the country may raise questions about tax evasion or how the wealth was amassed. Some participants also appear to be government officials who want to avoid explaining how they got wealthy.东方时空在节目中说,去年在美国有7.5%的房地产卖给了来自中国大陆,台湾和香港的客户。The Oriental Horizon program said 7.5 percent of U.S. residential property sold to foreigners last year went to investors from mainland China, Taiwan or Hong Kong. One real-estate commentator, Wang Shitai, downplayed the significance of the tours.考察团组织者说,目前的需求是令人满意的。尽管不少中国人由于各种原因,诸如不熟悉美国的法律程序,语言障碍,以及对美国的房产社区信息缺乏了解等等,而怯于赴美投资。但这个状况正在改观,诸如采美居此类网站就是专注于中国赴美投资者而建立的。"In times of crisis, entertainment is needed," Wang told the TV program. "News about people buying houses in America has strong entertainment value. Agents want commissions, and the media focus on the topic." Organizers of the tours, however, say that they satisfy a need. Few Chinese dare to venture on their own to buy a house in the U.S. because of the language barrier and lack of familiarity with legal procedures.”他们需要一个机构来为他们提供专业的服务,比如搜房,“文森特 莫说:”我们有专业房地产经纪人和完善的法律服务,保险公司。“"They need an organization like SouFun to consolidate professionals into one place," Mo said. "We have the broker agents there, and the law firms and insurance companies standing by."应先生说不少中国人认为美国房地产还会继续下滑一段时间:"一些人仍然认为美国房地产价格尚未触底,他们在等待最好的时机。Yin said some Chinese think the slide of the U.S. real estate market may continue. "Some people think it's still not time to buy. In some places, the prices haven't gone down so far yet," Yin said.